Pull the ripcord for Mage tower apperances for all classes

We’ve got the gate-keepers on their heels. Keep pushing. If they have a death grip on their legion freebies, they can’t fight on other fronts.


They are, at the very least, new collectibles. I like my purple recolor . :smiling_imp:

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No, drop your weird strawman argument. There is a place for easy to obtain armor appearances and weapons for everybody. But there should be a small amount of cool unique exclusive stuff. That’s what makes the items cool, working hard to obtain them. Nobody cares at all about store mounts, they’re god awful because theres no effort behind them.


It’s okay to consider removed content as wrong just as much as it’s okay to consider removed content is right. This is a very subjective situation and no one is expressly wrong other than those who see fit to insult the “other side.”

I’m happy we could settle on opinions being opinions.


Nothing strawman about it, what may be easy for you may not be for others. Pretty rude to think so honestly.


? it’s literally the same concept behind the skin… how dense are you? Dont speak to me, if you’re gonna come with some troll comment like that.

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You’re not making a very convincing argument. Blizzard never said any of that stuff was going away. The one thing they do say is that the Mythic mount at the end goes to a much lower drop rate and the AOTC mount gets retired. That’s how they run their raids. It’s not up for us to decide. If I was in charge, that mythic mount would be retired and replaced with a recolor for collectors to farm. But that’s just me.

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Never said they did.

That’s nice. I dont care. The hardest content in the game deserves to have the best rewards.


Blizzard tends to take this weird scorched earth policy, especially if it’s with popular or fun things.

Mage Tower and the quality of gear was super popular? Let’s never do it again!

Mission table that only has a few people who genuinely enjoy it? EVERY EXPANSION.

(Disclaimer: I realize it’s harder to design solo challenges compared to dragging almost the same system through multiple expansions, but my point still stands!)


Except it’s not.

If you play another game that had a limited time ending but for some reason an illness or another life event prevented you from seeing it despite having paid and owned the game during that endings time, you would feel robbed or stolen that content. This also excludes newer players from earning the stuff as well which harms new players from wanting to play the game.


But by being an exception by itself destroys your own argument, they DID add back the Guardian Druid reward, you are objectively wrong, just because its more of a unique model doesn’t mean they didn’t break their own rule.

Yea, but you’re clearly upset about the appearances when they said that stuff was going away.

A significantly lower chance. My guild killed heroic 25 man LK 12 times before the prepatch hit. I was not one of the 12 who got the mount when it was guaranteed.

I have since killed LK 792 times. I do not have the mount.

Ironically the achievement mounts ARE gone forever. AOTC mounts mostly.

Them being recolors does not stop them from being new. Old tier 20 warlock looked good but the new one looks AMAZING.

We dont’ have to fight you. Your king surrendered and abandoned you to die on the field. You just haven’t realized you’re surrounded and your supplies have been cut off yet.

Some of them are fun, but i don’t value them because i didn’t earn them. I just buy them with a small portion of my mountain of gold from running 9 toons with WOD shipyards lol…

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No screwing around here. Love it

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Wtf does that have anything to do with what we’re talking about?

They didn’t stick to it, they are adding Guardian, it doesn’t matter if you think its justified, they still broke the rule.


I agree with this.

You are excluding an entire archetype of medieval weapons from playerbase if that’s the case. That just seems a bit much lol.

So my DK can never get a flail because only two specs get access to a weapon? What? No blacksmith knows how to put a spiked ball onto a chain and attach it to a piece of wood?

To be specific. I do not want the MT flails coming back. I just want them to put more flails in the game.


You’re speaking for me, because no I wouldn’t feel like it was robbed or stolen form me. That’s the entitlement I mentioned before in regards to believing the game should be designed exclusively for you.

I just started FF14. There are so many things I can’t get in that game anymore because they were removed, Hell they even removed an entire zone that I will never get to see. But that doesn’t make me feel like it was robbed or stolen from me; I missed out, so if I don’t want to miss out on anything else, I’ll put in that effort to stop that.

Again, this situation is subjective, regardless of your statement. Because that backs up your opinion on the matter, but you only speak for yourself.


you don’t think people would love to be able to go farm old locked appearances at a lower chance? If players who didn’t get MT appearances can no longer get them, why should anybody who did not raid Mythic have any chance to obtain anything from a Mythic raid after said tier is over? Be glad you even have any chance of getting it, some of us dont have that luxury with appearances we want.