PTR quest spoilers, but

So a huge part of lore that shouldn’t just be shoved into the background, no matter how dark.

No, it happened already and if it doesn’t continue by us putting back the Dragon Soul, the main timeline is screwed. We aren’t doing anything ourselves to Alex. We’re just ensuring the timeline isn’t destroyed.


There’s a difference between shoving it in the background, and shoving the player’s hands into the mess by force.

In other words, now, it happens or doesn’t by our hands. The danger to the main timeline is irrelevant. Either the PC is complicit in the forced breeding of Alexstraza, or existence ends. This is not great.

By contrast our quest in Caverns of Time were defeating the Infinite Dragons, luring them out by making certain events unfold, but we were told outright that after we were done, the bronze dragons themselves would set everything right, and it’d be as if we were never there at all. This is why Thrall doesn’t suddenly recognize us from Durnholde.


You aren’t watching her or forcing her to do anything. So no one is shoved into it. All we do is return the Dragon Soul.

It’s not.

And in Cata, we were in the thick of things, stole the Dragon Soul and helped destroy Azeroth.

We can do both.

There is nothing wrong with this quest. Again, as someone else pointed out, even Alex said she’d forgive them.

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It tends to help to actually post the quest text and not just your interpretation of the text. I’m not going to give a “This needs to be changed” until I see the actual text, because for all I know you’re overreacting to something that isn’t actually semi-comedic as you claim.

The entire story behind the bronze dragon questlines are that they do what has to be done in order to prevent the timeline from being destroyed. They aren’t meant to be things that are easy to look at. They’re meant to be the gross and uncomfortable atrocities that would cause a ripple effect in the timeline.

There’s a quest on the PTR where we are forced to kill Amber Kearnen as well, because her death is what triggered the Uncrowned to properly form, which Chromie says is what saved Azeroth. (She also says that her death also triggers uncovering Matthias Shaw being a Dreadlord - but she was killed because she knew he was a Dreadlord - so if she hadn’t been killed, he would have been unmasked either way) - but her death was what caused the Rogues to come together and form a cohesive group - to find her murderer - which in turn created a group of rogues to help against the Legion - and in turn apparently saved Azeroth.


player can skip the dialogue… like always.

Due to how time shenanigans work, it really gives a darker undertone of “this adventurer I’ve been working with so many years could actually have helped me but didn’t.”

I’m actually super happy to see the Bronzes having to deal with darker subject matter but I’m not a fan of it being put on the player to do this since we have no choice but to do it or forfeit whatever the quest rewards.


in us returning the demon soul we are indirectly guaranteeing her continued years of slavery and misery at the hands of the orcs. Yeah, we’ve meddled before, but this is the first time that we’ve directly had to do something so uncomfortable to a lot of people. It doesn’t bother me all that much but I try to respect the feelings of people who might be really offput by this, such as survivors and similar.

I have no real thoughts on what should be done about this but I feel like it’s sort of in poor taste to bring the “hey remember when all our lore involving female dragons actually involved assault? yeah about that let’s go back to it”. they sort of nodded to it with the blue dragonflight when the one who lived in pandaria, in the past was going to be mated to a big chromatic monstrosity. blizzard does have a problem with doing this to their female dragons.

I feel if they wanted to involve the demon soul in some way they maybe could have had a whole thing where we’re putting it back where it belongs after the events of Cataclysm so the timeline actually isn’t borked at all. I’m assuming when we did that we just yoinked it from a now really weird timeline.


Thank you. Indirectly. And again, she accepts that and also said she would forgive them.

As a survivor, I would also like people to respect my views, as well.

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Who cares? This is a fictional video game. The characters dont have feelings, they’re not real.


That’s totally fine if you don’t mind it in the game as a survivor but it might distress a different one.

I also don’t really take her acceptance and forgiveness as fully genuine, as if you’ve seen the dialogue she’s clearly upset, gritting her teeth, and walks off. She accepts it as something that has to happen to preserve the timeline. Not that she’s forgiving the player now or even immediately.


The qiest is optional. So it can be skipped.

The forgiveness was in the novel, not this quest. In War Crimes back at the end of Mists.

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Fer context on that ongoin’ Bronze Dragonflight Story, in order tae preserve tha timeline we’ve:

  • Allowed tha Horde tae destroy all o’ Stormwind, commit genocide an’ be in position tae get tha Dragon Soul in tha first place.
  • Assisted Arthas in purgin’ Stratholme, settin’ him on tha path tae become tha Lich King.
  • Maybe, possibly created Azmerloth.

But as counter-point tae this, as a consequence o’ tha terrible events we allowed tae happen, we’ve:

  • Helped tha Orcs rediscover their Heritage an’ Culture
  • Fixed tha system o’ judgement in tha afterlife
  • Saved tha world numerous times.
  • Defeated tha Burnin’ Legion.
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And we also helped steam the Dragon Soul and destroy Azeroth.

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I mean Doctor Who touched on that subject, and not once was SA used in it. To a lesser extent Supernatural also touched on it without SA either. Dark themes can happen without SA.

Yes, when you introduce time travel, you need a reason why some things happen, so you get ‘fixed points in time’ that must happen.

It’s also one thing to watch a character do something, but since we’re playing a video game, controlling our characters, it’s kinda like we’re doing the thing, not just watching others do it.


I get that this quest is not agreeable to a lot of folks however a lot of them are acting like we the PC are committing this atrocity and we are not this is already an established part of the lore.

It unfortunately is a very dark but very necessary part of the red dragonflight and orcs history and without it Azeroth as we know it doesn’t exist as it does today. It really is as simple and unfortunate as that.

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No…she justified our actions but she’s clearly not happy about it. Like she’s a step away from straight up fury. She understands the ugly side of time keeping even if she doesn’t like it.
And Chromie didn’t go “teehee” she was clearly nervous and didn’t want this mission to make it to Alex’s ears.


That was single greatest timeline we’ve ever created.


I mean, in Cata we allied with the Dragonmaw orcs who we later butchered in MoP since they allied with Garrosh and that was present-timeline shenanigans. Pretty sure the PCs have butchered more children and baby dragons just by playing the game either by direct or indirect action at the behest of questgivers.

Maybe Horde did, but I don’t think Alliance did. I thought we Allied with the Wildhammer dwarves. Then again, it’s been awhile since I’ve done Cata zones.


You are correct.
But both sides have shed more dragonkin blood than Deathwing ever did.