PTR quest spoilers, but

I’m not arguing that we haven’t been murder hobos, just couldn’t remember ever allying with the Dragonmaw.


Was definitely a reputation for Horde during Cata, even got the tabards.

Was pretty much recruiting them into the new Horde, only for us to start systematically exterminating them in both dungeons and the SoO raid.

Ah, gotcha. As you can tell, I am an Alliance gal xD

I like when you click the dragon npcs that sometimes say “honor all dragons” and I think "ya I definitely did plenty of “honoring” dragons especially back in cata

Got my start all the way back in Vanilla. I’ve killed enough dragons that I could make a region sized carpet out of them.

Indeed. No one would deal well with that news who went through such trauma. But she understands why it couldn’t be changed. I think how that’s handled is going to be the most important part.


This dude is the embodiment of a dwarf, lol

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Sigh It’s getting very bothersome of players who are so casually throwing around this term without knowing what it actually is as defined by law. Especially with so many of you doing so simply for virtue signalling.

  • Firstly, the obvious point that it’s a fantasy medieval based game, the characters are neither real nor based on real-life individuals. She’s quite fictionally a dragon.


  • Putting aside it’s a fantasy character, she was under duress to willingly breed with her consort to supply the Dragonmaw orcs with eggs. By it’s legal definition this isn’t R*. Stop throwing that word around so casually, it’s insulting. There’s a reason why SA is one of the most difficult cases in court, simply by all the factors of what is and isn’t applicable, and depending on the country/state, which I won’t get into. It’s become clear none of you have any idea about the actual definition or characteristics of what defines it by a court of law, yet have been throwing it around just to sensationalise your posts.

At most this may be defined as an Act of Coercion in any actual legitimate case because, as sad as it may sound, Alexstraza, her consort, and even the red dragonflight, acted willingly to assist the Dragonmaw under threat of harm, and they themselves (the orcs) performed no form of the penetrative act that defines it as R*. Does it suck? Yes, but that is how it would be presented.


  • Finally the main focus of the entire story was about Alexstraza supplying the old horde with dragons that were used for war. That’s it. The Dragonmaw story has a history of finding, taming and breeding beasts, which is what they viewed the dragons as. If anything early accounts of the Dragonmaw shows that they didn’t even know the Dragons were sentient creatures. If you looked at the most recent mention of the Dragonmaw in quests, you’d see they’re trying to make up for their actions in the past.

With this all said, I understand this is not what you wanted to hear and you feel very passionate and perhaps hurt by having to be part of a painful history of this fictional character, but as it stands the above is the actual defining factor of the entire event. You are more than capable of skipping the quest if you like and that’s all I’ll say on it.



I have a feeling most of what you say is going to be invalid.

Fine, Sexual Coercion then. You’re splitting hairs.


Your thread (and likely soon to be forum punishment) is that way :point_right:t3: , along where all the other posters that tried to speak reason with you which you dismissed, ignored, or insulted.



Speaking “reason” in those instances being tying to justify the inclusion of facilitating rape.

How “polite” or “reasonable” those people were being is meaningless.


But it’s always been npcs who did. Now we have to help them do it.


Firstly, I’m sorry to hear that.

Secondly, this gets significantly better if one of three things happen:

Scenario A: The Dragon Soul is just one of many things out of alignment by some Infinite timejumper, and we don’t know the whole story or that the Dragon Soul is even present. Chromie essentially says, ‘Infinite causing problems, hop in that time stream’, we go, knock down the offender, they spill their loot, and just before we’re able to verify that one of the things they were carrying was, in fact, the Dragon Soul, Chrome yanks us back and goes ‘yeah good work’ with a forced smile and a reluctance to elaborate further. This leaves our character with a reasonable amount of agency (after all, who doesn’t commonly knock down loot thieves) while not consigning them to outright villainy (by enabling… this).

