PTR datamining continues!

Because they aren’t elves or one of the other more popular races. Some of us like playing races like Goblins/Gnomes though. I mean, I haven’t bothered to unlock a single AR, but I WILL work on getting Junker Gnomes and Gilblins/Vulpera if they get released.


But that’s not always the case. Mechagnomes never got updated with the Gnomes, and some other NPC races kept their old models in specific areas rather than had them be uniformly replaced.

The fact they’re both marked that way works against your argument though, because unlike the Gilgoblins, the Ankoan shouldn’t need a later update once the Goblins are updated. And just on the face of it, what is the point of making the Gilgoblins based on the old Goblin model when the Goblins are getting updated in the very next .5 patch? It’s a waste of effort.

The Vulpera males and females are both based on the Goblin male model, so it makes sense they would currently have far less animations. And if they’re to be made playable later this makes sense, there’s no point in wasting time fleshing out both the male and female models for launch when they’d just need to update both again later anyway.

Other than all that, I don’t get why anyone would want Gilgoblins. They’re literally just Goblins but with scales and gills, their design is almost lazy. They don’t really have any culture to speak of, they have no history, and I don’t see any story for them going forward.

I’d rather have Makrura, actually.

But that’s not always the case. Mechagnomes never got updated with the Gnomes, and some other NPC races

One thing I forgot to clarify is models in newer areas. At the time that gnomes got their model updates a quite some time had passed between the occurrence of Titan MechaGnomes in the old area.

The fact they’re both marked that way works against your argument though, because unlike the Gilgoblins, the Ankoan shouldn’t need a later update once the Goblins are updated. And just on the face of it, what is the point of making the Gilgoblins based on the old Goblin model when the Goblins are getting updated in the very next .5 patch? It’s a waste of effort.

No. Some Ankoan female voices were datamined suggesting that there could be female Ankoan models in the works. It is also possible that a significant amount of variation or animations will be added to them over time. Next thing is that the models of all other unshackled members. Makura and Sea Giants got model updates since their first showcase on the Nazjatar preview a few months ago. This adds to the likeliness that Gilgoblins will also get model updates.

Another thing to remember also is that Gilgoblins have a lot of animations, so it would certainly be more complicated to make a model update for them with all those animations working properly than it would be to do for Ankoan.

The Vulpera males and females are both based on the Goblin male model, so it makes sense they would currently have far less animations. And if they’re to be made playable later this makes sense, there’s no point in wasting time fleshing out both the male and female models for launch when they’d just need to update both again later anyway.

Granted, but mind you there is people out there saying that Vulpera are a confirmed allied race just because of this.

Other than all that, I don’t get why anyone would want Gilgoblins. They’re literally just Goblins but with scales and gills, their design is almost lazy. They don’t really have any culture to speak of, they have no history, and I don’t see any story for them going forward.

Consider the allied races that have come out so far. They have always been similar in nature to each other and we don’t have an aquatic race yet. We don’t have a cyborg race either. Both Gilgoblins and Mechagnomes are examples of races taking racial professions(Alchemy and Mekkangineering) to the extreme. They would go very well together. I personally think of them like fun sized Jinyu. They also have some very good voices. I’ve been hoping for a decent goblin AR since legion.

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Or they could just have female voices for the current model. They are fish after all, and I doubt they’ll be playable either.

Anything is possible, that doesn’t make it likely.

The first showcase just used already existing models, they didn’t make new ones for the showcase then make other new ones again. I also don’t think the sea giants were updated at all. Really all that changed was they updated the Makrura.

They have the Goblin animations, yes. In effect they’re not a unique model, they’re just a skin.

People say they’re confirmed for a lot of reasons. The Brewfest icon is the most obvious one, as far as I know there are no icons for non-playable races.

Similar how? And how are cybernetics and being aquatic similar? The Gilgoblins don’t really have anything to do with alchemy either.

Eh, they’re all just devolved trolls.


People say they’re confirmed for a lot of reasons. The Brewfest icon is the most obvious one, as far as I know there are no icons for non-playable races.

There are also male and female Gilgoblin racial icons as well as all kinds of UI elements, but you don’t typically hear people talking about these as much due to the Vulpera bias.

Similar how? And how are cybernetics and being aquatic similar? The Gilgoblins don’t really have anything to do with alchemy either.

They are each examples of unique new types of themes that could be introduced as short races. We don’t have an aquatic or cyborg race right now for one. They are also both examples of alchemy and Mekkengineering being taken to the extreme which are racial professions. Gilgoblins were created via alchemical purposes and your last statement is false. Datamining has shown that Gilgoblins in fact have learned Alchemy as a profession.

