PSA: You can like your own posts with alts

Seems kinda weird that someone is following you around the forums mass liking your posts. You might wanna get that checked out.

I know people in the PvP forums who do this.

That’s why I made this thread. Why? Do you not want them to fix it?

The moment you said “something is up with the likes” you made yourself vulnerable to the trolling. Making this thread just makes things worse honestly.


I dont care is my point because at the end of the day what does a like mean?

It’s not a way to vote (because once again there is no opposite side, only likes) and blizzard isn’t going to see that a post has 900 likes and say “gosh, this person is obviously onto something”.

You said likes “obviously don’t matter” Right? Then what are you unhappy about exactly?

I don’t really care about being trolled, honestly. I just noticed something that obviously is not intentional and pointed it out so Blizzard can fix it.

You seem suspiciously against letting people know this is a thing.

OMG how did you get so many likes within minutes.


I’m not unhappy about anything, I’m not sure why you think I am. Just letting Blizzard know that you can like your own posts with alts, I’m pretty sure that’s not intentional. If it is, then that’s just how it is on these forums, I guess.

Are you against them fixing it or something? Why?

It’s kind of weird that you have time to like yourself on forums… Good luck with that…

Indeed it is… I feel bad for those who do it no life.

I’m not liking myself, though. I saw someone else doing it, and someone suggested that it could be done by switching alts and liking your own posts. And that’s how people discovered you could do it. I’ve only done it once to test it and immediately took my like back after I was done, I haven’t liked any of my own posts.

You’re the one who is asking them to fix it. If it didn’t bother you why would you ask them to fix is as soon as possible?

I don’t care if they do or not. People were making threads to farm likes, but that doesn’t really mess with me other than a topic clogging up the forums.

‎"Hey YOU, yes you. Stop being unhappy with yourself, you are perfect. Stop wishing you were someone else or that someone liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention from those who hurt you. Stop hating your body, your face, your personality, your quirks, Love them. without those things you wouldn’t be you. Be confident with who you are. Smile, it’ll draw people in. If anyone hates you because you’re happy with yourself forget them… Your happiness doesn’t depend on others. Be happy because you love who you are, Love your flaws, Love your imperfections, because they make you and “You” are pretty amazing." :heart:


I mean I don’t care either way if it’s fixed or not, it doesn’t affect me at all. I just figured it wasn’t intentional and Blizzard would want to know about it so it could be fixed, like a bug report, you know?

I don’t know why you are getting so defensive about it.

For a second I thought I scrolled my screen in.

Nice motivational words, my other alt.

Except you said in your OP “please fix asap”. If it didn’t bother you why would you make that request?

I’m not being defensive, I’m having a debate over a random topic and trying to figure out what your point is. My first post covered the important stuff, so this is all just fluff.

‎"Hey YOU, yes you. Stop being unhappy with yourself, you need to calm down . Stop wishing you were someone else or that someone liked you as much as they like someone else. Stop trying to get attention . Stop hating everyone , Be confident that justice will arrive . Smile, it’ll draw people in. If anyone hates you because you’re happy with yourself leave them alone and stop bothering them … Your happiness doesn’t depend on others so leave them the heck alone . Be happy because yoiu are who you are, Feel bad for your rage and anger and mistrust. Hate imperfections, because they make you and an ok

Fixed that for you.

Because I figured it’s not intentional and they would want to fix it ASAP. When people post about bugs they’ve discovered on the bug forum do you ask them why they want those bugs to be fixed, too? Why the bugs bother them so much? I’m not really understanding what your point is.

who would do that though? shame on you!