Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

At this point you’re not even on the same topic. You’re piggy backing Blizzard’s decisions over giving your opinion on the matter. You’re comparing a low % chance of obtaining something to not being able to obtain something at all. Not even comparable.

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Nope. And druid isn’t getting the same appearance. Hundreds of weapons vs eight bear forms. You’ll live.

so now you’re saying Blizzard can just charge you, close the game and bounce. So steal from you? nice.

Actually incorrect. There was a court case a long time ago that the developer cannot deny what you already bought on a cartridge. Same applies here, they can ban me from the servers, but because I bought the co tent they cannot stop me from using the content as I please outside of the servers.

Poor analogy. None of the MT skins have a unique form with unique animations/dance other than the werebear. A better comparison with your example would be the feral appearance. Same rig, same animations with all other feral forms.

I was a casual with mostly blue/green gear and completed all Druid spec challenges (except resto) with ease. The MT was not difficult in the slightest nor time consuming. The only thing that was “hard” were the healer challenges, which everyone complained about at the time and I didn’t complete because I didn’t care about the mog enough. Regardless, the challenge is back and made to be just as challenging to current players as it was back then. If it’s the same difficulty level, then they should be able to get the same rewards or at the very least, new recolors for all of them and not just bear druids (the hell with feral Druids apparently :roll_eyes:).

I actually want to share the Druid forms and weapon appearances I received back then. Having acquired limited-time items does not deserve any sense of accomplishment nor bragging rights, that’s just luck. Over coming a challenge with skill should be the only barrier preventing players from earning any appearance in the game. Which is being brought back to be just as difficult, so why not the rewards? The hell with “Blizzard’s word.” Most players have argued against their decisions since the beginning. They need to stop keeping their bad decisions and start changing mmo standards for the better.

Please Blizzard, let us share our old accomplishments with friends, family, and anyone else who plays the game. That is what makes the game fun and exciting for long time players. Being able to relive that joy and sense of accomplishment with new players when we help them get those unique appearances.


LOL what???

They can’t simply delete your account with no reason if you bought the game and pay for it.

A human who isn’t entitled and feels like everything should be theirs and no one else should even have a chance to obtain anything they own. I applaud you, whoever you are.

I’m not trying to compare? You are. I don’t need to argue anything, you can’t have them. Blizzard has stated this.

I’m just doing a victory lap.

Yes, that is literally what you agreed to when you signed the TOS. You pay for access to the servers which can be revoked at anytime at Blizzards discretion.

You have no idea what you’re talking about.

Yes they can. Would they? No that would be bad business. But they certainly can. Heck they HAVE. They “accidently” banned over 10 thousand people with false positives for botting software.

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Nah, they said they wouldn’t be obtainable after Legion, they shouldn’t go back on that. People worked really hard to finish up everything they wanted before it closed. You should have too.


Shows what type of person you are. Shame on you man.

Shame on you for trying to steal an accomplishment from other people. Pure childish selfishness.


You people are so weird man. You actually imply people are horrible people because they have something in a video game you can’t get. Jesus, y’all need to take a step outside and touch grass.


Just add a new tint for all , and druid forms for all specs … make it fair or just remove that fel werebear form .

I didnt think they made any mistake wether they brought back appearance or not , im on the line cuz i play few classes only and gotten them with .

But giving in for druids but eff every other spec that has a unique model appearance , thats a big mistake , shouldve just never put that fel werebear and i wouldnt feel like hating atm ^^

But they can’t, if you are talking about doing it in practice sure, but legally they cannot, if you pay for a service you have rights, you are a consumer.

Some of these people don’t understand opinions and that something like this actually has varying opinions when it comes to something like this. Instead it’s easier to dehumanize than keep things civil and recognize each others’ viewpoints.

Again … stop being a child. Everyone gets new sets. The model, is icing on the cake. You aren’t owed anything, and the rest of the sets aren’t diminished by this extra handout. You aren’t slighted, you are free to get one on your druid. Cry more, baby. You aren’t entitled to, owed, obligated by, or deserving of anything, and frankly if it was up to me, I wouldn’t let you access any of it, and have you sit in your little time out chair while everyone else enjoys their new things.


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You have no rights, you literally signed them away. You pay only for access to the servers and before they even let you on you agree that access is at their discretion. HECK they take away access to the servers every week. Guess you better get a lawyer!

Logging in during legion is not an accomplishment.

Shame on you for not “allowing” others to have fun in the game and acquire transmogs. Pure childish selfishness.