PSA: MoP RemiX - The Numbers (Where to get stuff)

Like with many others, I’m getting sick and tired of the diatribe and nonsense that has continued to go on, on these forums. So here’s yet ANOTHER attempt at making a positive post in regards to where to get our goodies for this event. This will be a long post, so apologies if your brain is crit for an overkill amount of damage from this wall of text. Piggybacking off of my previous post where I tried to share some of the same information here: MoP Remix: Info For Newcomers - Community / WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria - World of Warcraft Forums ( - yes, this was on a different toon, but apparently it was difficult for people to comprehend even while linking my character, how the name “Cygnis” and “Cicatw” went together, but that’s irrelevant.

Here is my toon: Cicatw - Character ( - here are the numbers that I have been able to gather since this event released. At the time of posting this, I have roughly 7 total days played time, and over 70 hours being at lvl 70. Just so everything is being stated the same, I was apparently a part of the frogger group of people that had been given the 40k bonus bronze for being a good person, but still had my cloak nerfed. This was apparently a bug? Regardless, here is all of the information I used to get my cloak to where it was pre-nerf, which is nowhere near the lvl of froggers, but I digress. Zone by zone.

Edit Notes: 5/28/24 - finished gathering data for Isle of Thunder, and added Bronze rates from what I gathered.

Notes: Aerial Nodes - Small = 25% Thread Chance // Large = 100% Thread Chance
Notes: Aerial Nodes - Small = ~6-21 Bronze // Large = ~17-63 Bronze
Notes: Bronze drop rate notes - Standard mobs: 1-12 bronze, Rare mobs: 6-32 Bronze, Rare Elite Mobs: 32-102 Bronze - try and factor these into your routes.
Addons: Rare Scanner!

World Bosses/Treasure Troves of the Thunder King Scenario:
DAILY LOCKOUT - NOT WEEKLY -1 Legendary Thread per day, per mob. 360sta/160main stat
1.) Ordos - Timeless Isle
2.) Celestial Tournament - Timeless Isle
–With use of the Meteor Chip the “Blink” Gem on the island, you can get between these 2 spawns in seconds. What this does is allow you to launch yourself into the air, and then when you blink, it ports you to the ground. And, it’s also fun. So do it. This tactic applies to getting around Isle of Giants and Isle of Thunder, too.
3.) Sha - Kun-Lai
4.) Galleon - Valley
5.) Oondasta - Isle of Giants
–For doing this one, please note: on the boat on the island is another Rare Elite/World Boss according to DBM War-God Dokah, he will also drop threads. 4-8 here per kill in my experience, these are just the regular epic threads.
6.) Adding Treasure Trove of the Thunder King to this list - I think this might be bugged at 1/week at the moment? But it’s still a source of Leggo Threads.
7.) Nalak - Isle of Thunder

Dungeon/Scenario/Raid Finder: Daily lockout, no explanation needed here. Do every single roulette every single day for the bonuses. This can be pretty meh if you’re doing all of the LFR raids a day, so don’t burn yourself out.

The Jade Forest:
Aerial Nodes - These are found all over the place here, under and over almost every single bridge, hilltop, and treetop that is in a body of water, you will find an aerial node. Collect them as much as you can. I have found the roads/bridges leading TO the Jade Temple to be highly concentrated, as well as the areas on TOP of the temple itself. There is a 5/7 spawn on top of the temple, and I have had all of these nodes be the large nodes, and that was 5/7 threads right there. In my experience here, the most important nodes to always collect, as they seem to have a higher thread drop chance are: center node atop the Jade Temple, right above the little ball on top of the temple, and the “Bell” nodes. The nodes that spawn under the bells that are hanging under the bridges in this area have had a high drop chance for me. Don’t forget the outlying isles near the Windward Isle for the Cloud Serpent Rep people. Lots out there, and this area, at least for me, has had a higher large node spawn chance.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Zandalari Warbringer/Scout - Warbringer spawns in almost every zone and drops a guaranteed 4-8 threads, rep tokens, and gear. Scout will drop guaranteed 1-4 threads, and gear.
Morgrinn Crackfang - 1-3 threads
Krakkanon - 1-6 Threads. I have yet to see him spawn here, but Rare Scanner tells me he can spawn at the fishing village. Note: This one also apparently spawns in every single zone, but I have only ever seen him on the Timeless Isle.
Mister Ferocious - 1-4 threads
Ferdinand - 1-4 threads
Aethis - 1-4 threads
Krax’ik - 1-4 threads
Urobi the Walker - 1-4 threads
Sarnak - 1-4 threads
Kor’nas Nightsavage - 1-4 threads

