PSA - Reporting Griefers

I can see the forum post now…

"Blizzard banned me and I really didn’t do anything wrong. I was trying to run away and the dragon kept following me!

That’s it! I quit!"

Apart from walljumping and exploring zones, kiting big elites to cities (like the emerald dragons in ashenvale to orgrimmar) was literally a thing people did back then. Tho, there was no report button nor was there a hardcore challenge.

To this day people kite dark portal elites to honorhold / thrallmar / shatt just for fun. That’s not much of a grief, but having a boss dragon insta kill you over and over when you hs in a zone on a pve server should be considered griefing. Isn’t he immune to magic too? So it’s not like anyone could just down him.

Except that it doesn’t.

I dunno, I’ve read this is some sort of tradition? I might be missing something here and lack a sense of humor as I find none of this comical. Then again, this community is trash so I dunno why I’m surprised that people are actively rooting for this dude to kill people on his own faction, no less. Shrugs Weird flex if you ask me.


If we didn’t have SoI going on, it’d just be a nuisance.

Now, it’s funny once. Maybe twice. Anything beyond that is pure griefing. Anyone denying that is stupid. :man_shrugging:


And you are a member of the community.




I am willing to level a hunter on a new account and get it banned each time just to kite this dragon to stormwind. SoI tears are worth the risk and the price. Git gud


Behold! We all get unprecedented insight of the thoughts and the lifestyle of a griefer!

No life. No priorities outside a video game.

Hmm… mobs killing players…

Sounds like PVE happened on a PVE server.


Keep us posted.

You’re not much of a thinker, eh?

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Yet you said in response to the other thread specifically about Teremus

Did your attitude change after losing two characters to murlocs?
Because moving to Darnassus is a good move if one must idle/afk in town.

My attitude hasn’t changed.

I thought it was funny, and I hope the jerks get banned.

It’s a win/win.

Nope. :slight_smile:

To OP:

By the way, I didn’t even think about doing that before, but this post made me wanna try luring those mobs. I was kinda bored anyway, so this sounds like fun.

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whoever is doing this, please do it. Its funny.


Kiting mobs this way and, in particular, kiting Stiches and Teremus is something you were able to do in the game 17 years ago, in 2019 classic, and today.

At what point does it just become something people can do in the game? I’ve never heard of anybody being actioned for it.

What I hear you saying is that player created novel content that’s been in the game since it’s inception shouldn’t be allowed anymore because you’re “hardcore, but not that hardcore.”

What your asking for is less things to do in the game so that you can have an achievement that will end up resembling false teeth.


Seethe more.

Novel means “new.”


At any rate, if you’re actively trying to ruin someone’s progress, you should have your progress removed as well.

I can’t wait for the forum posts… “I’m the main tank for my guild. They need me!” :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Typical. You don’t have anything substantive to say, so you attack something peripheral to my argument.

Are people that kite Teremus actively trying to ruin someone’s progress or are they just trying to bring a mob somewhere it ordinarily wouldn’t be for fun?

As someone who’s never kited Teremus, i’ve had lots of fun tanking him and taking him down in SW with an ad-hoc group.


No one has to get banned nor should be.
If one doesn’t care to brave the fires of a dragon then your suggestion of relocating to a wrym-less space is a win-win.