PTR datamining continues!

my exasperated sigh echoes across the firmament


This one drop kicks Jaina though so she’s already more of a positive to the story than Sira and Del combined.


What can I say except You’re Welcome?


Perhaps they died during the Darkshore warfront? There were a handful of Wardens with Tyrande when she did the Night Warrior thing, but none were named Lyani.

That’s what I was thinking, I can’t remember any other wardens then Sira dying on screen and I know none of the five that are there for the alliance side of the warfront die, and I don’t believe it’s just like dark rangers where you just give an elf a bow and red eyes, at least for Dark Wardens.

I know where she comes from, some Blizzard dev just love Undead and think wardens are cool so here is some dark wardens for you ! Even though everyone was already unhappy about Sira in the first place they just love to continue stealing our lore.

Next we will see dark druids, edgy priestresses of the moon, somber hippogryph riders etc…


So could a perfectly alive, non-Forsaken one, though.

These Forsaken Night Elves are getting ridiculous. To the point I prefer Calia, over them.


Oh come on, they’re not gonna have an actual Nelf attack Princess Jaina. No turmoil allowed in the Alliance, remember?


Well we do have Nightmare druids, thats pretty edgy.

A living Nelf kicking Jaina aside so they can have the focus they deserve would be far too out there.


I am speaking of Forsaken ones

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Ah, that’s fair. Personally I don’t mind the Dark ranger night elves (I do mind them, but by comparison) but having it be dark wardens, and not having Sira just be THE Dark Warden, that’s a no from me fam.


Hmm…Wardens can receive special powers from Elune, so those would be gone in undeath. What would set them apart from a sentinel then? I suppose Wardens are the most skilled fighters among the nelves. Cordana Felsong also gained fel powers to replace what was lost, so maybe Wardens are better at picking up magic for some reason? In the Warfront, I don’t remember if Sira has any death powers that stand out, besides her avatars of suffering.

Then let a real Forsaken do it. A real Forsaken, or a real Night Elf. Not these God-awful travesties.


Same, just imagine if we could lightforge dark rangers or belf rangers into being alliance troops it would be just as bad but for some reason it doesn’t bother Blizz when it is about nelves.


I wouldn’t say that just yet, as I have a feeling some Lightforging alliance undead converting is right on the horizon, so we get a cutscene of Sylvanas twirling her mustache about her evil plan surrounded by her loyalest forsaken, only for Calia to suddenly Lightforge them all in a mexican wave style all around her while she screams “Noooo this isnt possible!” As they all turn on her for their true queen.


I don’t get to choose who drop kicks Jaina, all I can do is cheer them on. If it was Baine I’d be just as jubilant :upside_down_face:


Even that I think is just a more undeady version of something all wardens seem to be able to do, summoning avatars of whatever the situation demands.

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lor’themar and Genn banter as they fight side by side
See two posts down for better quality

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It is really interesting but your pictures are so blurry it hurts my eyes !