PTR quest spoilers, but

It’s far better than taking a quest in a fantasy game and using it to blandly, foolishly label people who don’t mind dark incidents in their fiction as comfortable with rape facilitation.


I personally don’t think it sounds bad. I do think it’s ridiculous though because all of our characters all of them are serial killers, murderers. Tell us to kill it, and we do cause we get paid. We’re assassins at best serial killers at worst. And this world calls us heroes.


Preservation of the main timeline. If the main timeline is destroyed, so is all of reality, all of us, etc.

I’d say the existence of reality is kinda worth it.

It hasn’t yet. And I hope not. Otherwise, that’s just going to make some survivors like me feel as if it’s okay to talk about murder, mutilation, torture and mass genocide… but not our experience. Like there’s something wrong with us and we need to be buried and hushed, because that’s just too uncomfortable.

I hope the skip is truly in there for people to have that option. I don’t begrudge others how they feel.

But I don’t want my side of things to get buried and silenced, either.

We’re not. We don’t see nor interact with Alex in the past. All we do is return the Dragon Soul so reality isn’t completely destroyed.

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There is no “facilitating” of anything. These are fictional characters in a fictional world.

Bad stuff happens quite often in fictional stories; it’s part of the drama, but it is not real.

Folks need to separate the fiction from reality.


It doesn’t matter that we don’t see or interact with her in the past. We are actively involved in the conspiracy to keep her bound against her will and forcibly bred with other unwilling dragons to produce children that are then forcibly enslaved and made to murder, die, and/or breed with their mother (ooh isn’t that a fun, dark twist on the story), repeated ad nauseum until she’s able to escape at a time of the Bronze’s approval.

If I had someone a loaded gun, knowing they intend to shoot a captive I know they have, then I am guilty of the conspiracy and act of murder, even if I’m in the next town over by the time the act happens.

Blizzard completely dropped the ball here by making us actively antagonize Alexstrasza. She has no reason to forgive us, and honestly should kick us out of the Isles and never speak to mortals again since we’re clearly willing to extend her suffering without her knowledge or consent, so long as The Timeline™ is sated. We could have stood against Infinite agents trying to sabotage Rhonin, or Krasus, but no, we have to help perform one of the most despicable deeds in the entirety of WoW lore.

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So you don’t see the difference between us setting the timeline right by returning an artifact and actively participating in keeping Alex chained and breeding?

It’s not a conspiracy. It’s history. And we are keeping it intact to not destroy all of reality. It is a harsh reality for us. We can’t change the past. We can’t gloss over it, pretend it didn’t happen, ignore the pain and suffering.

Okay, now you’re done. Attempting to compare a real life felony murder to a dark game storyline just tells me that your argument fell apart long ago and you have nothing else left.

I respect if you’re uncomfortable with it, but at least keep the conversation logical.

We don’t antagonize anyone.

Forgive us for what? We aided in keeping reality in check. She recognizes this. She hates that it had to happen and had to stay intact, but it did. We can’t bury our horrors and pretend they don’t exist.

Facing the darker parts of this story’s past is a good thing. It shows all of the horrors that the Bronze have to deal with. It shows what can drive them mad, what can twist them to become Infinites, and makes us think about the dire things that happen instead of ignoring them.


path of glory
wiping out the night elves i sleep
this quest panic mode

then they would need to rewrite the 2 books that has brought this up


This is another reason I’m glad this quest exists. It shows that they aren’t retconning something again.

And for me, if they delete this quest or retcon what happened, it’s going to feel like my experience is something that should never be talked about, it should be buried, forgotten, glossed over. Like it’s okay to talk about murder, torture, mass genocide, horrific experimentations on humans… but not sexual assault. That we can’t touch. And that’s not how it should be, imo.

Again, I still respect those who want a skip and I hope there is one, because everyone’s feelings are valid and should be respected. But I also want my feelings to be respected, as well.


They are one and the same. If we don’t ‘set the timeline right’, then Alex doesn’t stay chained and bred. And don’t worry, I have a fun followup question for you later on in this post related to this response, so stay tuned.

We are ignoring pain and suffering. We’re ignoring the pain and suffering of the person we’ve elected to keep bound, enslaved, and forced to watch generation after generation bred and die for the amusement and advancement of her captors. All so that we can check a box.

Would this argument serve better then?

‘A group of men approach you. You know who these men are. You know they have a female elf captive deep in their mansion. Your mission is to give the men what they need to enslave, torture, and rape this woman until we decide it’s okay for her to escape.’

That better?

Glances toward the very angry and offended dragon

Uh… You know what antagonize means, right?

We hurt her. Maybe The Timeline™ needed it, but we hurt her, sent her into psychosis, along with the rest of her brood that was also forced to breed against their will. She has no reason to forgive us for the injury we inflicted upon her. We don’t even ask.

There were ways to do this without making the player a co-conspirator to rape. There are narrative lines that really, really ought not be crossed without a lot of discussion beforehand.

