I just ran a random where a DPS was attempted to be vote kicked multiple times. The reason was “trash”. It never succeeded.
To be fair, the DPS in question was running 50k DPS, while everyone else was running 150k+, including the healer.
But I chose to PM the DPS in question to figure out what was going on and help them out, and really that’s what you should be doing. I gave them tips, and places online to look to get better.
The group was doing well, we were smashing everything and just going through it like butter.
The DPS in question (a hunter) was not pulling stuff or causing issues.
Stuff was dying so fast, it didn’t even matter.
They were trying their best.
In the end…we wiped on the final boss cause the tank just pulled and pulled, and everyone, except me left. Queue refilled, and the boss was down in 30 seconds.
Moral of the story, DPS numbers are no reason to vote kick someone. If they are offensive, pulling when they shouldn’t OK…but the previous is just toxic.
They are a reason. But depending on the situation, it might be a dumb reason.
Helping people is great and I always help when people tell me they’re new to the class, the dungeon, etc.
Yes, we should be helping each other. But there will be times when people refuse the help, ignore the help, then continue to bring down the rest of the group.
So it’s all going to be situational.
I believe in helping over kicking. But I can’t help those who don’t want help and are a detriment. But I will try first.
It was a normal dungeon, we were killing it, and prob could have done it with just a tank and a healer. For this specific situation, it is fact, we would have been fine regardless, and there was no reason to vote kick.
It was a normal dungeon. Even if it were heroic, we all know that tanks pull wall-to-wall, and some specs just dont keep up with that. Especially when stuff just dies when looked at.
I ran a dungeon with a DK who was doing 8k dps (not a typo, that’s 8,000 damage per second), he didn’t get kicked because everything was still dying quickly.
If stuff is dying in a timely manner, people are often way more tolerant of one person being almost entirely afk or just being bad. I don’t know. Most of the times I think people don’t get kicked unless things go wrong and people want somewhere to place the blame.