Just make it so you have to use max quality materials with a minimum 5k tip to request max quality. Looking for a crafter at this stage in the season on low pop servers is nearly impossible. Please just let us do this.
the public orders with a minimum quality would just ruin the entire system - there would be no social component and no guild component - both those would just disappear because it would always be easier to just put the order up as public.
Plus OP still might not get it made - if no one in trade will answer their call what makes anyone think anyone would be watching those work orders enough to do so.
Anyway, I moved all my characters from other servers into my mains guild just so I can make stuff for them and it works just fine imo.
I don’t see why the materials requirement is necessary. If they add a minimum quality button, everything else is negotiable.
If they give crappy materials, no crafter will be ABLE to fill the order, so they’ll learn to put in higher quality mats.
I don’t disagree with the sentiment here, OP. I just think it’s an extra added complication that would be rendered entirely unnecessary if public orders had a minimum quality tickbox.
I don’t disagree here, either. I have done the trade chat, “Can anyone make X” and then put in personal orders several times. It works really well.
no it wouldnt lmao it would make people actually use the public system more.
yes the social component of people using add ons to instantly whisper you when you post in trade chat… as for guild nothing would stop people from still using that if their guild is more reliable. me personally im in two different guilds, one of my guilds has a few designated crafters since we are a mythic raiding guild. my other guild is a casual guild who mostly just dont care about crafting. i could put in a guild order in that one and it will never be fulfilled.
I don’t think this is necessarily true. I always ask in my guild chat or guild discord before looking elsewhere for things like this. That wouldn’t change if they made public orders a safe and reliable tool.
I think something to bring in more of the community feel they were going for with this would be a crafters forum. Players and crafters can make lf craft or lf work posts and segment it per profession.
Come on now, there isn’t a social component to it now. It’s people spamming trade chat with can craft messages, and people using add-ons to pseudo automate whispers to people who say WTB (craft) in trade chat.
The only ones opposed to public orders not being intentionally broken are the people spamming trade chat every day. Even better, it would improve margins for people dramatically.
Instead of one semi-bot soaking all of the crafts, most people would use public orders, which would hard gate crafters to 1 craft per day unless they could get people to bother with private orders.
Or just let people tip whatever they want without forcing a number.
It’ll either sit there and no one will craft it because they don’t want to waste one of their 4 public crafts on a low tip or someone won’t care and they’ll craft it.
No, that’s not all they need to do. PWOs need min quality. They also should open it up to all servers like trade goods at the AH, but the first need is minimum quality on public orders.
Leaving that out (because it does exist for private orders, where it’s so much less needed) seems like a deliberate choice to frustrate the player base.