PSA on Disconnects (chat works, everyone standing still)

So I’ve had this issue the past couple of months now, and it seems to be getting more frequent again. I did some digging and found out that the IPS (Intrusion Prevention System) in my Ubiquiti USG-Pro router is, for some reason, blocking connections to Blizzard IPs due to detecting a trojan.

Threat Management Alert 1: A Network Trojan was Detected. Signature ET TROJAN Netwire RAT Check-in

This seems to be coming from both Blizzard-owned subnets, and some google ones. I’ve found a couple of threads on this, and will be linked below. I did end up whitelisting a few of the subnets as described from the ubiquiti forum post, however I seem to still be getting this from google IPs - which still disrupts my game connection.

I have to assume they’re false-positives, but I don’t think I’ll be turning IPS off. If a blizz rep sees this, could I get a list of blizzard-owned subnets that I could whitelist?



  1. Why is shadowlands (dungeons) tripping this IPS rule?
  2. What subnets do we need to whitelist for this rule?

Heh, more detail, I haven’t checked my router logs in a bit. Maybe that’s why my ping is resting at an unusual 80ms. Iim used to low 20’s or less.

Apologies for somewhat necro-bumping this, but I’ve run into the same issue recently. After getting partial DC’d like this several times during M+ runs, I’ve gone and aggressively whitelisted most of the subnets in Blizzard ASN (AS57976). The following subnets are what I’ve whitelisted: (US) (EU/US) (JP) (AU) (EU) (US) (EU) (US)

Blizzard is also leveraging GCP (Google Cloud Platform) now with Shadowlands, so there’s some non-Blizzard IPs that have been tripping this as well (search logs for port 3724 on one end). I didn’t want to disable all IPS for everything on GCP, but without knowing what allocation Blizzard has there, it’s hard to cover everything.

As a compromise, I added a signature suppression for “ET MALWARE Netwire RAT Check-in” and “ET MALWARE Backdoor family PCRat/Gh0st CnC traffic (OUTBOUND) 103” (the two signatures I have flagged in my logs) for
N.B. this is a rather large IP range, covering - These are all GCP IP addresses, but Blizzard does not control what’s on the vast majority of this IP space. I determined this to be an acceptable risk. Most of the subnets are part of AS15169 (GOOGL-2 / Google LLC), but some are in AS139070 (GOOGLE-CLOUD / Google Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.). There are also many other networks in AS15169, but until I see any Blizzard traffic from them, I’m opting not to add them.


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This thread was an absolute lifesaver. I just installed a UDM a few weeks ago and ever since in M+ I would experience exactly what is mentioned here due to IPS. Added the whitelists and seems to be resolved so far. Great job!

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