EDIT: Forgot the question! What ‘event’ is being protected by this intervention? Alexstrasza’s escape? The Dragonmaw’s defeat? Both happen anyway, so maybe a nudge in the timeline might still be acceptable since, well, it’s not absolutely pivotal to history that she go through this.

same here it might look like a daily quest
but to remove a quest due to the nature of the subject is backwards


They are not. Participating in a quest that returns the Dragon Soul, where we afterwards have a conversation with Alex in the present about how horrific and terrible it was… is entirely different than participating in chaining her down, beating her or whatever to force her to breed.

We aren’t. We tackling it head on. Just like this thread is. Because we’re talking about it, understanding the horrors of it, empathizing with her experience.

Nope. Because you’re still ignoring the entire point of this questline.

I think you need to reread the quest, because you’re twisting it for your own feelings.

She is rightfully hurt and upset, but also understands that the past can’t change. It shaped the entire future in major ways. We face that reality with her. It’s horrible, but we do face that and we are impacted by it.

No, history hurt her. And we empathize with that and we make the hard decision to keep history intact so everything isn’t destroyed.

There really isn’t. Not in a way that shows the impact it has on us, on history, on her, on the Bronze.

The entirety of the future. This event shaped Alex, her flight, the Orcs, Thrall, the Horde, the Alliance, everything.

And the events would have been different, the flight wouldn’t have been the same, Deathwing would have killed her, the Orcs wouldn’t have learned from what they did, the faction divide wouldn’t have been the same, etc.

No nudge in the timeline is acceptable. Because then it’s no longer the timeline.

But I’ve said my part in here many times. I hope people respect that, just as I respect how they feel.

I want a skip for those who don’t want to do this. But asking for it to be deleted or completely changed isn’t respecting those of us who want our voice heard through this quest.

This whole thread is cringe. So many people grabbing their pitchforks over an optional quest in a fictional world of a video game that you choose to play. It’s not even a realistic storyline involving magic stones and time travel and dragons and orcs… There’s genocides and mass slaughter and nobody bats an eye. The whole point of the game is for chatacters to slaughter countless entities for personal gain in a World of WARcraft. There are alot of things that happen during war that most people wish didn’t but they do.

You all are immersing yourselves in this world and pretending that by doing the quest you are complicit in the actions… Well wouldn’t it ruin the immersion if you were to pretend that these kinds of things didn’t happen during war? Here’s an idea; if you don’t like it go play Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

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What is done to Alexstrasza when the Dragon Soul is given to the Dragonmaw? And, now, canonically, who gives them the Dragon Soul and is thus responsible for ensuring Alexstraza’s captivity and torture?

We’re ticking a box for the Bronze Dragonflight and making ourselves the villains of Alexstrasza’s story. Which if this quest goes through, we canonically are.

Which is to… Deliver the instrument of torture to individuals that want to torture a helpless, sapient being without bothering to check in with the individual in question first. We could have done that, you know. We could have told Alexstrasza, in the modern time, ‘hey we found something wonky with your timeline and we need to handle it, but it’s a rough one you should know about’. Instead, we go behind her back, ensure that she meets her Suffering Quota™, and don’t even apologize by the end.

We’re not ‘facing that reality’ with her, we’re a spectator to her debasement and a co-conspirator in the crime she suffered from. We did nothing sympathetic by her, and in fact used her as a pawn to make sure The Timeline™ doesn’t collapse (though at this point with the number of Bronze errors including Nozdormu’s hypocrisy I’m gonna want some citations here).

We’re not empathizing with anything here. We’re ticking boxes at the behest of Bronzes who are upset that their schedule might be upended slightly, at the cost of at least four dragons’ freedom and dignity.

By making us the villain? At this point maybe we should get a first-person POV 'cause obviously this kind of vile questline is the only way we can know her pain better.

The Dragonmaw were destroyed when Alex escaped. Deathwing was repelled when Alex escaped.

Sounds like her escape is the important catalyst, not its timing.

The Dragonmaw were destroyed and Deathwing was repelled. The same exact events happen, just without the putrid filler time between capture and escape.

Then we should approach from a different point in that timeline. This is tone deaf writing by making every WoW character an accomplice to rape.

Thank you for trying to bury my experience, ignore its existence, act like what happened doesn’t matter and should be ignored.

I’m glad that you respect survivors like me and how some of us feel.


Go play wounded gazelle somewhere else. I’m not flinching on this.


You twisted everything that actually happens in that quest into something that doesn’t exist and then want it deleted, giving my experience and feelings the middle finger.

You are the one that’s acting tone deaf, not this quest.

The option exists to not play through it and I’m glad for that for those who aren’t comfortable. But next time, don’t feign empathy and stand on some moral soapbox when you clearly have none.

Enjoy your day and continuing to silence how others feel.


You’re the one arguing in favor of a quest where every WoW character enjoins a conspiracy of rape and torture. Of a major character. Without any request of permission or forgiveness. And then you’re saying ‘Alex’s not mad, just understanding’ when she’s clearly enraged by the fact that we are now the ones that gave the tools the Dragonmaw needed to do the horrible things to her.

Canonically, we are now among the rapists of Alexstrasza.


Oh no, a quest in a video game, how dreadful and terrible and indicative of the crooked moral spine of modernity.
How will reality ever cope with fiction of this sort most dire?


Ah yes, I love it when games forcibly write me into the role of sexual assailant. 5 stars, A+, hope Geoff Keighley gives it the nod for GOTY.


Finally, a good take.

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