Pull the Crestcord

Why are you so stubborn about making alt gearing more convenient?

There is no catchup in place atm. You have to run every stupid dungeon over and over again because those things missing:

  • tradeble crests
  • tradeble flightstones.

You dont want to let the game die? How about implementing some best practices established in other modern games instead of pixelated uis icons


Neato feeto! Then I could run m+ on the character I like while gearing up my stinky little druid for raid at the same time!


Everyone knows they’ll make them tradeable / BoA in the last half of the final season of DF, when nobody cares anymore.


I want this. My alts are hella weak because I have way too much fun on my main to gear them…

…and my main is filling swimming pools with crests and flightstones.


Honestly I’ve stopped caring. 2 of my main alts are still level 60 lol. The thought of getting them to 70 and then grinding for gear made me turn around and go to pandaria. Now most of my garbage alts and main alts are parked inside SoO now that the skip is in. Gonna get me my shoulders and mount!


I see you’re new to expansions. This most likely be done in the latter stages of the expansion. Just think back to all the catch up mechanics/BOA items then stuffed into the later half of Shadowlands.

You guys do know they’re adding in Veteran gear for Flightstones that you can send to alts next reset… right? You guys read the news releases or…?


Flightstones are easy AF to get. It’s the crests that are killing me.

Tradeable crests alone would make it worth it.

It’s not the gear itself, it’s the currency to UPGRADE said gear that’s the issue.


Yeah,they do but it only goes to 424 the rest you’ll have to farm dungeons and raids,which at the moment are bugged or don’t work at all.

Someone is laughing and it ain’t us.

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Please post a link to this, otherwise I have a hard time believing this current Dev team would do something like that.

So if dungeons and raids are bugged as you say, what are you gonna use the gear for? :thinking: Sounds like your alts don’t need gear anymore.


It’s fair easy to get them crests but it sure feels bad having capped flightstones and abundant Drake/Whelpling crests on my main but nothing else to upgrade.

Just remove the cap and make them account wide lawl and also omgosh why are they even items

just delete the crests and make everything require valor to upgrade

you can use crafting orders to get an enchanter to turn them into stuff that will craft gear for your alts that is equivelent to the crests so if you have like 5000 drakes u can get a set of 424 gear for an alt

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The enchanted crests are BoP. How do you place a crafting order for an enchanted crest on your main and use that for alt gear?

(Also there is no enchanted drakes crest. Whelps for 408 gear and wyrms for 437)

Are those BoA?

It’s the most convenient it has ever been…

There’s the catch, so this will be useless for people who don’t Mythic+.

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Tbh everything should be account bound. Gear, renown/rep, currency… really no reason not to. It wouldn’t hurt the game at all.

I have 62 aspect crests and 22 wyrms on my main I’ve been gearing my shaman and man it is a slog I know they’re implementing the boxes on Tuesday but that still have to run dozens of m+ to farm crests that I already have rotting

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Oh i missread the guide on wow head

see this is the problem with DF

its overly complicated

they should just cap gear at ilvls instead of giving ppl gear they can’t upgrade anyway unless they do the later content

then they could go back to a valor system gg

SL S4 was perfect lol ZM was good everyone was happy

blizz has to reinvent the wheel every time and they make it worse every time they try

In my opinion all the crafted /pvp /token gear crests is on par with Azerite with how fustrating it is just in a different way (more complex instead of just grindy).

If they had just moved the Azerite system account wide everyone would have been happy.

Tier == AP except its super grindy and designed to funnel ppl into at least LFR which hurts the population because no one wants to be forced to do any content whether it be wqs or raids