Public Craft orders - Charges consumed wrongly

Has been occurring as far as I can tell 100% of the time on my Scribe. I go away for a week, come back, have 4 charges, use one, suddenly I have only 2 charges and a third available in 2 hours. Please fix.

This is happening to me, but only on my JC. Made a short recording showing it just in case a Blue drops by. Also submitting bug reports.

same for me I wonder how long will it take blizzard to fix it since you know they made a big deal out of it since the start of the expansion.

Blizzard just don’t care about theirs broken game anymore

and it happened again. 4 to 1 after one craft.

How is anyone supposed to do anything when you have to wait several days to reload orders, only to lose half of them into the ether?

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Another day, and its still bugged

Bump as it’s still bugged
and being ignored.

It seems there is no solution for this bug

The bug is pretty much why I stopped crafting. The few orders that are out there and not being able to help the 4 people I am allowed to be allowed because of the bug, then why participate in a broken system that is ignored by the creators.

I do the weekly and send the crafts to myself to complete as many of the other crafting professions almost never have anything available. To the few people I still get a chance to help I am happy when I get a proc that generates them so many more inscription-based skill point helpful.

still bugged

Still having this issue as well.