PSA on change to World Boss (Gobfather)

wish itd give gear for me. warbound stuff is just gold for me.

i dont really get excited at stashing random gear in case i want an alt someday. i just sell it.

I donā€™t pug, so my alts donā€™t get in m0

I got a decent amount in the old system

you can get duplicates, thereā€™s no ā€œrun outā€

it removes a lot of fun imo

At least itā€™s gold. On one hand, it feels like a higher chance to get a piece for you. On the other, it feels bad to see an epic and have to vendor it.

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I was initially disappointed that the boss dropped cloth boots. Iā€™m of course working on gearing Guuah up so cloth boots was a mite bit underwhelming.

I do, however, have two max level cloth characters, starting up a third soon. I also got a warbound staff from a Bountiful (The traffic light one) so whoever I put it on will be having a bit of a head start gear wise.

I think I just appreciate getting something since a lot of the world bosses had the habit of giving me like 200 gold.

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If your main way of gearing was doing world bosses then you were never serious about actually getting gear lol

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Can we? This is only the first week. How do we know that?

Because nothing says you canā€™t and history says you can?

Just for alts, something fun to try every week, theyā€™ve removed incentive to kill the world boss more than once.

Which honestly, isnā€™t greatā€¦ what about later in the week when no one is doing it?

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As far as Iā€™m concerned, getting a drop I canā€™t use is pretty much a wash with getting nothing at all. World bosses have terrible drop rates for gear in my experience. Iā€™m still hunting them as far back as Legion because of transmog appearances I still have yet to collect. :dracthyr_lulmao:

Ohh boy, you againā€¦

Let me spell it out for you. In the Blue post, the change is specifically worded as a change to the FIRST KILLā€¦ so it would imply that any other kill after would have the same loot/spec rules as before.

Iā€™m tired of dealing with people like you.

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What history is there for once a week account bound gear from bosses?

Letā€™s not make assumptions as facts.

Go run Delves then.

Itā€™s just one piece a week anyway.

Then you have Raids, M+, Delves and Vault to help.

Delves are dull

you can get repeating wue gear in all other pieces of content

Why would you assume that you can only get each piece once? that is a farm more out there assumption based on the game we play

Sigh, wish I could opt out from Warbound or whatever it is.

I donā€™t play my leather characters and now am wearing a 64X leather item. : /

RIP Armor Skills

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So you hate Delves, hate group content and somehow those two pieces you get from a world boss were the end all, be all to your gearing?? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Youā€™ll eventually get the pieces. This is silly.

I think I got 1 piece of world boss loot in season 1. If I get a piece of loot off the world boss in season 2, and I canā€™t use it, nothing changes but now there is the benefit of stashing it away, or disenchanting it. Its better now imho.

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These two ā€œPSAā€™sā€ convey the exact same thing. Zero issues in how they are doing this. Plenty of other ways to get loot.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

I donā€™t hate group content, I do m+, but only with a set group.

I said I donā€™t pug. My alts I just enjoy doing world quests for gear and doing the 1 wb a week

To address thisā€¦

Look at the loot table in game. All of it is Warbound drops from that boss.

And here I was super confused as to why I got a cloth drop. Canā€™t say I am a fan of the change but thatā€™s cause I only have a leather wearer, hopefully itā€™ll help people with alts at least.

yep i got what i am sure would make a cloth wearer very happy pair of pants, which i promptly vendored as i have no cloth wearer nor any plans to make one