Kun-Lai Summit:
Aerial Nodes - This area, to me, seems a little barren of aerial activity, I could just be unlucky. The BEST area that I have found are the areas surrounding the monasteries and Zouchin Village. If you have the map open, basically the top half of the map. In particular, the area around the Peak of Serenity at the Legion Ship has a 9 spawn around it. In my experience, I have had 4-5 of these be large at the same time, visit here from time to time. The areas around Zouchin Village have also netted me quite a lot.
–Note: do this area on the way out to Oondasta for efficiency.
–Note: The lake near Binai Village can have 7-9 nodes spawn on top of it, I have only ever had 1/2 of these nodes be the Large nodes.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Zandalari Warbringer/Scout - Warbringer spawns in almost every zone and drops a guaranteed 4-8 threads, rep tokens, and gear. Scout will drop guaranteed 1-4 threads, and gear.
Zai the Outcast - 1-6 (don’t know why he’s been different than some of the others for me)
Krakkanon - The Jade Forest note
Havak - 1-4
Korda Torros - 1-4
Scritch - 1-4
Ski’thik - 1-4
Borginn Darkfist - 1-4
Ahone the Wanderer - 1-6 (always check if she is up, spawns in one of the outlying huts near the Shado-Pan Monastery)
Nessos the Oracle - 1-6 (always check if he is up on the way out to Oondasta, or just because)

The Serpent’s Spine (The Great Wall of Pandaria) - I have not seen anyone talking about this, yet, so I want to mention it here. In my experience, one of the LEAST traveled areas for collecting aerial nodes is this space here. If you open your map to Kun-Lai, and look for the end of the wall near the Monastery, you can head there, and fly along the wall collecting a silly amount of shinies, and killing random rares/rare elites that spawn along and near the wall the Rare Scanner will alert you about. Do this, I promise you won’t regret it. In my experience, traveling along this route alone and killing random things as they pop up can net you over 1500 bronze in a matter of minutes. Places to note here: tops of all of the watch towers along the wall, and above every major gate. Gate into the Vale from Kun-Lai, and the Gate of the Setting Sun. Always check these areas as they have a higher respawn that I have noticed, and there is almost always a 4-5 stack of nodes on TOP of the Gate of the Setting Sun.

Townlong Steppes: Oof…
Aerial Nodes - These are kind of spotty here. You can tell that the devs were just kinda over the aerial node placement here. They’re all over the place. Just fly around. The only area I would stay away from is the Shan’ze Dao area. I’ve seen a couple of nodes spawn there, but nothing worthy enough for me to fly over there regularly. Everywhere else, just fly around and look. In the trees, etc.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Kah’tir - 1-4
Lon the Bull - 1-4
The Yowler - 1-3
Eshelon - 1-4
Siltriss the Sharpener - 1-5
Lith’ik the Stalker - 1-5
Yul Wildpaw - 1-6
Krakkanon - See Jade Forest
Norlaxx - 1-4

Personally, I am not a big fan of this zone. Never was and am not now. I only collect here for Warbringer/Scout and the Monk Elite mob. You might find this to be your best collection spot!

