Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

They should keep them unobtainable tbh. There really aren’t that many solo challenges that are truly solo, and if PvE and PvP can have unobtainable things per expansion and season, solo content should have a little bit of that too. This isn’t a dig at people that want those appearances, though, I just think wow could do a little better on offering more challenging, truly solo content vs all the grouping up stuff we have and have had.

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FOMO is a disgusting practice and should be removed in all forms.


It is amusing to see players ignoring other players and calling Blizzard tone deaf for not ignoring those other players as well.

So why only Guardian Druids deserve it? And please don’t come up with their bad excuse, it doesn’t change your own point in the slightest.

I dont get the whole sensation wanting to bring back items that were advertised as limited time and if you played during that time you had ample time to get these appearances before they eventually get removed, I can see the reason why but when a company says these rewards are limited time and therefore will not be returning in future, there is some appearances I have from the the mage tower and there is some I have missed but at the end of the day, I missed out on some of them, no big deal.

Heck I started playing FFXIV and I have seen people with items that I want but no longer obtainable but again no big deal, I didn’t play the game during the time when it was obtainable and there is other armor sets and weapons that are also cool that I would like to collect for transmog.

Not exclusive to Blizzard though.

I have some items in Dota like the new bloom 2015 stuff (only loading screen, red horn and jade horn couriers albeit still obtainable only through community market, not by ingame anymore) and the international 2020 Underlord set.

Agreed. If you’re going to give the bear druids a recolor of their ‘weapon’ all the other classes and specs should get recolors of their weapons too. Either go all in or get out.


Vulpera are disgusting creatures and should be removed in all forms.

Only doing one challenge: bear.

Not only are the sets bad but do not rate as Mt rewards. The only transmogs that should be from Mt are weapons and druid forms.

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They’ve already given in by giving a werebear skin out… sure, its the druid’s model, but it is exclusive to MT. There are many druids who rush to get it to ensure they would have the form, yet now every druid can get it. This is no different from players with their weapon xmogs…

The whole excuse of the firmly established rule goes out the window if you give even a single one of them one. If druids got a unique bear form model this time instead or recolor of an existing bear form model, it would have okay, but they got the exact one from MT.

Nope, none of the originals should ever be available again.

I get all your points and I beat the mage tower on multiple toons during legion so I have my appearances however
They don’t have unique class sets anymore. They don’t have many really detailed weapons especially class based ones.
They are hemorrhaging players by the day.
I want people playing the game. Making people be able to get these would be a reason for people to play.
Scale the gear down if you want to make it as hard as it used to be but honestly who cares.
We have titles and achievements to indicate who got what when and who is special.
This is an area that Blizzard doesn’t need to be anti-fun.
I promise you most people truly don’t care if someone gets to earn an old weapon appearance.


I’m actually confident that the % of people who do the new mage tower will correspond to maybe 10-20% of the playerbase, proportional to how many max level characters for each class exists currently in the game (I miss WoWpop)

I’ll be in shock if the % of people who get the flying book is higher than 5% since they tied it to SEVEN characters doing the challenge

Most people currently only have at most four characters being maintained, and I imagine most people actually gave up on maintaining alts given the incoherence of the systems

so again I wonder, who is this for?

This isn’t going to keep players who have unsubbed already.

This isn’t going to return players who have quit.

This isn’t going to attract new players since they pushed to maintain “Muh FOMO Pride”

So what’s the point lol

there are 2 sides to this though, if you want new players to bother with the game then you cant have so many items you won’t ever have access to, Mounts Pets Titles Transmog, Why cant it be like Herald for the Titans where its level, item level gated?

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There’s never been other flails in the game either though.

Lets rip every chord in History , guys :sunglasses:

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we’ll see where this goes

They think playing during a certain time period is such a huuuuuuge achievement.
How dare other people have work/career commitments/or kids!!!


I think they compromised enough bringing back the werebear reskin for all the cry babies but the incentive to complete the challenge back in the day was the fact that these were going to be exclusive, they are like a badge of honor.

MoP challenge mode sets, WoD challenge mode weapons, & these artifact appearances are a badge of honor given to the most dedicated players.

It is absolutely not fair that we should give up our exclusivity after years of supporting the game for people that didn’t play.

The game was ready and available. You might’ve had stuff going on in your life or you were too young etc etc etc but hey, it is what it is.

That is life buttercup.

There is an old saying that my grandpa used to say, “you can’t kiss all the pretty puerto rican twinks”

This is a lesson in life.

But if other people get it, how will they know I am special.

I am amazed you found a 2 year old forum thread, Mr Newly Created Forum Alt.

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