#PullTheRipcord Blizzard, the flaws of Covenants have already been exposed

And how is some covenant abilities being useless in one form of content but the best in others going to be handled without making them easily changeable ?


Awesome! What’s the mechanic for returning to a Covenant you’ve left? What’re the numbers for all the abilities going into the raid tier? How are the different Covenants performing on +15s?

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Ah yes 2-3 months of beta it’s gonna fix everything!


By those abilities being really great in those scenarios and not great out of the others.

My eight ball says to ask again later.

Whoa! That completely fixed the issue, you weren’t kidding this system is going to work out guys.

It’s all okay! You just have to suck in 3/4 content.


I haven’t bothered to do any Pathfinder because its stupid. Could have just made flying interactive with the game, instead… Pathfinder.

I guess it’s not shocker that I dont find much redeeming about the last three expansions because they were all bad minus the pretty art and extra races.


Looking forward to my post being unflagged shortly, because obviously it didn’t break any rules.


“Oh shoot I’m not getting as big of numbers as the guy beside me, but we still did the dungeon without an issue. So traumatizing.”

I could forgive a lot if they finally gave us that stupid lightning bolt animation BFA npcs have that we don’t have yet for some reason.

Oh man, give it another shake! I don’t know what to think without wild guesswork! Or should I just subscribe to pithy hashtags instead? I’m not sure…

What level dungeon? When you start getting higher bigger numbers helps in completing a key.

Don’t make you look at your profile to pull rank on you.


One does not simply just shake the eight ball, you have angered my black orb of wisdom, begone.

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Blizzard timegated my likes so have an emoji instead: :rofl:


BfA was my last straw, honestly. Shadowlands is the first expansion since the midnight release of BC that I won’t be buying up front. GGz Ion, you “win.”


I did keystone master for BFA season 4. Played a Havoc DH because I enjoyed how they played.

Man a certain panda must have flagged you on all his alts absolutely ridiculous that this is hidden. Almost as nuts as blizz’s most recent changes.


Inc: “Ree DH”

If someone can tell me one benefit of this system that isn’t based around making one part of the community suffer being a good thing and not using a buzz phrase like “meaningful choice” I’ll be very grateful


Yeah I gotta say, if covenants go live like this, I’m probably just going to give up WoW.

There’s absolutely no fudging way I waste my time lvling 4 of the same class, gearing 4 of the same class, just so I can effectively do Raid tanking/Mythic + tanking/Raid DPS/Mythic + DPS/Arena DPS.

That simply isn’t going to happen. Either I have the choice to do everything optimal in a game on a single character or I just don’t play your dog crap rot game.