PSA: Players new to vanilla - Murlocs WILL kill you!

Leveling a pally back in the day… gnolls were just as painful!

And groups that had casters/ranged mobs!

It’s all about smart pulling. Anyone can solo kill the murlocks in any zone as long as they follow a basic rule set.

  • Don’t get greedy.
  • Don’t pull from buildings, as there is usually another behind it.
  • If you have an interupt wait for the murlocks to chug a potion.
  • Wait for someone to screw up, as you can pull a murlock off them, better yet if you are a healer you can tag a few and heal the poor dummy.
  • If you are a Warrior in Elwynn Forest, pick a spot and wait for respawns. Additionally you can navigate around near the waterfall and face pull. There is a single respawn near that waterfall.
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or falling off the tree and having no clue how to get back to my body… I think that druid is still there all these years later

ARRRRRRrrrr, there be pirate loves here matey.

What the…
