PSA on change to World Boss (Gobfather)

There are I think 9 loot items across all classes for the boss - why not let players have an option; to choose the drop for the class that did the fight or get a random drop from the loot list?

Seems sometimes they make decisions which don’t go quite far enough to make things fun and worthwhile for everyone. We know not all players run an army of alts, a fair few concentrate on certain classes so they can end up literally getting nothing useable from what is atm a hard fight.

I dont get it, i got cloth pants this week does it still drop stuff for other classes ? If it does them im not doing it no more

I’ll tell you what I’m tired of: I’m tired of people who don’t speak English refusing to accept that someone might know more about the language than them.
The statement by Blizzard is completely clear for anyone who understands conversational English above an elementary school level.

I think it’s one piece of loot per account per week. Guaranteed on the first kill.

It’s been years since I regularly got gear from world bosses anyway it seems like. Maybe they should just add a nice chunk of crests and stones to them as well for people who want to run them on multiple characters optionally. Or make them another source of your weekly coffer keys.

Now that I think about it I’d much rather get some coffer keys from WBs than things like waking the machine.

I like the change, 100% chance at loot even if you can’t use it. Better than going all season with getting nothing from world bosses.