PSA: One important factor to consider for content delay:

Just replying to your replies since you are talking to me.

That’s no problem. More publicity for me.

You might become famous for being inaccurate!

No, I’m becoming famous because a dingus refuses to stop.

Don’t call yourself names!



…? Are we stopping at 16?

Nope you are over 20 already.

That would be a “no”.


Blizz doesn’t need excuses for a poor game,what they need is folks that care about the game and get us back to having fun instead of running chores.

I’m sure most of them do, otherwise they would quit their job.

And you’re right. They don’t need excuses. Yet the pandemic wasn’t so much an excuse to begin with.

There is no excuse for the content drought other than arrogance of the Blizzard Management Team.

TV shows, and other entertainment solved the COVID problem by quarantining the crew and talent prior to and during filming. Blizzard could have rented a hotel, or large house and quarantined critical development teams to solve collaboration problems.

Management’s responsibility is to overcome problems. Sometimes this requires spending extra on contract resources, implementing creative solutions to problems. They could have done something, but they chose to do nothing…

So instead of spending money during this unique and difficult time, Management chose to adopt a bunker mentality. Instead of being creative, getting more resource and spending money to solve problems; it seems like they did nothing. In other words, The content drought could have been avoided. Instead they just figured WoW was too big to fail and the people would just accept it. This was a just plain arrogance. As a result, they have seriously damaged all good will associated with this product and the company.


I call horse hockey…

What did you come out of?

The vax only lessens the symptoms, it does not prevent the disease. It was never designed to prevent. I’m in my last days of covid and was vaccinated. Go look at the numbers for Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

Why would that matter? They can display the logs to show when the company workers were goofing off on company time?

My point was that its not relevant to the situation at Blizzard.

It’s relevant if the supervisors are goofing off… half the staff didn’t do their jobs and the half or less they delegated the work to were paid less for doing the same work, that work place environment certainly explains most Blizz games being in maintenance mode and WoW specifically going down in quality.

The complaint was about a Visceral employee…not a Blizzard Entertainment Employee
Thus not relevant to any Blizzard Entertainment product such as WoW.

Just like the suicide was an Activision employee…again not a “Blizzard” issue.

Every source I can find mentions it being a Blizzard supervisor specifically…

They work for “Activision Blizzard” the larger company not Blizzard Entertainment the ones responsible for WoW, Starcraft, etc. The ethics challenged California department lumped them all together.