PTR datamining continues!

Okay trying now



This pleases me. Silvermoon and Gilneas have always had more in common than has ever been acknowledged in-universe and seeing their leaders snark at/develop a grudging respect for one another is wholesome.


RiP velfs. They’ll never reclaim SMC at this rate.

The Eternal Palace(which is obviously east of the center of the Maelstrom)… and immediately due east of it is the submerged underground prison of N’Zoth.

No wonder N’Zoth is called the God of the Deep as his Prison is in an Underground Lake/Sea!

to be fair, its a horde city so they cant truly reclaim it. Then again, I didnt think they destroy a main city.

hopefully we can reclaim gilneas sometime soon, so the worgen’s story can move out of the government in exile arc

laughs in Gnome, Draenei, Gilnean, High/Void Elf, and now Night Elf

Only Horde races are allowed to reclaim their home. (Or make a new one)


the gnomes have been reclaiming more and more of their home as we see in their heritage scenario, i hope we see the same in the gilnean heritage scenario

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You mean the Darkspear? I am not sure what other home your referring to apart from the Echo Isles.

Oh the Goblins and Azshara. Ok fair point.


And it’s been how long since Vanilla? At that rate, the Worgen might have reclaimed a small dock on Gilneas’ coast by 2119. Assuming we’re not still reclaiming Gnomeregan pixel by pixel.

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If they did, they wouldnt be Alliance anymore.

First, they would have to be okay with updating TBC zones

After seeing that amazing footage of N’zoth’s prison I don’t see how any plotline will involve “absorbing his power”. He’s waaaay too big and would not fit thematically in WoW for a tiny dagger or tiny void elf (Xal’atath) to absorb that much power.

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Jaina froze them because they were getting way too hot.


Most of Nazjatar is like how the Broken Shore was intended to look like:

Incidentally Ashen Strand and Spears of Azshara are just drier(due to no longer being underwater) less vibrant versions of Kelp’thar Forest and Shimmering Expanse…

Ashen Strand could do to have some of the Shelf/Wall/Vase Coral and Brain Coral from Shimmering Grotto along with a couple of Tube Worms and Giant Sea Anemones in my opinion. Someone tweet this to Blizzard at once!

The Coral Forest(a forest of Vase Coral of a different variety than the kind in Shimmering Grotto), the eastern Ruins of Zin-Azshari(western ruins are in Azshara on Kalimdor) and the Naga City are the only places of beauty that Azshara created in Nazjatar.

Lesbian gobbo couple is best gobbo couple

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Here’s a question: How come so much of Nazjatar is on ground level?

When you look at the naga territories in Vashj’ir, a lot of it is built vertically on shelves because, since they can swim, they don’t need it on the seabed to access. So how come Nazjatar has naga stuff all on the seabed? I know the real reason is for us to access, but in-universe it makes no sense. Even on a meta level, this is the patch that introduces flying so they could have made the zone with flying in mind like they did Storm Peaks.

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I do see your point but really half of Nazjatar is ruins (so that’s normally on ground level) or forests (same). Their actual buildings are a bit more vertical, I think I saw some above the ground attached to some rocky spires. Just checked and some naga buildings also seem to hang from the ceiling.

i gotta say that i really, really like most of these interactions, hell all of them are great (except that one from saurfang XD)
we go from goblins making fun of jaina, to jaina making fun of azshara and viceversa.
or genn and lord’themar being bros.
hell, i even like thalisra.
more of this please.

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And how every living thing there seems to be perfectly adapted to a live without water. From the very “allied races” to those flying manta/sharks and ancients. They look like the were always meant to walk on land or fly instead of swim. Also on this note, how lucky they all are that they happen to be ablo to breath air.
I’m guessing Azshara’s magic is really all over the place!

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Here’s a dumb question. How the hell do you get to Nazjatar on PTR? I haven’t done the Mechagon intro yet but I have completed all the War Campaign on live but I can’t find the bread crumb for Nazjatar or the Baine scenario. Guess I should do Mechagon intro and see if that’s it :upside_down_face:

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