You can see right here:


What is interesting about this also is that in order to learn all this, they had to have learned this themselves. The naga wouldn’t teach them this stuff if they were slaves and these Gilgoblins have been isolated from mainstream society. This potentially could indicate that they are either as intelligent as mainstream goblins or in the process of becoming so.


A lot of races have tooltip-type icons, it’s not really the same as a race having an icon for something no non-playable race has.

Well, that doesn’t really answer my question for how the previous AR were similar. Not to mention the Vulpera are also short, and actually have quests related to alchemy rather than a trainer NPC that derides the profession and says anyone can do it as an insult to the Naga.

First off, what’s your source on how Gilgoblins were created? Secondly, them being created through alchemy wouldn’t make them, as a race, have anything to do with it personally. Thirdly, one Gilgoblin teaching alchemy isn’t indicative of anything, that’s no more alchemical as a race than any other race that can “mash up plants in a bottle”.

Or they just watched the Naga and copied what they did. Or, just as the NPC says, it really isn’t very hard. Practically any race, even the most primitive ones, can practice those basic skills.

A lot of races have tooltip-type icons, it’s not really the same as a race having an icon for something no non-playable race has.

Here is the difference between me and many of the Vulpera supporters out there. I never want around claiming that the Gilgoblin icons were confirmed proof of Vulpera going to be an allied race. I don’t even use them in my major arguments about why Gilgoblins are a likely allied race.

Well, that doesn’t really answer my question for how the previous AR were similar. Not to mention the Vulpera are also short, and actually have quests related to alchemy rather than a trainer NPC that derides the profession and says anyone can do it as an insult to the Naga.

It does. You just don’t want to acknowledge it. Secondly. Bear in mind that there is going to be a lot of quests dispensed by Gilgoblins in Nazjatar. They are the bulk of the unshackled. Bet you there will be something. They also know engineering btw.

First off, what’s your source on how Gilgoblins were created? Secondly, them being created through alchemy wouldn’t make them, as a race, have anything to do with it personally. Thirdly, one Gilgoblin teaching alchemy isn’t indicative of anything, that’s no more alchemical as a race than any other race that can “mash up plants in a bottle”.

Alchemy is a profession well known that goblins have an inferient knack for. It is in their blood. When is the last time that you’ve seen Vulpera dealing with potions and creating entire new species in the process.

Or they just watched the Naga and copied what they did. Or, just as the NPC says, it really isn’t very hard. Practically any race, even the most primitive ones, can practice those basic skills.

Naga aren’t exactly known for engineering prowess and I am not arguing that they confirmed to on the level of goblins intelligence, but it is possible that they could be or are in the process of it happening.

The next big thing is that Vulpera probably won’t happen for one simple reason. They aren’t goblins. If blizzard continues with how they’ve done things in the pattern of ARs so far than the next race is almost certainly going to be some sort of goblin.

But we’re talking about two different things here, they’re not the same icons.

No, it doesn’t. You never explained how the previous allied races were similar.

Okay. But even if there was something, which there’s currently no proof of, that’s no more evidence than what we already have for the Vulpera.

Again, what’s your source for the Gilgoblins being created through potions? Also, now you’re effectively just talking about something that both the Gilgoblins and Goblins, a race that is already playable and has more internal variety than the Gilgoblins, have in common.

Neither are Tauren, but they have engineering trainers too.

What pattern? The allied races aren’t really 1-1 to each other or to the preexisting races. That is, they’re not sub-races. There’s nothing saying an allied race needs to be part of a race that is already on a faction, and there’s no reason to believe the next Horde allied race needs to be involved with the Goblins, even if the next Alliance one is the Junker Gnomes.

Lightforged Draenei - Normal Draenei

Highmountian Tauren - Normal Tauren

I thought it would be obvious. One whole set of allied races for both sides are just reskins. Hell, Void elves are basically just jazzed up reskins of BEs too.

A ‘just a reskin’ allied race is perfectly possible.


Have you seen the great lifts that the tauren have built?

He said they were “similar in nature to each other” while talking about the Gilgoblins being aquatic. I figured that meant similar in terms of theme. And sure, the Gilgoblins would be a matching aquatic race if they released alongside the Ankoan, but they’re not similar to the Junker Gnomes outside of being short.

I suppose the Junker Gnomes and Gilgoblins are sort of reskins of the Gnomes and Goblins respectively, but the Junker Gnomes have way more physical differences to the Gnomes than the Gilgoblins have to the Goblins, their prosthetic limbs and attachments are way outside the league of scales and fins.

