PTR official class changes 9.0.5

Anyone else spend the time to go through the list of the PTR changes? I see some interesting stuff to say the least but hardly the need for a full patch to do. Idk why its always a carrot on a stick “Wait for the patch” game. Take them as you will…

Some highlights shown:

  • Fleshcraft now grants a much bigger shield and offers a large damage reduction during the channel. (30%)

  • Death Knights

    • Death’s Due Night Fae and Shackle the Unworthy Kyrian buffed.
  • Demon Hunter

    • Fodder to the Flame Necrolord reworked.

    • Fel Defender and Repeat Decree nerfed for Vengeance DH.

  • Druid

    • Adaptive Swarm Necrolord and Endless Thirst Conduit Venthyr buffed.
    • Restoration Druid Rejuvenation buffed.
  • Hunter

    • Death Chakram Necrolord and Flayed Shot Venthyr buffed.
  • Mage

    • Deathborne Necrolord, Mirrors of Torment Venthyr and Radiant Spark Kyrian buffed.
  • Monk

    • Renewing Mist and Vivify cost less mana.
  • Paladin

    • Holy Shock costs more mana

    • Vanquisher’s Hammer Necrolord buffed.

  • Priest

    • Spirit Shell nerfed.

    • Kiss of Death and Cauterizing Shadows buffed.

    • Fae Guardians Night Fae buffed.

  • Shaman

    • Fae Transfusion Night Fae, Vesper Totem Kyrian and Primordial Wave Necrolord buffed.

    • Lightning Shield buffed.

  • Warlock

    • Malefic Rapture nerfed.

    • Impending Catastrophe Venthyr buffed.

  • Warrior

    • Impending Victory buffed.

    • Conqueror’s Banner Necrolord reworked

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This is great and I’m glad to see affliction nerfed


This should all have been addressed in beta


100% agree. How there is still not changes to the obvious outlying specs or abilities is beyond me. Unless they plan to have a smaller set of changes beforehand i dont get why most of these things arent just in the game right now. Trying to pump up the jam again and buddy it with the valor points return to appease all the crying pve players i guess so they can say they addressed both sides of the game.

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Keep in mind this is all for pve.

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it is so incredibly amusing to me that DH, the flagship “we’re pruning xd” braindead class is the only one in the game to get a passive covenant skill with the Fodder rework

genuinely hilarious


It’s already fine before but with this, its broken.

Doubt it will be a huge deal. Gets kicked pretty often in PvP anyway, but change is probably for PvE where it’s not really worth pressing aside from before the pull.

DK and Warrior technically also have passive Covenant skill.

Yeah fair enough.

A bit different from Fodder though even still, in that they’re modifications of buttons you’re already pressing. Fodder just straight up doesn’t change anything since you use glaive toss as filler anyways. It’s seriously just gonna be random explosion procs on an RPPM mechanic.

Subjective, but Fodder would require more thought (because now you can’t just randomly Throw Glaive anymore), idk if the demon can be kited as well. Meanwhile Condemn is just Execute with more uptime, lets not pretend that Condemn requires any thought as well.

It doesn’t, but it at least changes how you use the button (in both pve and pvp), however slight it may be

iirc they added priority on glaive toss to target the demon, so you don’t particularly have to worry about not getting it, it also doesn’t have a time limit

it’s mostly that it’s a spec in desperate need of a rework and some added mechanical complexity and function, and instead it gets… this
like it’s literally the worst and least picked covenant skill in the game, is this going to improve that dramatically? not likely lol

5 bucks these changes apply to PvP as well, like the majority of their PvE tuning. xd

we’re still in beta


Lol. Hunter’s definitely needed buffs to a DoT and a RNG bounce ability that deals damage over 3 seconds. That’s for sure.

This is actually part of what hunters need. The flayed shot buff is actually very good, probably not enough to put it over the edge for Kyrian, but we need less reliance on Kyrian and DT damage.

The new flayed does more damage lasts 18sec so 9 potential procs, the KS proc is now no focus and 25% bonus damage. Add in the conduit and the kill shots hit harder than aimed shots.

You could do some nutty combos with DT > RF > LNL > KS. Flayed is pretty consistently giving 1-2 procs per cast.

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Now we’ll never be able to kill. One of the least represented classes on the ladder with about the same people playing it at as any other class.

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Fleshcraft will probably be nerfed for PvP. At least I hope it will will be…

But its blizzard so we will never know until its too late.

Also this is the 4th complete rework of fodder the flame and it still seems like it will be garbage. #betalands

It can be kicked and it’s only 4 seconds every 2 minutes.

I mean. No. It’s not really what Hunter’s need. Trading our suboptimal burst for suboptimal sustain is…well let’s just say it’s not great. It’s basically a free L&L proc every 18 seconds.

I mean. Yeah it doesn’t hurt, but combined with the buffs to Careful Aim, and it’s just more proof that the devs don’t really have any idea what they’re doing.