PSA: Still no Storm Lord

Glad I banged out two trinkets on the first day.

You are going from the assumption that Blizzard has screwed up. You assume problems where they might not exist just to prove your point. You want this to be Blizzards fault, so no matter what, that is how it has to be. Question. Did you spend as much time moving site to site farming the required materials as you have complaining about it in this thread? Not to mention other threads you may have done the same in? If your (truthful) answer is no, then I think we can pinpoint the problem. Again, 6 P’s.

Also, are you implying that Blizzard is targeting certain people to NOT get the items needed? That they are in fact out to get you? Seems many, many people were able to get the stuff they needed with minimal effort. Is the mean ol’ Blizzard in the room with you, right now?

I just came back from a break this last week and the one I had an issue finding once I decided to make the trinket was Earth. I saw Storm multiple times. Sounds like some of yall are exaggerating the fact that you’ve been checking every 3 hours for days.

I feel for you guys.

Hopefully he spawns soon, or Blizzard extends the event by a week so you guys can complete it.

I only need the one to finish and I knew I had a bunch of time on this holiday weekend…

I didn’t realize until Saturday night that it was broken and then all of Sunday no storm lord spawned.

I have made it my theme anytime a new event or even a old one comes up I check the forums and wowhead for any known issues …that has saved me many a day pulling my hair out …

Yes. Yesterday. All day long, over the course of ~8 total spawns. No storm lord.

So which day exactly should I have picked that would have been better, and how would I have known that was the day the Storm Lord would have appeared?


There is a laundry list of Blizzard’s screw ups. Their track record speaks for itself. So yes, I assume this is a another Blizzard screw up.

I have everything from the event I want except Storm Lord. So yes, I’ve played the game, looking for Storm spawn 3-4 cycles per day for the last 4 days as have a lot of other people.

The fact that you would rather berate the community instead of calling out Blizzard for something that is an easy fix speaks more about the type of person you are than any amount of “whining” anybody does.


all the people saying “oh you’ve had two weeks” or whatever, i’ve full 252’d like 5 characters over two weeks, only seen a COUPLE storm lords the entire time, and didn’t get a drop. This is a real issue and if you got yours, good for you, you got lucky with RNG.


Prefacing with: I got my trinket, so nobody needs to call me a whiner lol.

But … this [quoted above] is really the problem, isn’t it?

Blizzard had a very obvious need to program for the elements to cycle evenly, so that we could all get drops from all four primals. Instead, they opted out of that one small but important step in their programming, and left it a free-for-all that screwed over people on certain elements.

The argument that you “shouldn’t wait 'til the last four days” is ridiculous, because four days should be way more than enough time to grind something small like this. Especially if you got one or two elements one day, and thought, well look how easy this is, it drops so quickly! And then come back the next day only to realize you have to come back on a timer every 3 hours to check the map, because 9/10 times, the one element you need won’t be up.

When Blizz could’ve just, you know. Made it so they all came up frequently.

Why is anyone defending that shoddy decision?


I blame Gizzard tbh. I mean why have this event active during a holiday week, when a lot of people are out of town traveling, vacationing, visiting fam, etc for the Thanksgiving holiday? So that basically only gives those folks one week for the most part. Sure, it could have been completed in a week, but it seems the one boss was not spawning on a regular rotation like the others are currently doing. And Tirisfal being a complete failure didn’t help either lol.

You tell’em Vespur…this whole mess rests on Blizzard now they knew back in PTR that Tirisfal Glades wasn’t working correctly and then just allowed it to stay that way when the event went live but boy did they jump on that bug from the Evokers getting MoP rare drops 100% of the world Bosses of MoP…


Yeah the one from Storm Lords took me the longest to get…took 5 tries for it too finally drop…rest I got either right off or on 2nd try of the boss.

I think it’s a little unfair that the Storm doesn’t spawn nearly at all. I just started playing again and I’ve seen the storm once. And I was busy irl to get it. I’ve seen all the other 3 many many times. It’s near the end of the event and I dont know how true it is, the storm hasn’t appeared for nearly 4 days. That’s a little unfair imo


On the one hand, two weeks was plenty of time and trying to get it on the last day is a bit silly

On the other hand, I’ve been watching these invasions and it’s pretty clear that Fire and Earth come up WAY more often than water and air, very often doubling up, sometimes even three of the same element. And that is extraordinarily silly. It should have been 4 zones with one of each element up at all times. There was no reason for it to be just 3 zones, and especially no reason why there could be multiple of the same element up at a time.

It WAS pretty poorly thought out. Not even a good prepatch event anyway, doing one dungeon and grinding out basic mobs in a small area isn’t exactly a big event


This was almost always the case at all of the times when I was able to log on. I lucked into finally getting a storm drop … just this past Friday or Saturday I think? And I got a water/ice right on the very first day. But then for over a week after that, every time I got on, it was three earths, or two earths one fire, every goshdarn time.

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It was 4 zones but Tirisfal Glades is broke and Blizzard refused to fix it …even on the PTR it was broke and players reported it as such…they allowed it broken to go live…this is all on Blizzard…


it’s a BoA leveling trinket…who on earth freaking cares. there’s been tons of them…and there’s an easy to get one that’s still obtainable…

As a returni9ng player for DF I just wanted the achievement that came with killing all 4 of the elementals, spent my whole day trying to get the Storm one, but nope, multiple Earth, Earth ,Fire iterations, but no Storm at all. I checked all the servers I play on, no storm up. Guess I’ll miss that one cause of RNG, that’s a really lame reason to fail at something. RNG.

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It isn’t that big of a deal in the scheme of things, you’re right! But it is an achievement with a very limited window of time to achieve, and people like to have those little artifacts of prepatches to say “I was there” which is both normal and common to want.

And the whole point, really, is that Blizzard should’ve made provisions for this whole thing to work out lol.

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