PSA: One important factor to consider for content delay:


It ain’t over til its over. and never underestimate the silliness of people.
my favorite anti-vax myth is …it has a 4 molecule sized gps chip that will track you… , going to buckys (a Midwest convenience and fuel store) to get coffee and gas…
…while carrying their cell phone … :roll_eyes:

Companies that have not recovered were not willing to do what it was necessary to do. They have only themselves to blame at this point. We are under no obligation to feel sorry for a company whose management was incompetent and unable to take those steps that other companies did.

Actually I think a greater issue is years of waves of layoffs starting early in BfA, that has left them with a skeleton crew. So they were already seriously understaffed when the legal issues struck.

They need those to play Diablo Immortal with :wink:

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… You know, I’ve actually forgotten about this. This could be even bigger than the pandemic.

Found the flagger!

k dude nice copy cat.

Now instead of being mad and posting uselessness, you could get out.

that’s fine and all but its for blizzard to deal with it. People that have unsubbed have every right to unsub due to content delay.

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It’s not.

The layoff waves never affected the development team in either instance. Those laid-off at Blizzard Entertainment during both of those waves came from non-development roles at the company, primarily e-sports, marketing and event management.

You can find your way out since you are the mad one here.

Just showing how you look making stuff up.

Just because someone doesn’t agree with you means they are mad? You are upset because your opinion is wrong.

Its my thread you dingus.

You’re the one bumping it with useless posts.

Take your wimpy hidden profile and your ego and get out.

Or make another trash post and continue bumping my thread idk. The bigger idiot the more I can choose to shine a light on it.

Sorry, you don’t own this thread Blizzard does.

Just replying to your useless replies.


Ok. So he’s going to make more trash posts.

Yes, you will.

Trash post 1

Yet more spam.

That makes two. Will he keep going?

How many useless posts will he make?

We’re at three.

I got all night to keep counting them.