PTR official class changes 9.0.5

loving the frost dk changes. they’re plentiful. well, at least fleshcraft is really good now.

Like no troll, you’re dead wrong about them buffing underperforming covenants being another example of not knowing what they want for hunters. Don’t lump the misguided careful aim buff with them actually doing something good.

The class should not be designed around wombo combo burst, the game in general shouldn’t. So having better methods to do damage outside of a 1min window is better for the class and the game. It’s this arms race of burst and CD trading that is making the game more and more scripted.

Given this is the first round of PTR changes I look forward to what they do with leggos and further buffing necro/venthyr.


I can agree with this, but it’s beyond obvious that, despite what you or I may think, the developers disagree entirely. The entire meta in PvE and PvP currently revolves around DPS windows and Cooldowns.

The problem is that both changes are completely irrelevant. You might think it’s a change in the right direction, and think that makes it a good change, but I don’t particularly ascribe to that school of thought until they start taking the initiative to bring other classes to that level.

I would prefer a class with a straight forward and coherent design, with a win condition that makes sense and is competitive with the other classes. In that lens, these changes are just as misguided and useless as the careful aim buff was.

This major tuning pass is a good sign for SL. I think we sensed that SL wasn’t finished. I’m glad they’re investing time in bringing things more closely in line instead of rushing towards 9.1.

what school of magic is fleshcraft if it is any? Looks like it’s actually good now.

Ughhhh, rdruid convoke is “ok” but if those necro changes make it to PVP like that I’ll have to either give up playing resto and go full boomie, or change covenants and have a meh boomie.

That adaptive swarm buff is potentially massive (and I’m of faith that rdruids will return to being PVP gods in 9.1).

Calling it now, I bet they fix the legendaries to actually be “spec specific” despite it saying it already being labeled that way lol. RIP Prot legendary

lightning shield? Poggers

shadow, so great for classes like ele shaman

or any hybrid that isn’t a shadowpriest. not a bad oh crap button if you get a heal kicked.

Warrior is actually the braindead class. DH requires the need to kite and kite heavily in arena to survive; warrior doesn’t.

Sit D stance. Hold down W towards target. Smash Charge and Condemn hotkeys. Get glad title.

Burrr derp derp … brainless. Much skill

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It’s kinda over tuned if we’re being honest

Ngl fleshcraft is starting to look like the best PvP covenant ability. That’s insane especially for Mistweavers.

Also the priest forums are going crazy over the buffed night fae guardians. It’s pretty good in arena paired with fire mages.

Primordial wave buffs… I couldn’t believe it but I’ll take it LOL


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I feel you, basically just nerfed our main damage spell. Lots of people, at least whom I have conversed with, prefer destro because they can’t understand the afflic rotation. Please, give us back Unstable Affliction on more than one target if this Malefic Rupture nerf happens. Basically going to invalidate those lock players that are still learning this spec. Yeah, we have guys like Kalamazi who just own affliction but not everyone is at that level. Either way, I am looking forward to seeing what March brings and fingers crossed that afflic doesn’t get hit too hard.