PSA: Westfall is not Texas

I noticed that quite a lot of people are pretending that Westfall is Texas or some other southern allegory.

I regret to tell you that Westfall at its peak is Kansas, at its worst it is Oklahoma.

The amount of Texas mindset, culture, temperament, and influence is null.

Redridge is Texas, clearly. I do not need to iterate why.


Is this because of Lakeshire’s latest marketing campaign, “Don’t Mess with Redridge”?

As a native Minnesotan I feel I chose properly by starting in Dun Morogh, personally.


More that its a primary entry point into Elwynn that has a history with the blackrock orcs similar to the Alamo.

It also came shockingly close to secession during the Iron Horde incursion when Stormwind failed to prevent kidnapping of Lakeshire civilians.

Because it takes too long to get from one side of its questing to the other.


If Redridge is Texas, then Stranglethorn is Florida.


It is an outlaw filled prairie filled with coyotes where the people, according to Shadows Rising, speak with a Southern drawl.

But this never happened. Lakeshire isn’t even mentioned in connection with the Iron Horde, closest to that is the doom weapon set up by Zaela in the Blackrock Mountains that would have blown up all of Stormwind.


Elwynn → Westfall → Redridge → Duskwood.

Pretty easy questing and standard fair to get through the chain. Visit Chromie for the Cata zone timeline and you can easily knock out 40+/- levels in these areas in a jip.

Westfall is perfect for criminals. Redridge if you are a veteran wanting to live out your glory days in some old ruins. Duskwood is emo/goth central.

And you can always take that leap into stranglethorn for some crazy 1995 Jumanji adventuring.

Why would you do that to my favorite zone?!


Trust me, its not florida
If it was then goldshire would be empty, for every Toxic Girls Gone Wild or Playboy(s) would be there.



I will not elaborate further.


Can we just pretend that Northrend is Alaska. Because no-one ever visits except old people traveling by camper. Un’goro crater is alaska in the summer.

I lived there for 3 years. Loved it myself. You can have florida or texas, ill take the ski hills, and the plains over the ocean any day. BTW alaska is bigger than texas.

Grizzly Hills is Northern California or Southern Oregon due to the redwoods.

Or perhaps the Sierra Mountains and Sequoia National Park.

I thought Westfall was Westfall and Redridge was Redridge.

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Oh god, have I been RPing my Westfallen Human all wrong then?

The answer is no.


Stick to Oregon. We don’t want tourists, lol.

Nah, Vash’jr is the Water Temple from Ocarina of Time. Blackrock Mountain is Mt Doom where the One ring on the AH has to be thrown in. Azure Span is where the Titanic sank after hitting an Iceberg and the survivors got fat eating whale blubber. Kul Tiras is where the Goblin King in his labyrinth played by David Bowie still has the kidnapped baby.

What else

The kids are still stuck on the Vindicar waiting for the right dice roll to finish Zathura. The Mummy has returned again along with his smoking hot girlfriend in Uldum.

Unfortunately the Twister actually took out the emerald city and left a crater in its place so there’s no wizard to send you home and the Defias stole the ruby slippers. Theres been sightings of two small robots roaming around Ulduar, one shaped like a box, the other like an egg.

I think that about covers it. :rofl:

Oh and a kardashian ruined the Mooncloth Robe of the Priestess of Elune so theres that to deal with.


:popcorn: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: I enjoyed this story.

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Full of gators, strange medicines, cannibals, has a number of entertainment destinations, frequently loses fights to the ocean.



Maybe they’re confusing it with the Cata storyline with the Blackrocks? They were kidnapping Lakeshire civilians.

But even then there’s no implication of succession, the only real shake-up implied is they won’t re-elect Magistrate Solomon.

Also westfall has always just come off as ‘US Farmland Place’ to me, but that might be because I’m an Aussie and we probably lump the stereotypes together.


The good people of Lakeshire do trust Solomon though!

He finished the bridge.

He ended Bellygrub!

He pushed back the Gnolls, Murlocs, and Orcs!

He single-handedly slew a Ettin!

Re-Electing him is the only way forward.

Paid for by Solomon for Magistrate.


Listen, rich magistrates taking years to repair a bridge are no candidate for re-election. Local magisterial powers derive from a mandate of the masses, not some farcical aquatic viaduct.