Pugstomps? Premades? RBGs

Because the vast majority of premades are just a bunch of average pugs that want to win more often. They will get obliterated by real premades that have serious experience.

It will be a lot more losses than solo queue, and they will be far more painful losses.

If there are 100 premades that queued in SoD today, like 5 of them would stomp in a premade queue, the other 95 would get stuck in long stalemates or get destroyed by the good teams.

If I think I have read the bit to which you refer, you assumed an artificial restriction that is unnecessary.

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When in reality the simplest thing that would help this issue a lot would be for them to add more PvP gear. The problem is that there’s quite a lot of us who don’t like raiding, but there’s very few PvP gear rewards compared to raid gear. So you end up with tons of premades in full BFD that just faceroll anything in their path.

People say that puggers could just join premades themselves… Haha, not with most premades checking for gear/GS wanting full BFD gear, which a lot of us are never going to have because we hate raiding. I feel a big reason for the fact that WSG is all but unplayable right now is the differences between gearing options when it comes to PvP and PvE.

It’s crazy to me that to be competitive in PvP you HAVE to go raid, but to be competitive in PvE, you don’t have to spend a single second PvPing if you don’t want to.

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anythiong is unessecary, even solo q

that is not the ultimate point/goal

But you also advocate for people to improve and to get better as players. You don’t do that by rolling over pugs in 2 minute games. You play against better players and learn and get better

But that presupposes the majority actually wants to do this.

Maybe they don’t. Maybe they just actually want to stomp and that’s it.

Well that’s a shame :confused:

I have faith that players can self improve, but the jump between beating a random LFG premade that is running around these days with a pug group versus making a premade that can beat the top tier serious gamer premades is huge.

(I know that pugs can focus up and beat current premades pretty often, I have almost no faith that most current premades could ever beat good premades.)

It is also a lot less painful to lose when queueing solo - you only have to keep yourself motivated not an entire group of people that were used to winning as a team.

I just think 95% of the current premades will collapse forever if there is a premade-only-queue unless there is some huge reward added to it. (which i’m not sure is the play)

they should just add the system where if theres a premade of 5 queuing then they only will queue up against other groups with premades of 5. I cant remember when this was implemented i wanna say cata or mop.

add a 1 flag cap limit or a timelimit and ill play WSG

I feel that you are correct. And it is sad.

Edit: I would like to think that more people would relish the challenge than those that would give up because they weren’t given what they wanted when they wanted.

I have, however, seen this attitude of entitlement and defeatism become more and more prevalent and the realist in me is constantly battling with the optimist.

I would like to feel like my optimist just might be pleasantly surprised.

@snipy thoughts and critique?

Everything is unnessecary

So is solo q.

So is premade q.

so is RBG.

who wins?

Nothing is necessary. We can leave the q as is and everything will play out just fine. Sod will chug along as fresh always has under the same pvp circumstances. Nothing people advocate will change. Premades can dominate the game and sod still will not die. No matter how many posts are made.

So whats next?

Great post

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The way I see what you’re suggesting, it is to add RBGs, which incentivize players to queue for them, due to increased rewards.

And you’ve added some ideas around disincentivizing throwing, just to have quick games and optimize around hph.

While making no changes whatsoever to the current BG system. Meaning, this is solely and additive change, as in it would be adding a higher reward incentive BG queue for premades only.

Doubtless there may be some unanticipated edge cases of side-effects/exploits, etc. and it would split the pool of people queuing BGs into two. Though this could potentially appease the complainers, provided that they are actually being honest (with themselves as well as with others) about their motivation for complaining…

The overall idea seems interesting. Though, I’d personally worry that making any changes to the BG system would set a very clear expectation that if you complain loudly, things will change towards what you claim to want. And that isn’t the type of community culture that I would imagine an organization would strive towards.

To be clear, if the devs do implement RBGs in the way you are suggestion, I would run them, and I feel I would enjoy them.

At the end of the day with regards to Classic BGs, I feel that



I agree with this

A great idea, but here are a couple tweaks:

  • No rating. It’s antithetical to Classic and causes a host of other problems you can see on the retail forums that just saps more dev time and generates player frustration. Increased honor and rep are enough.

  • Add a new rep earned solely from doing (winning?) premades which awards new and unique rewards.

  • Premade AB should be 10-man like WSG so teams can be dropped into either BG. Blizz tried to maintain the 10/15 man system in Cata but it didn’t work which is why they made all RBGs 10 man in retail.

No I don’t want a separated mode that rewards more people that play in group, we shouldn’t be rewarding this premade exploiters but rather punishing them and not allowing them to que together.

You want to punish them for using the “join as group” button?

Did you even read the post?

Yes because they are basically just cowards that are stomping solo uncordinated players.

You people know what you are doing your gaslighting has stopped working and people are waking up.

You didn’t read the thread

There are enough threads of ppl spam insulting.

Add to the convo constructively or gg. I’m tryna help you out homie

Premades that just want to stomp pugs are useless yes. But pre-mades that actually want to face other premades shouldn’t have their preferred mode of play disestablished. I don’t see a problem with having their own queue system. So long as it doesn’t meaningfully outpace the pug solo queue in gear progression.

From where I stand, they can have whatever they want included in that. Including ratings. It doesn’t bother me. So long as it doesn’t become the meta for gear progression.

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