Public orders without mats was a mistake

I know it sucks to get a rank 2 when seeking rank 3, but to be fair I believe 3 star gems are a proc even for JC with maxed skill unless they’re using a rank 3 diamond + insight. Which… not sure if people are still charging large sums for insights nowadays.

And if you were to put an order up with a rank 3 minimum requirement(even on a personal order) no one would ever be able to craft it as no one can guarantee rank 3 without reagents.


I’ve requested an order like this since the patch went live for the silver and blue armor for my Highland Drake. I offered 5k, which was more than it was worth. It took a couple of hours, but someone picked it up.

I’d imagine that if the selling price is offered (or over the selling price) it works just fine. Considering the amount of effort it takes these crafters to get to where they are, I try to be fair. Asking for what is, essentially, a handout is not a good look.

Just like reality! Doesn’t life feel smooth?!

god i hate reality, i have to play hooman there

Ew! Humans are the worst!

People really need to stop asking for this, especially since Blizzard lined out their ideas and philosophies in Work Orders, and the need for management - #3 by Drough-11150

and just in case one does not want to read that, here is the part that directly states why they don’t want to allow set qualities.

You did not get scammed, you did not deal with scum, fact of the matter is, even one with maxed out faceting and all could still only get a rank 2 unless it was a 3 star diamond or they have enough inspiration to proc the 3 star. There is a good chance that the one that attempted to fill your order tried to do so hoping for the proc and came up flat.


Crafting orders were the mistake. Im tired of recrafting something six times because the guy asking for 5k wont use proper buffs.

Made close to 40k sending blank orders now recouping my losses from people wanting to rp tradesmen.

Just make everything via the ah and ilvs be something you apply to an item.


then you don’t take those orders.

Plenty of crafts still done via personal orders and advertised on trade chat. This change didn’t affect much

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They need to at the VERY LEAST let me tier my commission. Like if Ican’t set a quality as a minimum for them to DO the order, then I should at least be able to set a pay rate for reach level of quality seperately.

If you can’t make a 3 star gem, then you only get 100 gold not 5k.


Yes, no lack of fools who’d do that. Why else would there be so many posts there!

It’s good that this addon exists and if I were more into work orders I would install it, however this seems like something Blizzard should already have built-in to the game


2 star (4 star for actual gear) seems to be where raw skill + points in the right spec (like faceting for the diamonds or setting for rings and necks) caps out. After that it comes down to:

  1. proff gear
  2. quality of mats (I.E. don’t expect a 3 star cut with a 1 star raw diamond)
  3. insight (cots mettle to make)
  4. Crafting stats (I.E. inspiration) for procs

They should of made minimum ranks to public orders to. This crafting system is a pain to deal with. From people spam reporting crafters in trade to being forced to waste time for a reasonable offer to crafters lying about their proc chances.

They want the tbc rare patterns without any rare patterns.

Yeah, but I like what someone said above. They could just put the commission in the tip for the crafter. Rank 5, 20k, rank 4, 5k, rank 3, 100 gold, etc.

EZ solution

Im not wasting gold so someone can skill up and make me garbage. Wow players don’t use the worse versions of things and haven’t for nearly 2 decades


But they also don’t always use the best either. One star quality items are likely just going to be done by those just starting out at this point, even 2 star for anything that can go up to 5 is going to be quite rare outside of those. Three star you are likely getting into those that have the raw skill. Four is where people start to cap out before inspiration, mat quality and gear come into play.

Chances are things are balanced around the 2 star (for gems and enchants) or 3-4 star (for gear) qualities.

WoW hasn’t been balanced around not using the best since arguingly wrath.

This system is rife with abuse and offers few benefits its just a worse auction house

Oh really? I’ll concede mythic raid and high M+. but to say things like raid finder, normal, even heroic are not balanced to be done with less then the best just shows that the community does not want a challenge.

To put it another way:
1 star=normal dungeon
2 star=heroic dungeon/LFR
3 star=M0-10 (or more)/Normal raid
4 star=Heroic raid/M+ up to 15-20
5 star=mythic raid/M 20+

At best you can say that WoW has not been balanced around not using the best for the ilvl tier it is in. But even that is a bit in question, as you have never needed the best to clear the content, it just made said content easier.

Who cares about under mythic?

I am tired of needing to make a white list to no end up with worthless gems or losing a half hour of my time from someone making me rebuy mats over and over again because their proc chances are abysmal.

Its a worse version of the auction house but they are going to drag it forwards kicking and screaming. Least i can spam no mat orders to recoup losses.