Scenario B: We do the quest, acquire the Dragon Soul, but decide the Infinites might be right this time. Then we get ZA WARUDO’d, Chrome gently knocks the Soul out of our hands and it just so happens to fall in the path of a Dragonmaw search party. We’re whisked back to the modern era and Chromie simultaneously thanks and berates us. Again, removing the PC’s association; yes we did the quest, but we were right on the verge of absconding with the Soul ourselves and seeing what future may come and it took Chromie or even the Bronze flight themselves forcing the issue. Or hell, even do it like Sylvanas; does your character surrender the Soul or not? If not, then the issue is forced, but your character can still have a clear conscience.

Scenario C: We outright buck the Bronzes here and go full Infinite, wrecking the timeline with the Soul in hand. Then, Alexstraza herself realizes this new future is due to this paradox and she asks us to relent the Soul to the Dragonmaw, which we do with a heavy heart.

EDIT: Bonus Scenario D: As Scenario B, but Chromie’s extremely reluctant to do this, and instead of Chromie it’s Nozdormu forcing the PC to yield the Soul once it’s located, and Chromie whisks them back before the Aspect’s full wrath could be delivered. For now, anyway.


Imagine being such a wretched person that you took care the time to write paragraphs all with the intent to just say “it’s just a game forced breeding isn’t that bad” when like - holy crap man. Are you hearing yourself?
Aye. Tis a game. Game are art. Art’s a reflection of life. And aye, depictions of this aren’t bad in and of themselves - but the how and why are important. Is it glorifying the act? Justifying it? Trivializing it? If yes to any then yeah - it doesn’t belong and folks who’ve been through it are bloody right to be upset.
What kinda monster are you


Under duress to willingly breed

Re read this a couple times and you’ll see why this doesn’t make sense and why you have a bad take. That’s what happens when you use a bunch of new words together you don’t actually understand.

You’re trying so hard to say it wasn’t forced. Stop splitting hairs and call it like it is. Nobody’s saying to erase the lore, we just think it’s inappropriate to revisit the topic.

The fact that you think this post should be removed… but say get over it it’s in the game… what? Pick a side. Is it inappropriate to talk about or not?


Within the context of what the bronze dragons do, it’s perfectly reasonable to maintain what happened to Alex.

That said, I’m surprised Blizzard would willingly design a quest that dredges up that part of her past. Seems like something they’d want to avoid, given semi-recent events. And, while I have not read the quest text, it sounds like it wasn’t handled with the seriousness it would deserve. Which is par for the course for Chromie stuff so maybe someone just didn’t think all the way through on this one, idk.


Meh go watch that one episode of Dr Who about fixed points in time.

Seeing how it seems you both skipped right through the entire definitions and legal jargon presented to try and use emotional displays as your reasoning, I’ll just quote both:

As I said, people trying to use the R word to justify their sensationalised posts is and remains the issue. Like it or not, from any way you look at it (and the fact it is fictional put aside), it is not by definition that act. It was and is in all forms Coercion, but you won’t see people say that because it doesn’t have as much weight to cause a dramatic effect for the obvious virtue signalling so many are doing.

If you want to feel affronted, insulted, or even mortified by the sheer logic of the legal system and basic vocabulary, then that is your call, but it is what it is. :person_shrugging:

Some people take video games way too serious for their own good.

The legal system’s a farce if you’re buying into it like that. It’s made up of two parts:

  1. Rich folks trying to protect themselves and legalize their actions,

  2. The rest of us doing our damndest to get protections and rights.

And you know which one wins out more often than not. You’re choosing to stick to the law as if it’s some kinda unquestionable monolith of moral. Like so much of it isn’t just another sham.

That might be the definition in a law book - but I assure you there’s a rich man with a trail of traumatized women behind him as a reason for it.

Go learn how to be human. You aren’t in the right here, even if you are by law. Those two things ain’t the same.

Seriously what kinda authoritarian bull are you feeding yourself