Krasarang Wilds:
Aerial Nodes - similar to other zones, these are kind of spaced weirdly. For a cogent “path” to take, keep to the southern/middle parts of the zone, focusing on the outlying islands and areas near the Cradle of Chi-ji and Nayelli Lagoon, while swinging back up to do a flyby of Nat Pagle and co. on the way to Lions Landing to check for rares/rare elites. Lok’tar!!

Rares/Rare Elites:
Zandalaria Warbringer/Scout - hur hur see aburv
Lions Landing/Dominance Point - I don’t know if this is working as intended, but all of the rare/rare elite mobs in the Alliance portion of this drop more than your average bear. Kill these every time you’re doing a fly by, period. There are 3. Note: If any Alliance players can confirm if the Horde ones are dropping the same, that would be rad.
–These have been nerfed–
Dalan Nightbreaker - 3-5
Mavis Harms - 3-5
Disha Fearwarden - 3-5
–These have been nerfed–
Qu’nas - 1-4
Gaarn the Toxi - 1-4
Arness the Scale - 1-5
Go-Kan - 1-3 (might drop more, I have not had him drop more than 3)
Krakkanon - IYAM A FISSHHH!
Courinth Waterstrider - 1-4
Ruun Ghostpaw - 1-5
Spriggin - 1-4
Torik-Ethis - 1-4

Valley of the Four Winds:
Aerial Nodes - this is another good spot. Not as good as Jade Forest, but they’re everywhere. Fly through the entire zone and appreciate its AI Generated Majesty. I have not found any one place in particular to be better than another, but if I had to suggest an area, I’d stay in the northern part of the area near Halfhill and the waterfall/fields.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Salyin Warscout - 1-5 (spawns near Galleon)
Nasra Spothide - 1-6
Sele’na - 1-4
Sulik’shor - 1-4
Blackhoof - 1-5
Bonobos - 1-4
Nal’lak the Ripper - 1-4
Jonn-Dar - 1-4
Krakannon - Murrggglglglkkglgkggle!

Vale of Eternal Blossoms:
Aerial Nodes - All over the zone, just fly around and collect. High and low, they’re all over the place.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Aetha - 1-4
Major Nanners - 1-4
Shadowmaster Sydow - 1-5
Ai-Ran the Shifting Cloud - 1-6
Spirit of Lao-Fe - 1-6
Cracklefang - 1-5 (neat looking pet ThunderWOOF!)
Moldo One-Eye - 1-4
Vicejaw - 1-5
Urgolax - 1-5
Gochao the Ironfist - 1-6 (he can be pulled out of the cave with ranged/aoe abilities, don’t know if this is working as intended, if not /bugreport Blizzard, we can do this ^)
Bloodtip - 1-4
Huo-Shuang - 1-4
Kang the Soulthief - 1-5
Vyraxxis - 1-4
Bai-Jin the Butcher - 1-5
Bao-Lai the Immolator - 1-5
General Temuja - 1-5
Quid - 1-5
Sahn Tidehunter - 1-5
Yorik Sharpeye - 1-5
Kri’chon - 1-6
–Note: There are a lot of Rares/Rare Elites here. But in my experience, this has been the second most camped area next to The Timeless Isle.

The Dread Wastes:
Aerial Nodes - all over. This zone has the highest single multi-node that I am aware of in the game. Just before HoF, there is a little outdoor sculpture/temple/artifact thingy, this will have a 9 spawn on top of it. I have had all of these nodes be Large Nodes, and even if they’re not, in my experience these nodes have a high thread drop chance.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Zandalari Warbringer/Scout - IYAM A LOOT PINATA!
Krol the Blade - 1-5
Karr the Darkener - 1-5
Nalash Verdantis - 1-5
Ik-Ik the Nimble - 1-6
Omnis Grinlok - 1-6
Gar’lok - I actually don’t know the answer to this one, I have never found him up. I’ll assume 1-6
Ai-Li Skymirror - 1-6
Dak the Breaker - 1-5
Krakannon - People put me in soup while I am alive in Japan!

