Just because you don’t like the social component doesn’t mean it isn’t one, however limited it may be.
Obviously, you’re free to ask for that change…I’m just saying that it’s highly unlikely that they are going to get rid of one of the few social elements left in the game.
I agree, but it needs an AH or bulletin board like service, because people find personal crafters generally in Trad Chat and that’s a pretty awful experience. I just want to lookup in an AH-like listing who can fulfill my order at what price, pick an offer that’s fair, and place the order and go off to quests, dungeons, or w/e… I don’t want to spend a lot of time in Trade Chat looking for a crafter.
Similarly, crafters that are interested in this match-making service could enroll so they can list a commission (flat fee or based on difficulty score at their option) and just get orders that they “win the bid on” which they then have to fulfill within 12h or something.
People looking for crafters that want it quicker than that can use Trade Chat or use a Public Order if speed is higher priority than quality.
I honestly think Public Orders are only useful for enchanted crests and profession treatises, and other stuff that has no quality rank (you can’t screw it up)… The NPC Patron Orders were a great addition for fulfilling weekly skill ups quests, but Public Orders now need an overhaul in light of the (very welcome) addition of NPC Patron Orders.
Which is exactly why public orders are never up unless it’s for things that don’t have a quality or for consumables where the quality is only marginally different for the result.
I agree with the bulletin board idea for crafters. Also being able to advertise my wares on a public bulletin board-- what profs you offer, suggested tips, whether you’re online or not, etc. Also it needs to be across all alts. I could see an order on my blacksmith and accept it on behalf of my leatherworker, as long as there is a fast turnaround.
About guild crafting–it’s kind of a fail. I looked at the profs tab of one of my guilds and very few high-end crafters are the norm. Plus, well, people don’t know how to tip in guilds. Not every guild and not every player, newer guilds and players often don’t understand the investment of both time and gold that goes into it. I try to be understanding but if you are tipping 50g, your order is gonna sit there until it expires.
Nothing would stop you from continuing to spam trade chat. Or randomly help people. But I suspect you know that if people didn’t have to bother with whispering crafters, they wouldn’t.
No, PWOs with min quality are not needed, people are using personal orders everday and gear gets crafted.
PWOs with min quality would be just more convenient, nothing else.
Too much convenience is pushing social aspect to the side, just like in real life. We are becoming more lazy, fatter and without needs. Just look at the mobile phones and internet impactand, children visiting psycologiscs because they cant make social bonds irl.
Fixed that, because it’s absolutely not true on low-pop servers. Now if they want to make a regional crafting system, like how commodities are on the AH, then sure; problem solved.
If they somehow think that breaks a “social aspect” of crafting and they want to retain server identity, then they need to do something about low-pop servers where commission are tantamount to price-gouging, if you can even find a crafter to begin with.
They’ve done server merges/connected-realms, and the problem persists… region-wide crafting system is the best solution (the devs can & should focus on other areas to retain a social aspect to the game).
Sub R5 is only ‘good enough’ for people who can craft it themselves (thus the nominal costs to recraft are low), while are never acceptable for others.
I had already stated that was the reason the system would be destroyed. It is okay if you have a different opinion but you aren’t going to change mine.
Except that isn’t the reason Blizzard implemented what we have, nor why they most likely won’t change it in the way requested by the OP.
The entire crafting set up is designed to soak up loads of time, some of which is gated, in exchange for relevant crafted items, which in turn leads a small-ish number of players to work for Blizzard for minimum wage to ‘play for free’ using tokens, those players in turn provide materials and services for others with extra spare cash to buy tokens to buy gear.
Blizzard makes more money, players get relevant crafted gear.
They could make the systems more streamlined and efficient or less time-gated or less grindy or materials more abundant - but every change of that type would reduce some amount of friction that drives players to buy tokens for cash.
Yes, that is a problem of low pop servers, not crafting system itself and public orders.
I agree they should do smth with low pop servers, personally I transferred to high pop and solved that problem.
They constantly try to social engineer in this game. I am very doubtful they even considered this would have a time consumption aspect for the buyers. And it still doesn’t to the extent people have to buy tokens or game time because once or twice they have to spend 15 minutes looking for someone.