But more importantly, the “reskin races” we’ve gotten so far at least have cultural differences or unique histories which separates them from their “source” races. The Highmountain have the history with Huln and an entire zone involving their culture. The Lightforged are a group of elite zealous fighters that were at war for a million years who seem to have very different personalities to other Draenei. The Void Elves brought something new to the Alliance and since their introduction have filled a niche that no other Alliance race has. The Mag’har have a hugely different history to the MU Orcs, still have their unique clan identities, and are crazy about purity and fighting corruption, basically all of WoD built them up. The Dark Iron, again, have a very unique history and are always noted to be way more acidic and intense than other Dwarves. A lot of Legion dealt with the Nightborne, their history, and their city. The Zandalari and Kul Tirans both had huge work put into exploring their cultures and have been two of the centerpieces of BfA.

Even the most reskinned previous allied races were more different from their original “skin” than the Gilgoblins are to the Goblins. The Gilgoblins have no history or culture, they’re just a science experiment.

Their levitation technology is pretty impressive, yes.

Vulpera bias?

I really, really hate when people claim “bias” rather than analyzing an argument. It says a lot more about the person making the “bias” claim than it does about argument that they are opposing.

I could care less about Vulpera and I think Gilgoblins are lame. As far as the next Allied race goes, either one is possible, but I think it is pretty obvious that there’s been a lot more story put into the Vulpera thus far. Plus, even though they aren’t my taste, at least they offer something kind of new. Gilgoblins, not so much.

Also, goblins are one of if not the least played races in the game. Is there really a lot of demand for a slightly different flavour of goblin?


Please… not mecha gnomes.
don’t waste another AR space.
while Literally nobody asked for kultirans.
horde has been asking for zandalari for years, and they give them with pallies.
alliance ask for high elves, and they give them… some random void elves out of nowhere.

i truly hope that is just a custom option for gnomes.
mecha gnomes don’t bring nothing to the war machine.
At least lightforged draenie gived us warframes.
dark irons lava elementals ect.
void elves.well… the void.
kultirans tidesages,spooky druids and boats.

Mecha gnomes… more mechas that the regular gnomes already have?
Same with vulpera in the case of the horde… if they add them it would be just because they are cute.


If we had a competent writing team, I’d disagree. Sure, they’re a mercantile race, like the Goblins, but they come by it in a way that’s almost a total inverse of the Goblins. Instead of gluttonously stripping a rich land bare, the Vulpera have a certain frugality, where they scrap together anything of use from an already barren landscape. It’d be an interesting dynamic to explore, with writers who knew what they were doing.

But these are the people who opened the expansion with an atrocity against the Night Elves, then, instead of exploring what would happen if the savage Night Elves took the fore in the war effort, juxtapsoed to the honorable races of the Alliance, they turned the war story into the Humans of Stormwind, Humans of Kul Tiras, and Humans of Gilneas vs. the former Humans of Lordaeron.


it would be kinda hard to explore that while involving new continents.
People want to see new lands, what do you suggest they could add that could work for an expansion while keeping the nelfs in the forefront of the war at the same time?

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It doesn’t inherently have to be. Half of Cata was revamped old zones, and new zones on old maps. Combine that with the new sharding tech, and any number of war or rebuilding expacs can happen across the old world. The only reason we’re in Kul Tiras and Zandalar now is because Sylvanas randomly decided she needed a prefab navy (I guess to sacrifice to N’zoth, in the long run), so the Anduin decided he needed one, too.


Blizz also made it very clear after Cata that they don’t think that approach worked very well, and every expansion since then has been a continent. We were never going to get an old-world war expansion.


Yes and it was crap.
if they revamp old zones they should do it to all of them and we all know that they don’t want to put to much effort into it because they ran out of time or whatever.

unless we want to wait 4 years to have another expansion after legion.

and also, what kind of stories we would have there anyway?
i think that the story of both zuldazar and kultiras (minus faction war) are pretty solid.

i don’t think that what you propose could work.
like, at all.
the cata revamp happened because it had to happen.
but people probably would get bored of old zones pretty fast.
what people want to see, is new things to explore.

And so is BfA. Moreso, imo.

Depending on the nature of the expansion, war stories, or rebuilding stories (God knows they’ve destroyed enough things that rebuilding them could fill a game unto itself). Maybe both, depending on the zone. At least until the .2 or .3 of the patch cycle, when the surprise big bad plays their hand.

As for the rest, there’s a very limited amount of “new” lands left. What do they do when the map’s filled in? Pull another AU in from nowhere? Explore the universe after they went out of their way to tell us the Legion burnt most of it down?