Isle of Giants:
Aerial Nodes - They do spawn here, and all over the place, but the mobs still hurt here pretty good. Farm here if you want to/don’t have the bone/egg mounts from this area. I don’t know if the eggs actually drop, I haven’t seen one, but I also have not speant any real amount of time farming here for anything. The Dinomancers are infinitely easier than even a baby dinosaur here.

Rares/Rare Elites:
War-God/Oondasta - then you leave with Jurassic Park music in your head.

Isle of Thunder:
Aerial Nodes - similar to Isle of Giants, these are just scattered about everywhere. You can use Meteor Chips to get around this island fast. Have I mentioned how much Meteor Chips are amazing in this mode? Cause, Meteor Chip. I never have enough of them. They’re on roof tops, hills, inside caves, everywhere here.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Mumta - 4-7
Ra’sha - 5-9
Ku’lai the Skyclaw - 5-9
Haywire Sunreaver Construct - 5-9
Progenitus - 4-9
Goda - 5-9
God-Hulk Ramuk - 3-9
Molthor - 4-6
Lu-Ban - 4-7
Al’tabim the All-Seeing - 4-9
Spirit Champions - these are the summoned mobs throughout the isle, you need 3 rock candies to summon them. 6-9 here in my experience, AND, they have no respawn or lockout. So long as you have people with candies, you can farm 'em.

Timeless Isle:
Aerial Nodes - just look around, you will see them. Slow fall kites and meteor chips are your BEST friend here.
Edit Note: I meant to put this in the original post, but forgot, sorry. With the change to Aerial Nodes, the Crane Statue Event at the top of the ramp to Ordos’ sanctuary can now also net a lot of threads. So much so, that when I typically do this event on my DH, I don’t even open chests. Even though I have, in fact, gotten threads out of the chests. But because of how many orbs are available when you start the event, the chests become superfluous in my opinion.

Rares/Rare Elites:
Chelon - ??? Have not seen them spawn, assuming 1-6 based on other data from the area
Dread Ship Vazuvius - 1-6
Archiereus of Flame - 1-8
Urdur the Cauterizer - 1-6
Flintlord Gairan - 1-6
Tsavo’ka - 1-6
Garnia - 1-9 (This is one of my favorite looking Battle Pets, just as an aside)
Champion of the Black Flame - 10-16 kill these every. single. time. they spawn.
Huolon - 4-9
Leafmender - 4-6
Spelurk - 4-6
Cinderfall - 4-8
Golganarr - 4-8
Krakannon - 4-7
Emerald Gander - 1-4
Ironfur Steelhorn - ??? Assuming 1-6 like the other Monk Master npcs.
Spirit of Jadefire - 1-5
–Note: I can’t recall the name of he mob, but in the same cave as Spirit of Jade fire is another rare elite with the eyeball monsters, and a chest event with the Skull Chest thing. So 4 events in total in 1 little space. Also a good area to kill elites for the daily.
Great Turtle Furyshell - ??? haven’t gotten him to spawn, can assume 4-6 here.
Imperial Python - 1-6
Gu’chi the Swarmbringer - 1-5
Zhu-Gon the Sour - 1-5
Evermaw - 4-9
Zesqua - 1-5
Jakur of Ordon - 4-7
Watcher Osu - 4-7
Rattleskew - 4-7 (I also got the Ooker Diving Helmet Toy here iirc)
Bufo - actually, this mob and the surrounding mobs do not exist. Just leave them alone, or let them kill you with the 10x poison stack and move on.
Monstrous Spineclaw - ??? I haven’t gotten him to spawn. Assuming 4-6
Stinkbraid - This little ship is a nice spot to farm if you have stuff to do irl. There are roughly 8-12 elites on the boat with not a lot of HP, and about a 10-25% thread drop chance, plus the Rare Elite spawn at the wheel on the boat.

