PTR quest spoilers, but

In truth,you were always there no one isn’t or you wouldn’t exist.

THis is no different then the Caverns of Time Dungeons where we make sure Arthas culls the citizens of Stratholme or what;s her name dies after players free Thrall from his prison or making sure Medhiv opens the Dark Portal so that the Orcish Horde of Draenor is able to invade Azeroth .

The Bronze flight is basically

and we’re the

SA has always been an extremely cheap and low-hanging fruit in order to inject drama/tragedy/horror into a media and I do not trust Blizzard to approach it with any sort of the tact or care it needs.


Everything in the game doesn’t affect you. You feeling outraged over an event and premise that has been established since BC is what’s foolish. You drawing this line when PCs have done worst not only statically but legally is what’s foolish. Why now? What happened to the outrage when we helped and actively participated in opening the Dark Portal with Medivh? When we protected Arthas? When we ensured Kalimdor’s sundering? When we guaranteed Tabitha’s beheading? And NOW it’s a problem? Now it’s a line too far? Give me a break. Selective outrage is just as fake and annoying any activist group.

Again, this is heroic fantasy. We are heroes, and heroes do heroic things. We also have the backdrop of need or defense behind most of our culling when it comes to quests. For instance, it’s bad to wander into the woods and indiscriminately kill 10 bears, but if you need bear pelts and bear meat so the orphans don’t starve and the populace doesn’t freeze, then you do so. Killing individuals, even if they’re your enemy, is typically a bad thing, but these are marauders hellbent on destroying an otherwise defenseless settlement and you’re the last line they have of survival, so peace is no longer an option and you engage. Generally, we have good (if debatable) reason to resort to violence and set our strength toward particular agendas and goals. Plus even if killing is not a good act, it is justifiable due to self-defense.

This… Is not heroic. We’re saving something, sure, but we’re condemning a sapient, innocent to a fate that is unspeakable and horrific with no consent of their own. This is totally out-of-character for any heroic character to do.


We haven’t been heroes for a very long time. And if you think so, I can only suggest you go back through what the PCs have been doing. We are monsters. We have been so since Cata.

Ok,so there is no need for me to be playing this game if it didn’t or is that your intent to shut me up.

I want to disagree with this.

I’m going to bring up ESO. There is a quest in the Ebonheart Pact early on where you run into Daggerfall Covenant Soldiers who are very clear about what they plan to do to a Dunmer farm girl.

You, as the player, stop them.

There are multiple differences.

1.) ESO is Rated M. You know, going in, you are going with a darker experience.
2.) You, as the player, are actively stopping it.

That is to say, when writing a world it is absolutely true you need to address the bad stuff within a certain context. But how you do it hits or misses, and what setting its done in matters.

This WoW quest, in my opinion, is not the best example of it and if other people disagree, fine. More power to you. I’ll do what I did above and say that’s your opinion.

But I’m not going to stop saying my opinion either.

This. THIS this this this this

Blizz is pandering to the absolute lowest common denominator white alienating the base that actually wants to see this game be better.

It’s cheap money. Cheap storylines. Cheap everything. And it sucks because this game could be so much better than this.

And for the record, this community, AS A WHOLE, is better than how this company sees us. They think this is the content we wanna see.


Checking the scanners, don’t see anything on the level of ‘actively aiding and abetting the literal rape and forced breeding of a sapient creature,’ Captain.

This is actually, in my mind, even worse than Teldrassil, because now both sides get to be total monsters!


You invest too much of your emotions into a single quest and yet you ignore everything else. You are working on assumptions and condemnations when nothing to work on. This entire outrage is little more than a tantrum.

So active participation and complicity of the genocide and suffering of no less than two kingdoms is less offensive than this? You people have the oddest sense of morality.


uhm, pardon ignore everything else in connection to a story.that’s a good one. Ok,AI let’s see all of these connection that don’t have a emotional attachment to.

Did the company get sued for genocide?

Stop trolling dude.

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But we as the player know is bad. We are not doing it because we like it, but because the fate of the world is at stake.

The player in WoW kills a lot for the sake of the world, not because they like it (except for those who kill critters on purpose, those are the worst!)

Blizzard didn’t add too much concern on it just like they didn’t add any concern on Killing Amber or letting the Orcs come. The Bronze Dragonflight always go like “Oh its sad to do this but it must be done”. Seems these people have been doing this for so long they lost all tact.

Its not out of their behavior. Both things, killing and r*** are a bad thing, why is killing for the sake of the world not much of a problem, then?

Blizz could, of course, make it sound darker and that is required, especially since this time is not a random person they do not know, but one of their long time friends.

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Selective outrage is worse than anything else on the planet.

I mean, I directly mentioned that and how a lot of the Horde really doesn’t like being the Genocidal monsters and wants to be the Honorable Warrior.

I personally know quite a few Horde players in lore spaces who flat out left the game over BFA.


Keep trolling I’m laughing at this<emotional arousal.

Can we time travel? No. Don’t shift gears.

Because you don’t have a good reason why this is any worst than what we’ve already done? Cool.