Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

Hahaha! BRO this is World of Warcraft. A fictional place where nothing is real. Flaunting an in-game item isn’t going to send you Christians to hell.

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The best compromise would have been to release a recolor for each class’ weapon, even if it was just one each like they did one werebear recolor. I think it’s a bit disappointing for other classes to not get a cool weapon tint at all. The whole hype around the mage tower was for the weapons, not so much recolors armor sets you can obtain already

You sound very immature, I’ll assume you’re 12, so I’ll let you slide. Regardless, the bear skin will be valuable to whoever gets it. Plus, if you get it, which I know you will, then everything you’re saying is to try to make people feel bad. If it’s of no value to you, don’t bother getting it.

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The druids are not, I repeat, not getting their unobtainable artifact appearance back. They are getting one entirely new recolor of a form. And honestly, if you look at it, it’s virtually the same as the rest of us getting the recolored tiersets. They don’t spend much time in humanform, them only getting a tierset (rip boomie and feral) would be unfair. This is not preferential treatment.

Those were never announced as being limited edition cosmetic items whereas the Mage Tower cosmetics from Legion were given plenty of notice. It’s a, “YOU” issue if you didn’t play then or didn’t have the skill to get them back then.

Throwing a hissy fit and tossing second-grade childish insults to random people certainly won’t help any of your arguments.

I played during Legion and chose not to go for those cosmetics as I was working on different things at the time. I made the choice not to do it and I agree with Blizzard’s stance on it.

All of this is a you issue, not a Blizzard one or any one else’s.

no cause whatever they did people wont stop until they think they get everything they want and it never stops from one thing to the next and btw you really dont know what they might drop in there later at some other time. this crap is a perfect example of adults acting quite childish never happy and now we know why blizz goes silent. people get stuff and just never stops post after post after post never happy.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! (In a Darth Vader voice).

Its my precious (Pets mage tower transmog skin)


Why would I bother with the knock-off when I can rock the OGs?

level a Druid. problem solved

Because like most people, you claim you won’t get it, then end up getting it because deep inside you know it may be cooler than the original.

I mean to be fair, if someone wasn’t able to obtain the skin back in the day due to player ability, then they probably don’t deserve it in the first place, as harsh as that sounds.

Them being previously unobtainable colours makes them the definition of unique. Sure they may not be new sets but I can now have a cool looking Xuen T20 mythic set in tiger orange, that will be unique to this Legion timewalking mage tower event.

It just goes to show that a proper armour dying system/mechanic could be a instant success with players.

Blizz just wanted it to get the press of the MT buy didn’t want to spend the money to give valuable rewards, just more crappy recolors.

No. You don’t “deserve” anything.

Those rewards were intended for folks who put in the time and hard work and effort to earn them during the time that they were available.

You don’t get to get them now just for showing up. You didn’t put in the work then you don’t get it now.

Get over it.

No, its not mine or anyone else’s problem that you didn’t play or didn’t have the ability to earn them when they took effort and time to achieve

You didn’t get them then, you don’t get them now, end of story.

Some content take skill, and just because you pay does not entitle you to receiving everything in game.

That’s not how MMO’s work, and acting like you’re entitled to it is just childish.

It’s not even one class.

It’s one spec for one class.

Yea that’s why I said EARN. It should be there to be acquired. That doesn’t mean it should be easy or handed out.

Going back on their word is bad. We should hope they don’t do that anymore.

There are systems affecting everyday play and progression in this game that are much more accurately described as FOMO than the MT.

But your deeply-felt concern and pretense of damage is a purely optional solo challenge available for months that rewarded cosmetic appearances, was broadly appreciated by those who participated, had absolutely no affect on character power or progression, was not a factor into admittance into player-gated content, and unlocked no other progression content. And the remedy for this pretentious claim of damage is specifically and only to take the exclusivity of those appearances from those who earned them.
