Pugstomps? Premades? RBGs

Thats the problem though. You can just pull a majority of the premades out for their own premade mechanic instead of solo quers queing for a premade q.

it’s one of those things where that is just splitting up the same type of q system.

There needs to be an entirely different format

9 man premades can sometimes be hindered by 1 pug out of comms. I have seen it before. It justs seems like a change that doesn’t do anything really when you can just make an entirely different scenario and entice groups to go there easily

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It’s a tough one, queueing BG’s with a few friends is pretty enjoyable. And the whole “play with your friends” thing I feel like is still important. I think premades just take this a step further when they’re not actually playing with friends and then complain that that’s why they play premades when in reality they just want a group of people with consumes and gear to stomp pugs.

My ideal would be no rating system, a 10 man premade queue that just gives bonus honor, no titles, mounts or tabards. Then a seperate queue that you can have a max sized group of 5 players for the solo queues. Just so people can still play with their friends but there aren’t any 10 man groups just dominating everyone.

I think any rating system is bad for vanilla PvP and unnecessary. Just need a system where both solo and small group pvpers can have an enjoyable experience and not just players queueing for premades who’s enjoyment comes from farming solo players.

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thats whty I advocate for a system that quite literally reels them in mathematically, making the normal q less viable for them.

Of course, it would never be perfect. But it never will be

I agree if the rewards are player power. If the rewards are just looks it doesnt really matter as far as gameplay is concerned imo, anyway


I really don’t see the need to add in anything other than a solo queue option.

You want to queue as a premade of 2 or more, then you queue into the premade queue. Otherwise you queue solo. I’m quite confident Blizzard can easily write some code that can match together groups of premades that are less than the full complement (mash together a group of 7 and group of 3 to fight group of 4 and 6 together).

This means you know exactly what you’re going into – join the premade queue as any number less than the full complement and you know you’re going to need a matching group to make the difference.

There’s not even a problem if you only have 9. I’m sure some people will want to solo queue into the premade queue to try and grab that single spot. If premade queues take longer to pop, then so be it.

The choice is yours.

Player agency.

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I have outlined this exact point directly in my original post.

If a 7 man ques, a pug and a 2 man is reqwuired or a 3 man

if a 9 man ques, it will never pop. ever. could be in q 7 days straight, because solo q

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Yeah aslong as 5+ player groups are disabled from queueing into the normal BG’s then I’m fine with whatever else.

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even that is fine imo

Just allow people to queue into the premade queue as any number from 1 to 10. Don’t restrict the choice.

So when you sign up for a BG you sign up for either Premade Queue or Solo Queue. That’s it. Everyone knows what to expect. It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that.

If it takes longer to match the smaller groups of people in a premade, then so be it. Everyone still knows what they are getting into. Set the expectations.

The numbers will tell all in the long run. If the premade queue takes ages to pop but the solo queue is quick, then we know where the playerbase stands on the issue.


what premade q?

I didnt advocate for a premade q. I advocated an entirely different q that requires a full team for the RBG yield benefits.

I had addressed “premade or solo q” in my original post earlier, because people have different ideas for what that actually means in reality.

Reread my original post. I think you may find it quite detailed

Laz, I did read it (kudos for writing it all). I just thought that it was complicating the issue a little. I think adding rated BGs with additional rewards is actually detrimental to the game as it adds an entirely new system that will be used by few and is not only open to abuse but definitely would be (it has happened in the past and will happen again).

The entire issue is as easy as having a separate queue for solo queuers. Which inherently means that there is an alternate queue – for premades. This is all Blizzard needs to do. Split the current single queue into two based on the preferred playstyle and away we go. Anything more is a complication that doesn’t really provide any great benefit, but instead creates additional issues that then need to be solved.

You say it’s not as easy as saying premades only queue with premades, but it 100% is. If you queue as a group of any size greater than one, you are not solo and so will be added to the premade queue.

If you want to break down why certain people are queueing as a premade then ok:

  1. To gain honour/hour as fast as possible. How? By stomping pugs.
  2. To play against other premades because they actually want to PvP and have a challenge because they love the game.

In my opinion group 1 are a complete non-event. No system should ever be designed for them. Group 2 gets exactly what they want by playing against other premades, able to pit themselves against like-minded groups to have some fun PvP.

The other group of players, solo queuers, also get what they want from the system. PvP if that is their goal, or a bit of honour/rep if that is their goal. They are on a level playing field with every other solo queuer. If at any time they want to try the other side, get together with some friends, guildies, randoms and queue as premade. See what that is like.

This system is simple and elegant and would require Blizzard to do so very little to implement.

The system is so simple, it’s almost like it’s common sense.

Agreed. No ranking system in the game, so there’s really no point for rated bgs to not be in the game. Would only encourage more people to play warsong!

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I think this is correct. I wouldn’t have a problem with RBGs, so long as that’s not the meta to efficiently gear up. But there needs to be a solo queue.

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surely we get wsg rbgs instead of afk ashenvale riiiiight

surely there is a way to balance it overtime, and both parties can benefit

But reps are required for testing ultimately. Hopefully the camps can find their happy medium, becvause i play within all listed camps

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Well I’ve always respected your opinion, and the last thing I’d want to advocate for is the elimination of someone’s preferred playstyle as a viable way to play.

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that is whatr i hope to preserve.

Yes, at the same time i know that it is impossiblew tom fully please every camp 100%.\

Howeveer that is not the goal bc i know it will never be done. So trying to divide the benefits across all while dealing with the negatives are better thwn players view of full negative

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I would honestly like to know how a two queue system (premade and solo) disadvantages anyone. Everyone gets to play their preferred playstyle.

I fully advocate for everyone to play the game how they prefer as well (the only caveat is I exempt people whose goal is to diminish the enjoyment of others) and I think a two queue system does exactly that with minimal effort from Blizz.

By far the current majority of premades are in group 1… Probably around 95% of them. And a good chunk of them will probably stop pvping altogether if they cannot do it with their friends as a group…

I think it is also strange to create a system in which people are not rewarded for taking the time to make a group to pvp. With the proposed system it would be far easier to farm honor / rep as a solo player. Vanilla WoW is a social game that in almost all aspects rewards the successful completion of logistics around organizing and group play, why should pvp be different?

An easier system would be to give each player a hidden MMR and the system tries to align groups by overall score. So a 10 man premade could be matched with 10 random people, but the sum team score would be somewhat similar. (this would greatly reduce the amount of ‘stomps’ but would also probably create new issues like people purposely losing to lower score to have easier games to farm honor…)

well youre in luck, i posted that explanation in my original post!

What is stopping then queuing as a group?

The only difference is that they would now be facing other premades. I guarantee there would be a lot more PvP from this than from a pugstomp.

If there are so many premades then the queue would pop ultra quick.