"Pugs are toxic"

Needle in a haystack dude.


It’s not a surprise anymore, some players expect differing amounts from others with no real social bond. The “we are in this together” dose not exist in WOW over all. That is why most people run raids with guild or friends and same for mythics.
In a pug you mean nothing to others and for most of it your an NPC.

Now the Mixed Pugs pulling people in as a filler to their raid runs can be the same. your an outsider and they have a bond your not part of.

It sucks but it’s just how the game has been…

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Yup 2 needles in that very large haystack once or twice a week…


My question is this…WHERE are all these obnoxio’s playing the game to begin with?
I cant see a real raiding guild letting people who are this irritating run raids with them…so are they rejects? I mean, did they try to get into a guild, get exposed for the miserable person they are, then booted?

It seems like all the good players…well most…end up in a guild, and stay there, and PUGS are left with the table scraps for the most part.

It’s a matter of getting lucky, not looking for the right people. Other than the ignore feature, you’re left to deal with anyone you invite, which could go either way.

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I see a few Guilds pug 1 or 2 slots as fillers on raid nights. Not as much as in BFA. Also Some use them as an interview process before they except people into the guild.

its like a new version of the Dragon System used for loot in the day…

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Honestly, I can see why guilds would be very selective.
Not only do I want competent players, I also dont want to play with spoiled Timmy either…I cant imagine guilds want the drama anymore than anyone else would

There’s 2 types of pug groups. Toxic and nice

First week of 9.1 I got onto a pug raid group. we nuked all the bosses till pain in one shot. Most amount of people that died to a boss was 3, most of the time none died

The tank and leader knew the fights and explained them (they were on the pre test servers). They also linked YouTube vids that explained the fights that everyone watched. We were all willing to listen and ask questions. Was prob the best pug I have ever had. It only ended caz people had to go to sleep and work

So yer, some pugs are epic. Sadly alot arnt. Be it toxic people, the gogogo people or the people that blow up when something/one stuffs up by mistake

You can’t be this dense. Stop.


The “what is Toxic” need to be really defined. Most people see an M+ group just disbanding after failing to kill the 1st trash pack 2 times as toxic.
Or being kicked from a raid cause you doing less DPS then a healer or a tank that pull the map before the healer is even logged in.

The big one is most constructive criticism is viewed as toxic now.

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The only toxicity I experience is on the forums 99% of the time. Y’all must seek dumbos out tbh.

Some toxic behavior just for you…


do not ask to fight 10 people please

Soooo your ONE experience should be passed off as fact? LMAO!!!

It’s always the same people that are mad.


About everything.

:musical_note: What is WoW?
Oh baby, don’t hurt me
Don’t hurt me
No more :musical_note:

You have to ask the question on what is toxic, someone could have tried to help with his rotation for all we know…

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Glad you found a great group. People will find excuses for their shortcomings no matter what you do.

I hate that word, lol.
Its as abused as the race and bigot card are. Someone doesnt like something…doesnt have a competent argument…its racist/bigoted/toxic. :roll_eyes:
Ive gotten to the point where I just tune out anyone using any of the ‘cards’ anymore.

Failing in my mind is fine. Its part of every game…everything that requires any competence or skill. Its no reason to pop a cork or get toxic over.
Im more ‘toxic’ over the state of this game, something Im paying for every month. Not over someone making a mistake.

I do think in that timed content crap I can see why theyd be pushing for more DPS. But in my mind that is one reason why the content should be removed. It creates an environment that creates the ‘toxic’ behavior. …or at least it brings it out more into the open. “creates” was a poor word to use. “exposes” would be more accurate.

Cant tell little Timmy that hes wrong.
Cant tell Ion that his game is getting worse by the expansion.
Its all ‘toxic’ now, lmao


seriously has the word WAR in it… we just forgot what we are fighting for…

Time to go kill the Discount Thanos now