As you can see from the above. Timeless Isle is easily the best place in the game to grind/farm out some levels for your stuff. Not to mention the high concentration of regular mobs you can kill from pack to pack to get additional threads/bronze on the way to our promised power level.

Edit: I will also add here, that having spent some time on the Isle of Thunder, this place might be on par with Timeless Isle, pending time of day. The ready availability of mobs on Timeless make it easier for sure; however, if you can get in with a big group of people that are farming out Spirit Elites, this will easily trump anything that Timeless Isle can provide. Champions drop Bronze equitable with all Rare Elite mobs in the world, giving you a chance to potentially farm 1k bronze in 15-20 seconds. This, going off of the math that each one of the mobs drops say 23-103 Bronze, and if you get the high end, 10 kills at 103 bronze, is 1k Bronze. Math. Yay. These mobs do not last long when they spawn, so tag quick/make a group and kill to your hearts content. The last thing that I will add here is that due to the locations of a lot of the rock candy towers on Isle of Thunder, to me, it’s more fun to run from conduit to conduit farming rares/rare elites along the way to the next conduit. This also helps people on the Isle get their Shado-pan Assault quest done. And who doesn’t like collective progression in a super fun mode?

I hope this helps some of you in some way! Happy RemiX’ing everyone!


Dude what a high quality post. Thank you for your service


This post is a bad idea. All it’s going to do is fuel the flame for future nerfs because whiners will whine about players using this data efficiently. Because gods forbid we have efficient farms in this game, everyone needs to beat their head against the same exact rock in the same exact way.


Finally, something worth reading on this forum. Thanks, op!


This is some good information!

Also it is a preview of what’s gonna be in the next hotfix patch notes. :slight_smile:


It might be okay as long as it doesn’t end up in a wowhead article :upside_down_face:


10/10 post. You are a king/queen among us all.

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Careful, blizz doesn’t wan you farming stuff. And if your cloak gets to big they might nerf you.


There’s always a hater.

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Vale has nice orb spots ; )

Nice guide.


Thanks for this addendum; however, I purposefully left this out, as I don’t want to unintentionally promote any kind of bug or exploit. Just wanted to provide general aggregate information. :slight_smile:


Blizzard is not nerfing all ways to get things. They’re just nerfing mob farming. Blizzard clearly intends for you to play all of the expansion, so this post that contains a detailed list of all the daily activities to do and zone rares etc is in line with what they expect.

And even if you use this data efficiently, it still wouldn’t add up to the astronomical amounts of bronze people were getting from hyperspawns.

I’m not the group screeching about any kind of advanced tech, efficient farm, or neat trick and trying to get them removed from the game.

Lets try to keep this as positive of a thread as we can guys. I don’t want this thread turning into another complaint fest like almost every single other thread here. <3 Everybody love Everybody <3 Happy Hunting in the RemiX!


Nerfing mob farming is utterly stupid though, that’s been a staple of the MMO genre since the days of Meridian 59 and EverQuest. It was an alternate route to power.

It should be viable, and dungeon resource output should be balanced against that, rather than locking down any interesting facet of the game that can lead to advancement.

What’s more concerning though isn’t necessarily the removal of the farm, but the retroactive punishment of players for playing the game offered to them in the way it’s been played for nigh-on a decade. That is a worrying precedent that Blizzard has set, and legitimately begs the question of if we’re supposed to ask if we’re allowed to kill groups of mobs nowadays. There was someone in this very forum asking if it’s okay to mass-kill frogs for gems.

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It wasn’t an alternate route. It was so lucrative it was the route, it consumed all other routes. It was so lucrative that players segregated into two different classes of players. It was so lucrative you could be done with the mode in a few hours.

Bronze gain was abysmal at the start for any other method, and they’ve since improved those. If anything, mob farming should’ve been balanced against other methods. But we’ve already gone over this, I just don’t think they had a QA team to really help them work this out.

