PSA - Reporting Griefers

I agree with the furball. Hopefully the dude gets banned but I doubt it. You can’t even get a train of bots banned so expect nothing here. You people’s idea of “fun” is questionable but no wonder you’re all miserable on these forums LOL.

I’m not even on that server. Do you even logic? It is a win for me if the HC nerds are griefed and a win for me if the griefer is banned.

Both are wins for me.

All I am doing is winning.

While you are defending a turbo virgin griefer on a PVE server in WOW. Not a good look.

You’re not really that naive, are you?

You’re not a mind reader, are you?

If you have evidence that someone is trying to target a particular player(s) with Teremus (i.e. coordinating where the player is going to be during the 15-20 min it takes to kite Teremus and bringing Teremus directly into them,) that might be something.

But if we’re just talking about bringing Teremus to places he ordinarily wouldn’t be like people have been for 17 years, that sounds like nothing.

If player driven content like this that’s been going on for 17 years is determined to be too much to reasonably achieve Soul of Iron, Soul of Iron players should ask for a special consideration for themselves. Maybe not having deaths in rested areas count toward the penalty.

For me the chaos can be fun and I don’t want to play a safer more sterile game; particularly when it comes to behavior that’s been in the game and allowed to occur from the start.


That’s probably the dumbest logic I’ve seen all day.

And yeah, I’ve read Frosstfire’s posts.


Yeah, pardon me if I’m not impressed by that criticism.

Let me know when you have something to add.

I couldn’t care less if you’re impressed or not.

Bad logic is bad. :man_shrugging:

You can claim something is “bad” or “dumb” all you want. Until you can explain why, your comment is worthless.

It’s like you just came into a discussion to take up space.

I’m just poonting out idiocy and leaving it at that… Folks who have similar opinions really don’t care about explanations.

It’s not like you have any interest in growing as a person.

What is the intent of kiting the dragon there, regardless of if it’s to kill a certain player, besides to cause grief? it’s not a part of questline, or anything else. There is no reason for it to be kited to any city besides to grief the players - doesn’t matter if it is intended to target a particular person or not, it is still griefing. You can point out how it has been done for 17 years, but SoI has not been in the game for 17 years - if you cannot see the issue there, you are intentionally blind.


A lot of player created content does not have a tangible goal in WoW. It can be something to do. It can be something for fun.

For everyone not doing Soul of Iron the “griefing” is pretty inconsequential (we’re talking one run back from Elwynn in the case of Teremus to SW), and in my experience it’s a pretty tame and precedented way to cause the type of risky and chaotic event that can be a lot of fun.

That’s why I suggested if a fix is needed it should be from the SoI side of things and involve tweaks to the buff, not banning players all of a sudden.


Actually, banning entitles brats is pretty funny. It never gets old!

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I will se eif it goes anywhere I sent a video in with the repot of a hunter purposely chasing me with the dragon with the buff on so I gues ill get my answer at some point.


This is bull. Do it and screenshot it.

This doesn’t sound like a big deal at all. Can confirm it’s bannable? Seems weird to be banned for this. Why make the Dragon/Mob/NPC kiteable so far if its bannable? :boggle:
Anyway, just log out if you are going afk. Or add Stormwind as a ‘not safe spot’ for your HC endeavors. not super impacting imo. Maybe I’m missing some nuance of your post.

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I don’t need to prove anything to a random on the forums. Seethe more.

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Yes it’s a game, a game people are spending their time on, and they’d prefer it not to be wasted by some neck beard thinking he’s funny.

If people lose their Hardcore buff over someone doing something like this, something out of the control of those being killed (griefed), it should be bannable, and it apparently is.

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If you are playing this game on HC you are also a neck beard. No need for name calling here buddy. Both play styles are for Turbo Nerds.


How is taking it slow and not wanting to die being a turbo nerd?

And yes, there is a need for name calling, mainly towards those whose goal is to ruin the fun for others.