PTR quest spoilers, but

That there is a personal preference and none of your business in a persons experience. You think by forcing it on others it would be a better story,no it wouldn’t .I do hope they delete the whole of it a rewrite it if is going that way.

So we should never have horrible things in stories?

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Sunwalker Dezco’s entire everything would have words about that. Should his entire story be deleted because the player character would have to witness that tragedy?

I ignored much of what you said because it is a matter of opinion.

I personally don’t think it would be glossing over the subject by having an NPC conversation about it.

I think it directly is participating in it, and clearly so do other people. As for getting wiped out of existence, that isn’t how the time lines work, and I’ll again point to the existence of the Blue Dragonflight at all being a direct change the Bronze Dragonflight allowed to happen outside of the main timeline.

And it’s not comparable to the War of Thorns…to you.
It may be to other people.

I understand that people may want a darker game, and certainly appreciate the idea that many people think Dragonflight has been too “happy”, but I’m not going to be convinced that dropping a mission to continue the rape of a character and then have it said “It was the right thing to do or the timeline would change” is the right way to do it.


There is no “right way,” there is only what you want and other ways it’s portrayed. The Bronze flight has been the most consistent in what they do. Not a single thing has changed. The only thing that makes this different to you all is that this affects a main character.

I’d agree if they were tackling something. What’s the point? The fact that some things need to happen, the good and the bad, to ensure a healthy timeline is already driven home with the other quests.

All they’re doing with this quest is saying “Hey, this happened, except your complicit in the war crime now!”.

If blizz want a darker Wow, that’s a topic for another day, but they’ve moved away from those darker subjects for years. Don’t erase the history, but also don’t be surprised when people are uncomfortable with the idea of being a part of it.

I mean, this was pretty controversial back in the day, but it’s also not something the players actively participated in, IIRC.

It’s equally heavy handed and silly it ever happened, wasn’t well written, didn’t further the story, and was there soley for shock value.

In my opinion. But I’m not really asking or even saying Alexstraza’s story should be changed, I’m saying there isn’t a reason to bring it up in this context where the player directly engages.

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This, once more, makes the PC into a complete monster for the sake of an edgy storyline that was gross all the way back in WC2. Under no circumstance, timelines be damned and existence be forfeit, would any heroic character knowingly consign someone to an undeserved fate like this. Then Chromie has the unmitigated gall to giggle about this and play ‘bestie secrets’?

We are the instrument by which Alexstraza suffers. Without our intervention, the Dragon Soul is not found, and Alexstraza is not subject to its compulsion. Without our intervention, the Dragonmaw do not get their ill-gotten flight of dragons produced through duress, hatred, and violence. Without our intervention, we do not permit an unspeakable atrocity to occur.

This quest can happen, and that’s fine, but it should not be the PC delivering the Dragon Soul. Either the PC should be being duped into doing something fishy, or the PC should not be the one to ultimately surrender it. Hell, have the NPC not tell the PC exactly what they’re looking for, nor why it’s necessary, but instead say ‘The Infinites are doing some mucking with the timeline. Head into the timestream and use this device/artifact/spell/macguffin to find the anomaly!’ Then, we manage to locate the Dragon Soul’s whereabouts, and from there Bronzes port in, snatch up the artifact (likely disguised and among genuine Dragonmaw troops), and promptly whisk us away back to the current and repaired timeline.

As it stands now, any heroic character would be entirely in the right to go full Infinite in this questline.


Yes, it does and we are that main character pass the screen it affects us.

So I’m the monster, not the Orcs who are doing it?

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You’re giving them what they need to do what you know they’re going to do.

It does not. Much like any media. You have the obvious option to deal with this. Stuff like this should be in media. Not just for storytelling, but it highlights a malignant issue with storytelling media. People want to change what they don’t like for no other reason than they don’t like it.

Yeah, people keep saying the rape has been in-game for years but ive been playing 15 years and have never seen it. People are justifying the upcoming quest by claiming something in the past of the game that was never in-game.


Wait a minute…

So if I go back in time because the dragon soul was misplaced and Alex was going to escape. Doesn’t that mean… Alex was always going to escape and I was there the first time and did it?

When did this all start? Was I always there?

We are not the Infinites. We are not allowed to change the past. We have been complete monsters for a long time now. This changes nothing.

No. There is always an original. The Infinites have a habit of creating infinite loops when we are force to fix the anomaly, hence their name.

To be completely fair on this, I’m unsure how many people actively (large scale) are aware this is what the lore was.

At least one former Blizzard employee has chimed in during these discussions on twitter, who was fairly long term, didn’t know this was the lore.

Nah. People should be made aware that blizzard has learned nothing since the lawsuit.

INFINITE dragonflight has to mean something. This could’ve been made to be more interesting and creative but no. It’s the tired old 'would you kill hitler?" scenario. It’s an unnecessary hypothetical that ignores ALL of the other cascading factors that led to a specific period in time happening at all.

They JUST AS EASILY could’ve said “Oh, wait! We found out the Infinite Dragonflight is purposefully tailoring the timeline to force Murozond’s ascension. We can stop them by stopping their twisted experiments through the timeline.” <— That alone sets us up to maybe mitigate the damage from these events, undo the damage the Inifinites are forcing onto the timeline, AND give Alex agency over what SHE wants to be done with HER past.

Or, even better, we don’t need to be forced to revisit this event at all. It’s bad enough Horde players committed genocide TWICE, now you want us to be complicit in sa? puh-lease.


And what’s worse, CHROMIE is giving out this quest? And SHE wants to keep it on the down-low? CHROMIE!? What?

So everything in the world doesn’t affect us? Do we cry when we’re sad,angry by injustice? That doesn’t affect out emotional state of mind? Surely you jest . All stories affect us,wither in media ,written ,or experienced .You are not a human being if not for emotions.

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We’re breezing by willful neglect into active participation at this point and this counter arguments are weak.

Park the different view points of us in the thread for a minute, why risk the PR backlash for this. Do more people play wow and subs increase because this exists in game? No I highly doubt it, and if this is what drives you to play then I’m not interested in the same product as you. The risk of losing subs is real though.

I can’t even fathom what there is to gain by including this from a monetary standpoint.


Its just a part of dark quests in the game. I will personally likely not do it (Definitely not killing Amber either, this one makes no sense).

But is consistent with the lore. The reason is being hated is because people are too used to killing in videogames and put less importance on that than in a r*** quest, especially in modern times. Even I do it, which is why I am not doing the quest.

But is a dark quest in a game that has had its fair share of dark (even darker ones) quests all over. Even in last expansion with souls going to eternal torment and abuse. In fact, we had the option there of choosing to kill the soul to absorb it or to free it, but almost nobody saw it bad (I did and always freed the soul!)