PTR quest spoilers, but

Neither ,you emotionless .

I’ll take that as a yes. Moving on.

I seem to recall an early quest being reworked that involved a mage killing Gnolls for the sake of Gnolls.

That is to say, especially in Dragonflight, we tend to have fairly solid reasons for killing NPC monster races. And I’ll also say this has LONG been a complaint in the lore community.

Especially when it involves sentient species that don’t look like animals. It’s easy to forget Raptors in WoW are actively tool using, Sentient, intelligent species.

It’s less so for Furbolg, Harpies, etc. And that has come up a whole bunch in discussion over the years.

Firstly, Teldrassil never should have happened and the Horde was made into complete monsters at that point alone. It is a complete sham that Horde players didn’t get the opportunity to try and sabotage the engines of war to stop the civilian genocide. And then Blizzard higher-ups had the brass to try and call that a ‘fist-pumping moment?’ My character, who to that point was a hero held in high esteem across Azeroth, became a butcher serving a dead elf with an ego problem.

Secondly, I’m guessing you’re talking Theramore. Simply put, Garrosh acted too quickly for anyone to really respond to and his radical nature already had the Horde in disarray, and nevermind the chaos caused by Taurajo.

The nonsense of Garrosh and Sylvanas is a key example of why races need to be decoupled from factions, because otherwise-heroic characters get roped into unspeakable deeds because one of the writers wants to get edgy with a faction.

At least the Exile’s Reach origin allows a new character to wash their hands of Garrosh’s reign, though it doesn’t excuse those of Sylvanas’s. Truly, by that measure, the Zandalari and the Vulpera are the best the Horde has to offer.


The bronze dragon flight isn’t objective or policing “reality”. What they are doing is protecting our familiar timeline over other possibilities that are equally valid and invalid. There is no “true” timeline and to assume only one true timeline exists is a fallacy.

What makes our timeline so sacrosanct that it must survive all others? Just because we’re in it and we may not be in the others? That there is some sort of “true” destiny that is out there and must be protected? By us of course.

What would happen if Chromie tells us that “Whoops, it turns out that we’re the bad timeline and we have to undo it. It was nice knowing you.” Do we get our quest reward before or after we wink out of existence or reappear as er… fel monkeys resisting the advance of goblin paladins working to save their world and timeline?

To protect our reality as we see it isn’t a justification allow an evil to exist and not be opposed.

I’d also like to point out that, if my memory serves (it’s been a really long time since I’ve read the book), Baines reaction to Theramore was picking up soiled clothing from dead soldiers, literally slamming it in Garrosh’s face, rubbing said soiled cloth all over Garrosh’s face, and essentially calling him an honorless coward.

I.E. from the start there was a direct response from the Horde leadership. That wasn’t really there with Sylvanas, with the closest being Saurfang who more or less broke instead of retaliated.

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Then let them do it. we shouldn’t be the one propitiating in it .I can understand it would bring a story out more personally but that is the wrong way to do so. In some cases,with people you are subjecting a personal matter they are experience in their lives,i would say think of other before yourself.

Incorrect. I’m talking about helping Medivh open the Dark Portal and protecting Arthas.
One ensured the collapse and suffering of Stormwind and Varian’s family. The other ensured the complete destruction of Loraderon and the continued suffering of the Forsaken.

So this is actually some older lore.

It was, until recently, assumed that unstable Timelines collapse and get destroyed, and only the true Timeline doesn’t collapse.

This was backed up by a Thrall book in MoP times, where Timelines seemed to collapse.

It was later revealed (and I’m not sure where) that no, actually, timelines don’t collapse, what was seen in the book was more of a representation of the timeways closing themselves off from Thrall in the timeline? I forget the exact thing.

But it did actually used to be assumed/indicated that non-true Timelines destroy themselves.

But it was always more or less indicated that what could or couldn’t get through was “flexible” to an extent.

Because again. The fact there is a Blue Dragonflight at all is a direct timeline change not present in the original true timeline.

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That might be the narrative they’re trying to push. Make you sympathize with the “bad” guys.

It’s funny because Saurfang tried to do this. And it resulted in him getting Hadoken’d right out of existence and out of the whole narrative.

Doesn’t even show up in Shadowlands outside of a cutscene that focuses on Anduin and it’s hard telling if his soul was really even there or if the corrupted prince was just imagining it.

It’s all pretty silly.

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Can relate, especially with having to kill neutral animals who are merely minding their own business.

That’s exactly what I do unless I am forced to do it like a dungeon where I have to help them let the Orcs come and brutalize people, from adults to children, or knowing Thrall’s good friend was going to suffer a bad fate, etc. All of these guys related stuff has the player do things that will cost thousands of lives and cause heavy suffering.

But since here is optional, I’m likely not doing them, neither killing Amber, if I am subbed.


In a harmonic reality,each time line is in flows in the same direction an a line weaved from a beginning they may be separated through time either side to side or at times crossing in a rare event<this is important it is rare and not common. Ours is the same as all of them ,just different in content they are and always well be the same.

To go back in time and mess the line up you are drawing these line to destruction because the have to follow that direction into infinity.

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How do we know this has not happened many, many times before?

We don’t but I’m sure the beginning is the key to all existences.

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Yes, which is why I said “I” and not everyone.

I’m not forcing anything. I specifically stated I respect their feelings and hope there’s a skip for those who aren’t comfortable.

So you claim I’m trying to force something on people and how bad that is, but it’s okay for you to force a deletion on me?

So is this entire thread.

It’s a huge part of the game’s history that has been ignored. It’s the elephant in the room I hope they do tackle. And I hope they can do it well.

I don’t feel that way at all.

And you shouldn’t. I respect your opinion even if we don’t agree.

I just hope others are willing to hear other opinions as well.

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Yes, there is,for the sack of story telling and with that they can write it without being so “Dark” this game should head down that path so much it give nightmares or relive a event in ones life again.and they should respect that and make it selective.

How do you write forced procreation as anything but a dark part of history?

A skip for the quest is good. But we do not go anywhere near Alex in that quest. We don’t do anything to Alex. And as a survivor, for me, this isn’t reliving what happened to me. But that’s why I believe we all need an option: to run it or not to run it. Because I’m not everyone.

I agree, it should be a choice and there should be a skip for it. I know others feel the same about Kearnan.

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I’m going to ask since when it’s not?

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This is the best solution for everyone. The option to skip the quest. Especially of it’s part of a sequential order of quests.