PTR datamining continues!

I love how the OP highlighted Vulpera as a possible allied race cause of likely icons that likely have to do with a temporary holiday event, but left out all the loads of stuff about Gilgoblins that suggest they can could be an AR.

Like I said, I’m not big on tech. But I do kinda like the retro feel of them. Like the old fashioned hairstyles on the females, and the giant bunker/vaults from Cold War era/inspired fantasy. I even kind of feel like the female dance might have been toned down from the more… risqué female Gnome dance, to sort of match stereotypical 50s morality.

I am just copy pasting the wowhead articles

As for the Junker gnomes I like them but what I don’t like is that it takes the core piece of gnomes (mech) and male it better. What’s the point now to play a gnome ? What lire they will have to stay different? They are in the exact same niche, it just divide their spotlight and player base in half.

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They look so creepy and unappealing. Ugh. My condolences in advance for your "junk"y new AR.

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Honestly, following their traditional pattern I would expect something like Gilblins as an AR as opposed to Mechagnomes. Just look at the existing allied races.

Void Elves - Nighborne (two races that are ‘versions’ of a race on the other faction)

Lightborne - Highmountian Tauren (two races that are modifications of existing playable races on the same faction)

Dark Irons - Mahgar (Same deal as the Ligthborne/HM Tauren)

Zandalari - Kul Tirians (different versions of existing races but with heavy modifications to models)

It has been a pretty consistent pattern. If anything I would expect that if the Horde gets Vulpera, the Alliance will get something like those deep sea Jinyu.

Okay, but here is a few things to know. I am one of the folks who’s big on Gilgoblin around here and often videos and stuff I’ve seen like to conveniently leave out the stuff about Gilgoblins typically when people would rather than not be an AR or something like that.

Spoilers here, but these also show you Gilgoblin Voices and these ones are of at least normal intelligence.

  1. Multiple racial icons have been found on Gilgoblins.


You can see a male and female racial icon here including pictures for ui elements.

  1. Gilgoblin female model


Zoom down to the part about Gilgoblins and you’ll see it.


I completely forgot about those water goblins.
Hm… it is possible.

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I am also quite interested in them, the more I see them in the PTR the more I like them. And personally i would even play a kelfin before a vulpera because I love water themed races. So it is nice to know they may be playable.


If it is any consolation I find the prospect of Gilblins as unappealing as you might find the mechagnomes, particularly since I am not convinced there is much to Gilblins narratively. Still, they and mechagnomes would both be relatively easy allied races for them to add since it required very little model reworking and animation changes to get them ready.

Yes. I would love to see them as an allied race personally. More interesting things to know:

  1. Turns out that they are the bulk of the unshackled as it consists mostly of Gilgoblins.

  2. They worship the sharkloa Gral as seen here which is an indication they could be druids.

In this video you can see they all have the buff called Blessing of Gral which is given to faithful servants of him.

Yeah it’s interesting, I more thinking it is supposed to hint towards shaman though.
I like them a lot more than Junker gnomes because they add a new theme to the Horde/Goblins and can have their own niche !

I suppose they will have almost the same classe as Goblins but their shaman will be a lot more about true whorship and l’ESS about “deals”.


I don’t think they are bad but I just don’t find the idea of the Unshackled that interesting. Probably because the races making up the Unshackled don’t really interest me. It is also kind of disappointing all three bodyguards are Gilblins.


I don’t like the Junker gnomes because their proportions look WAY off. They come off as disturbing.


The Gilgoblins are all based on the current Goblin model though. IE, the one that’s soon to be obsolete.

Tbf, so do regular Gnomes, if you look at a model without armor. It took me a very long time to play a Gnome that wasn’t a caster, with a robe covering most of her body (Gobs have a similar problem, though their heads don’t seem quite as big). The problem with Gob and Gnome casters, though, is the ends of their staffs clipping through the ground.

  1. Historically whenever player models get updated, it also extends to npc models and variants of such. When gnomes get their model update, many kinds of gnome npcs that aren’t playable also got model updates in the process.

  2. Another factor is that in the PTR UI data, it was found that the Gilgoblin and Ankoan model and UI elements were initialed with PH. This typically means placeholder in wow modeler. What this likely means is that both are likely to undergo some major changes before Nazjatar is live.

  3. Next thing is that the Gilgoblin models also have 281 animations. Vulpera males and females only have 135 each. A huge part of the work is already done for them.


I’m with Galenorn. Once the junker gnomes have armor, you probably won’t notice much difference from regular gnomes in silhouette. They’ll just have mechanical hands/eyes and stuff. Possibly they’ll tweak the animations to make them a little jerkier.

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Well, I dislike gnomes and goblins in general. But there’s something about making a race out of quadruple amputees that especially unnerves me, even if the bits end up covered in armor later.

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Imagine all the limbs removed at the same time… *Shudder

why do people not want junker gnomes bro lmao

you know how funny its going to be killing people in pvp as one?

imagine getting killed by a junker gnome and seeing “bur” as they take your insignia