PTR quest spoilers, but

I would question that because you are an actor on a stage .You are what you make yourself to be on that stage. There are no actors that play a role that is void of emotion,they even become angry with themselves for the role they pretend .Sometimes to the point where they give up for long periods of time.

It is a past already done,we can accept it or not,but we knew it wasn’t done by our hands to the most extent .By us partaking in it changes a boundary in that past that will change the future and because of that we gave into another weapon another failed plan in one sec of time.In the end it is about choice and maybe it is that decision we should make since the Azeroth we know can’t exist the way it is now.

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It’s also a moot point, because it assumes Blizzard has to write this specific story.

Like, you can have this exact same scenario play out, with a slight twist. I.E. The Dragonmaw should have lost the Dragonsoul by now, but they haven’t yet. Go back and take it so Alexstraza can escape.

You just pick it up from inside a tent instead of randomly on the ground by a cart.

The idea of “This is a standard time travel scenario like killing baby Hitler” misses the point because you don’t actively need to have this written in with the context of “Hey, let’s condemn this character to being forcibly bred” when you can do virtually the same scenario as “Hey, the timeline isn’t going as planned and Alexstraza isn’t going to break free, go make sure she does”

And note, I’m not saying they should do that. I am simply using it as an example to highlight that it isn’t really the Bronze Dragonflight acting like they always have that’s the issue.

It’s that someone at Blizzard chose this specific subject in this specific manner. It is not breaking lore, but that doesn’t stop it from being handled with what could be considered less than stellar tact.


I vehemently disagree, because then every actor that’s ever portrayed anything villainous is themselves guilty of aught the character did. They may feel that way, but they’d be wrong to because it’s not actually them doing it, and under that pretense is justified every ounce of vitriol and disdain heaped upon them by the chimps on social media.
And I would say acting is a step closer to any such deed than playing a video game, as playing a video game is in some ways a step closer than reading a novel or comic.


imagine being so first world that fantasy triggers you with make believe poop. If fantasy triggers you better not read any history ever of the real world…

and also no breeding no dragons - no dragons - no azeroth - no azeroth - no blizzard - no game to run away to escape reality - might as well play barbie doll house.

so wake up - grow up - smell the coffee in the real world and cause its a lot, a LOT worse.

be happy in your existence.


There’s GOOD storytelling and then there’s being “edgy” just because they can.

This is lazy, bad storytelling. Lazy, bad pandering to the lowest common denominator of this community, letting the boys know that there have been NO substantive changes at Blizzard. This quest is a signal that they heard nothing and learned nothing.

This whole “we HAVE to revisit Alexstrasza’s trauma” is as unnecessary as it is creatively empty.

“First world” “triggered”.

I’m a victim of MST and have severe PTSD as a result of that. WHY does this crap have to be in our GAMES?!


I mean I’m staying out of all that because yeah no. However my question is why and how are we so sure that alternate timelines can “unravel reality”? Because nozdormu tells us that? Because amanthul told him that? Because Titans never lie if it suits their agenda which is to bring order as they define it to literally everything including time.


Time travel opens up all SORTS of creative ideas. But no. They choose "to force player characters to become complicit in the SA of Alexstrazsa.

And, we’ve already done this during DS when we killed her clutch. WE ALREADY KILLED HER CLUTCH my god why are you doing this, blizz?


and legion us Deathknights wiped them out

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It’s a game. It’s not real. There are no such things as dragons. Soul so Breezy, my favorite CC was all upset about this but I’m having a difficult time getting all worked up about it. As you said, fantasy is fantasy.


And yet if not you wouldn’t be playing those villains ,yeah ok.A novel stories are not video game.

Yeah, the point isn’t that they’re playing the role of villain it’s that despite playing the role it isn’t who they ultimately are.
An actor may portray the moustachioed German statesman of the mid-twentieth century, but that does not make said actor so.
Variable degrees of separation.

The actor is the point they have to make the villain believable they subject themselves to be in that mind state and by doing so see themselves through those eyes they become at that point them,but it is true they do after have to leave this form behind,it is the audience that carry this on the person to the point where reality and fantasy is blurred.

People who have a hard time with this quest are the same people who enjoy Game of Thrones, Witcher, 50 Shades of Grey, beyond lewd “anime” (being nice here), and various other media that involves this subject and much, much worse.

This whole thing has shown all of us how hypocritical, and morally questionable/false most people are. “You need to look within yourself and see what’s wrong” I’ve been told by most on twitter. I tell them to do the same to root out the blatant hypocrisy.


The quest is dark but it’s optional. Just skip the quest if it bothers you that much, but dear god I hope they don’t remove it because some players are so triggered by its mere existence. The Burning of Teldrassil was mass genocide, as was what the Draenei went through and similar to Alexstrasza. Sometimes darker themes in stories highlight the importance of the good in the world and what we’re fighting for.

Personally for me this adds so much depth to the Bronze Dragonflight as a whole. It shows how mentally strong they have to be to ensure their mission and not waver to become the infinites. We going to go back and change the Burning of Teldrassil and the mass slavery and genocide of the draenei too? It’s an extremely dark topic to address but I think the story is better for at least touching upon it somewhat. Again players uncomfortable can just skip it.


That’s the page I’m on now. We’re told to do all these terrible things because it serves the “greater good”, without being shown what that greater good is. If the means are supposed to justify the ends, show us those ends. Let us see that all the heartache is worth it or that our inaction will lead to darker paths. Given how often we have to go in and fix time things because the Bronze flight has made mistakes makes me think this another mistake too.


Alexstrasza quest will 100% be changed or removed, you may as well accept it now.

Amber quest I could see going either way, in a vacuum I don’t think it’s necessarily bad, but with the Alexstrasza quest right next to it it definitely looks sexist.

It wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t aiding in such a disgusting thing.

If they want to revisit this period, fine, but just have the Infinites stopping Rhonin and Krasus from rendering proper aid so we aid in getting Alex out of there, or we need to find the Dragon Soul for Alexstrasza and Krasus to beat up Deathwing. Make it something that isn’t foul. She can still be mad at us for witnessing her at her lowest moments and understandably wanting to keep that period of her life private, but we wouldn’t essentially be responsible for it.

All of this. This! I 100% back you on your post. But I just wanted to highlight these points.


And players comfortable with being facilitators of rape can do the quest.
You really think your reasoning doesn’t sound bad, dont you?

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