PSA: Try to be understanding

That’s a wonderful idea. Yes!

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Should have checked to see if he was just auto attacking lol.

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Some of these comments are ridiculous. What could I expect from a public forum I guess. I’m legitimately trying to help someone out, and you’re all playing on it and making it a joke.

For shame.


It was one time and i had hot pockets heating up, the heck man. (Jokes i do 8k whilst trying on my DK, most of the time its because i am out of range, stupid short range melle).

yes very shameful how dare people do that

I did, I saw one of his top 3 abilities was Howling Blast, I don’t remember seeing Obliterate at all. I suspect he was occasionally throwing a Howling Blast up for the dot and then afking most of it (not even auto attacking), but like I said, stuff was dying in a timely manner so I didn’t care.

Ok i was kidding, now it’s seriously sounding like me…

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What you did was perfectly correct.

I wouldn’t be bothered by the comments on your post.

Most have agreed on multiple posts they would kick another player because they can and linked me the blizzard blue post.

So I wouldn’t take them seriously.

You have good attitude and we need more players like you doing lfd content what ever you chose to do.


I think something in the aether that told me it was you, which is why I knew not to kick


You’re on a forum talking to people who want Deserter removed so they can be as toxic as they like with no repercussions.

People who are screaming that being vote kicked is an attack on them so Blizzard should remove it entirely, so they can be as toxic as they like with no repercussions.

People saying that groups of friends should not be able to queue in the finder because they can’t be vote kicked when they refuse to play as some random from the forums demands.

People telling everyone in multiple threads each day to kick slow tanks, new players, learners and anyone else who dare shave 45 seconds off of their addon spamming in /say how fast(?) they went from 72 to 73 as if they are important and we should care.

You’re not going to get anywhere with this thread, other than trolled.


:point_right::point_left: aww shucks.

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No one said this.

Debuff should be assigned for players who get kicked for the third time.

This system is now live and working in overwatch.

Go leave three games and see what happens.


Bro please I need a break for the rest of the night, can we pick this up again tomorrow?

I can leave as many times as i want on roblox (roblox has online multiplayer right? I dont actually play it), whats that got to do with wow?


Do you normally run normal dungeons with damage meters turned on?

Its honestly baffling how toxic casual dungeons have become, people being so obsessed to complete them in record time or something.

When im DPS i respect the tank, i dont pull for him, and when im the tank i expect said respect, if you wanna go pull more for me, then good luck, your pull, your problem, deal with it.

Ill only agroo them after you died like an idiot.

This actually happened on my last dungeon where on the first freaking pull one of the DPS couldnt be bothered to take it easy and ended up draining all the healer’s mana, so i had to go even slower than usual until they replenished (which also proved me the healer wasnt that great so i wanted to avoid greedy pulls the healer likely couldnt handle)

When they did the same thing again later in the dungeon with an even harder pack, i just let them die while me and largely the healer dealt with the pack that remained, since the other two DPS died to aoe and spells.

He was lucky i had enough patience to not just vote kick him.


Stop acting weird man. Learn how to use the ignore user option.

so many self reports in the replies here

people love kicking others for no reason at all in starter content. they get this enjoyment from others suffering


I don’t want to ignore you mate, I like you more than I dislike you


people who unironically use the word “toxic” to label things that they don’t like instantly give themselves away as people who can safely be ignored and their opinions completely discounted