Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

Accomplishment? What’s the accomplishment? Beating the trial? Because no one would revoke that from you by bringing the appearances back. You say steal, but guess what, you would still have it, so no one is stealing it… the only selfish one here is you, who wants the appearance all to himself.


You are pathetic.

No, he is horrible because he is simply laughing in our faces “doing victory laps” because people are being denied something. Read, and maybe you will understand why he is not such a nice person.


No, the promise needs to be honored.

What? How can you be this stupid? So if you buy food on a restaurant they can grab the plate and throw away? If you rent a car the company can push you out of the card and get it back immediatly?

The rewards are tied to the accomplishments. So yes, you’d be stealing it. Again, grow up.

stealing it? do you even know what the word stealing means?

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gerund or present participle: stealing

take (another person’s property) without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

You’re welcome. Nobody is touching your appearance. You’re just upset that other people would have something that you have. You just want flexing rights, because it’s a way to stroke your ego.


Correct, and what you’d be stealing without my consent is the exclusivity of my appearances.

Like I said, you just like your ego stroked. You’re not a good person.


its an alternative to looking at bear butt 24/7.

Just make more recolors for the tower appearances for the event. Also make more morningstar/flail one-handers.

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My favourite warlock with his sign!..Third favourite, the two warlocks in my guild get first and second place. Keep fighting the good fight!

Blizzard also said Void Elves wouldn’t get regular skin tones and natural hair colours and people fought for that because it was more customization and look what happened there. Same with blue eyes. No plans for that but my Blood Elf now rocks them. It’s more customization and everyone argued more customization is good for the game so bring them back and let new people or people who missed them get more customization. =D


To be fair, it’s not like feral/guardian druids get to look at their weapon mogs when they become bears and cats. Making a version of the chad furbolg accessible to all is a nice gesture.

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Once again, that does not make him horrible. Grow up and go outside. Who cares if he does “victory laps”? He did the work, earned his stuff, he has the right to show it off. You’re being weird. Any sane person should think so.

No, it’s not okay to brag. Self-glorifying is a sin, or do you not know that?, one thing is stating your opinion, another thing is trying to make other feels bad over something they dont even have the chance to obtain.


That’s really, really, really common.

You play Hearthstone? Every month you can get a new cardback, and if you miss out? Tough luck.

Ever play Apex Legends? The vast majority of the skins are either tied to the battlepass or seasonal events.

League of Legends? Every year they introduce a new skin and if you miss out on it, or simply don’t rank high enough to get it, guess what? It doesn’t come back.

It’s a very common model, and obviously one that works since in a game with literally thousands of xmog options, people are butthurt they don’t have access to a couple dozen.

There should be more things like the Mage Tower, not less and not the same old ones only rehashed.

As an owner of the original MT Druid skins, I actually approve of them releasing a new one, because it will be henceforth known as:


The OG skins will still be rare and have the exclusivity indicative of the skill and effort it took to get them, while the rest of the world will be so full of these new ones that nobody will care about them.

Blizzard says a lot of stuff and a lot of it is stupid. They’ve also gone back on their word more times than they’ve kept it.


lmao thats hilarious