PSA! Plunderstorm now has its own forum! 🩵

Grats, all! A new forum for us so things don’t get so jumbled up here and Blizz can find the feedback easier and we can all ask questions without stuff getting lost in the general WoW discussion!





We shall not be constrained to a single forum.


This is the best and kindest way of saying MAKE THREADS ELSEWHERE :dracthyr_love_animated: :dracthyr_love_animated:

Seriously though, probably should focus on posting there so the devs can obtain any feedback or actually have a focused conversation on improving and or changing the event.

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Unless and until the mode is outside of World of Warcraft, any plunderstorm threads should be welcome in GD, as its literally part of WoW.

Continuing the discussion from Welcome! Please read–:


It already has 100+ threads omg lmao


It been there since yesterday. It less negative.

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I just gave a PSA that there’s a place for stuff to not get jumbled up with retail chatter if people wanted. I never mandated people go there or said you can’t be here. LOL what?

I get the impression that Plunderstorm is still work in progress, hopefully Blizzard will fix alot of the problems it has in the future, eh who knows :woman_shrugging:

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Yea, for sure, friend. I am just pointing out that as long as the mode is part of retail Wow, it deserves to be discussed in GD.


I get the feeling it will be more busy than the Oceanic forums :frowning:

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What a really weird hill to die on. lol


Lol yea it may be, but still. Kinda looks bad on blizz that they had to make a whole new area to hide away all the negative feedback from those who just use GD.


I don’t see it as hiding anything away. I see it as making sure the two game modes are easier to find feedback for both and people can ask questions easier. Plunder did take over this forum and questions about bugs in retail itself were getting buried in the sea of Plunder.

I think it’s great to have both forums, because it’s easier to read feeback for both and ask questions for both.


They have definitely been moving some threads over there from the looks of GD now.


It’s good that people post in Plunderstorm. Out of sight, out of mind. This was the trouble when no flying was announced too. The forums turn into a negative feedback loop with people getting increasingly upset from each other’s posts.

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I spose that’s fair. But like you’re more likely to get better coverage if you make a mage post in the mage forum, the real audience for plunderstorm is now over there :point_right:


I was reading from both yesterday. And Reddit too.

The online reviews are all positive. The forums are pretty much either huge hate or overwhelming love for it.

Honestly, I’m excited reading these threads during a momentous new content release. We were starting to get too many biscuit and pizza threads before this

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Aww, everyone loves a good pineapple pizza fight! They should add a mini game of it in WoW. :grin:

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I saw that and was glad, general can go back to talking about their mythic/raid woes