Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

You must have low standards on what is new. It is not a new model, it’s not new.

If blizz ever does a shattered glass thing and somehow adds a color reel that “new” effect is pretty much gone.

no, they don’t.

No, they really don’t.

They brought back the tower. They are giving you all new rewards, and you are still whining?


i must be missing something cause those look like very forgettable mogs to me heh

a bit of a waste of time imo - but if it makes ppl happy… fine i guess lol

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“new rewards” they’re recolors
guardian gets a recolor apperance, but thats it?

Wow such cool rewards, look at that DK set, incredible

No i wouldn’t. I pay for access. Heck i wasn’t playing my druid at the time so i didn’t get his forms. I play him now and i DO miss it, but that was my choice. All i’m hearing here is excuses.


Lol, get off your high horse. I gave you a perfectly valid answer. The only reason that form is coming back is because it doesn’t fit the circumstances surrounding the other artifact skins which remain, unattainable.

True, but most of us kinda halfway agreed with that particular argument. That bear form is completely unique in the game. There are dozens of scythes (the affliction warlock appearance) you don’t need mine. Go farm Argus.

If you’d prefer i’m also fine with them NOT bringing mage tower back at all. shrug

You know i assumed this would be the case but it’s surprisingly hard to google, “what is gone from FF14” and get specifics.

I’m sure they would. DENIED.

Because Blizzard decided they should? And they never claimed otherwise?

Bull. It is not the same as anything else currently in game, thus it is new. I don’t really care if you think differently, your opinion is wrong.

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Other way around dude. And once you pay for the expansion you “own” that content in a sense. The sub pays to use the servers.

If you mean new appearances like fel ashbringer sure! If you mean the artifact ones then nope!

No, you didn’t. If you had a chance at a white tesla with a tesla emblem, and the next time at a red tesla with a different looking tesla emblem, it is still the same concept. The whole car is the same except one small detail, that nobody even cares about.

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It’s a tier set recolor, it’s already in the game.

Tons games do it
The current armor set and title I’m using in ff14 can’t be obtained anymore. Some of the skins i have in league and smite you can’t get anymore.

You own nothing. You dont’ even own that toon you’re posting on. Blizzard could delete your entire account for literally no reason anytime they want and perma ban you. Technically they wouldn’t even have to refund you.

Haven’t Blizzard done enough to the Draenei?

Haven’t they done enough?! :sob:

Oh yeah? go equip it. Lets see it since it’s already in the game.

Yeah. I know last night I was playing with my friends and they mentioned an entire zone was removed from Heavensward, but I don’t remember what zone.

Granted, this is FF14, and they do shove a lot of their old stuff on the Mog store for real money. I have issues with that practice, but that’s a different conversation. For the most part a lot of 1.0 stuff has been fully removed, and the collaboration events.

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No they cant.

Awww guess you should have played when they were available LOL, be happy you even got a bad version of the druid bear skin and be happy with that. Next time make sure you actually play the game when you want to earn limited time items like the rest of us or go find a game where communism everyone gets everything is apart of the core design because that isn’t WoW.

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