PTR datamining continues!

Yes, maybe.
i am not saying that is impossible.
but that would require 2 things that we don’t have,decent writers and time. especially time. how long it will take until something like that is finished? that’s my point. in an ideal world we would have another world revamp and some amazing stories there.
But we need to face the truth, That is not how blizzard make expansions. is clear that they could not do it properly the first time.

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And decent writers was a stipulation of mine all the way back in my initial post about how Vulpera could be compelling, and not just a token cute race. At least we can agree on that much, lol.

As for time, at least personally, the amount of time I can wait for something directly correlates to the quality of product I recieve at the end. And I recognize that most people may not be like that. But, as it stands now, if I had to wait 5 minutes after Antorus to get BfA, I’d consider those 5 minutes wasted.

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RIP Lady Ashvane. Waste Opportunity they didn’t turn her into Ursula, but I guess Azshara is already the Ursula stand in:

I am confused though. How did she went from siding with Sylvanas to ending up with Azshara?

Azshara and Helya you mean… Helya is more Octopus than Azshara is too.

Azshara is not very Octopus-like even if she has Ursula’s hair color and manner of swimming. Of course Ursula’s manner of swimming isn’t Octopus-like itself as it is more like a snake despite Ursula being an Octopus-lady(a holdover from her Snake woman concept that she had after Disney ditched the Rockfish lady concept).

Because they are gnomes with no arms or legs?

Speaking of wasted opportunities I was disappointed by this as well not to mention disappointed by Lady Waycrest not being an obese raven haired Kul Tiran like Lady Ashvane!

Can you imagine an alternate universe where all the ladies leading the Major Houses of Kul Tiras(including Katherine Proudmoore) were infact Lady Ashvane whose true form is an obese Ursula-esque Sea Witch who successfully married all the Princes err… Lords unlike Ursula who had her wedding ruined by Ariel’s friends?

Hmm? Azshara = Ursula. Ashvane = Arielle.

As for all things related to Sylvanas, who knows. It’ll probably be some variation of 3333333d chess.

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One thing I’m very confused about is: how in the world is Baine giving out the Tauren heritage armor quest in Thunder Bluff?!?!

Assuming it takes place after we rescue him, how is he just sitting around chilling in his old spot? Shouldn’t he be on the run?

My guesses are either: 1. Only the Horde leaders and Sylvanas’ personal Troops know about his arrest. (This I definitely could see and hope it’s this) or 2. They are going to add more explanation later and he gives up in TB just for testing purposes so we can do the scenario.

A cata style zone revamp would still be a crap expansion if it was written like BfA. Do remember that one of the major issues Alliance players had with Cata was the 1-60 revamped levelling. What makes you assume it would be different this time when the BfA writers are at the helm?

More to the point, Cata was a resource nightmare and ended up being way over scope and way behind time. It took a lot longer to do than they expected and required a lot of crunch by their dev team.

I don’t see them trying it again.

Yep I remember that. “Hey it looks like we are about to win… wait no we suddenly lose.” “Okay, next zone, Hey, I think w- nvm.” “Horde gets an awesome intro to Twilight highland. Ours got scrapped to do a joke intro with a devs comic character.”

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And I can not wait to hear the cry.

Well the stories of Kul Tiras and Zandalari weren’t bad on their own. It is the faction conflict everybody complains about and I assume the faction conflict will have been ended or heavily dialed back by the end of this. So a Cata style revamp would be very good and interesting. It’s also much needed cuz it’s been 10 years since Cata.


CSI Westfall was terrible and Sentinel Hill has been on fire for years.

I’d like to see an old world revamp that fixes the unfinished/unresolved plot points that were introduced in Cataclysm, however.


For everything else truly, totally, utterly, and completely awful about this Elune-forsaken game, the art team (and the music team) are consistently on point.


so is it just me or does Lor’themar have a new voice actor.

It sounds like someone trying to do a nasally impression of Gideon Emry’s Lor’themar voice. Or maybe Im wrong and just hearing things

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Oh dear… you’re right, that doesn’t quite sound like Lor.


This is pretty great.

“That plan would infuriate Blightcaller… which makes me like it all the more” Lmao bro his tone of voice. I am a fan of Lor’themar now

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more gobbo lesbians, yay lesbians

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