Is it interesting because someone can just sit in one area and spam AOE spells to cap out on gear, bronze, and the cloak in a matter of hours? Again, if dungeons, scenarios, etc., were balanced against hyperspawn farming, people would be done with the event in hours. Blizzard clearly wants this mode to last for a little while at the very least.

This is people being histrionic. As I have pointed out multiple times and no one complaining about this has even acknowledged it because they know that this is the truth: The cloak nerf doesn’t matter because you don’t get to keep it anyway. The only thing you keep are the cosmetics and the item level, which will be replaced in TWW later this summer anyway.

Mob farming has never really been a viable path to late state power in WoW. It has been a viable path to rep farming and currency farming, but not specifically to power. You are not able to get Mythic raid level gear by just mob farming in WoW, at least, for the most part. Titanforging notwithstanding.

I don’t suspect Blizzard will remove ilvl or cosmetics from people who got bronze, because they did not bother to do this and instead gave everyone else bronze to catch up a little.

Y’all just can’t help yourselves, can you? I give you a literal Bible of how to beat this event, easy mode, and yet you still argue with each other. THIS is the problem. Not the frogs. Not the mechanics. Not the tinker gems. Not the scaling. People’s inability to turn it off in light of being positive. Christ…


Then bring up the other routes. Yes, this means that the ‘fast and overpowered’ event might get done with quickly. Oh the horror, a quick way to advance in WoW that isn’t a paid boost. This isn’t supposed to be a Retail squeezefest of our time, this is meant to be a goofy event where suddenly Garrosh is fighting for his life against 25 raid bosses.

Hammering it with the ‘Fun Detected, Fun Nerfed’ retail bat is stupid. This isn’t Retail, and nothing in this mode aside from mogs and character levels will carry over.

Firstly, one of, if not the biggest MMO on the planet just not having the pennies to throw at QA is laughable and unacceptable if it’s actually true. If this is the kind of penny-pinching they have in mind, then TWW is going to be a disaster.

Secondly, you’re right. Bronze gain was absolutely atrocious. As was the wild overtuning of mobs and instances once you hit 70. Guess what the solution was? And because this balanced out the problem so nicely, people rightly figured this was acceptable gameplay because, guess what, it let people actually play the game.

The frog farms weren’t the problem, they were the solution.

That’s what alts are for. This entire event is based around three things: Mog farming, super-powered players, and raising alts. Blizzard is hopelessly naive if they think they’re actually going to get 3 months of engagement out of a side mode that will up and vanish in 90 days with nothing to show for it. Let your players have fun blasting through content that might otherwise stonewall them, nothing aside from the mogs matter here, and a majority of those can be earned even harder on Retail-side.

Then why bother worrying about people who hit the ceiling faster? You’re right, the removal of the frog farm made two classes of player and locked in those castes. Do you know what the solution was? The frog farm. If they’d just stop trying to apply every little Retail balancing metric to the mode, people wouldn’t be whining nearly as much because, as the frog farm and other farms that came from its ashes proved, there were other routes to power and the gulf would vanish by the Johnny-Come-Latelies doing their grind, getting powered up and joining the fun.

Now we’re literally at a point where players are asking ‘is it okay to farm this mob now?’ That’s absurd.

If someone found a way to reliably farm up drops and was willing to roll the dice on Titanforging, would that be an exploit now? Does it have to be raid-or-die again? What about alternate resources that yield almost as much, if not more influence, like cornering the AH or gathering nodes?

The biggest mistake Blizzard has made is making M+ and Heroics be the top end for player power, instead of letting them just hold titles and mogs.

40K is a pittance. That’s one round of gear upgrades, and between two to four days of Bronze farming, depending on your rates.

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<3 thank you for changing this.

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I’m just disagreeing with Lingxiu on this issue. I’m not being negative or angry about it. I have nothing against them, I just don’t agree with their assessment here. That’s what forums are for. Agreement, disagreement, discussion.

The scaling was definitely a problem though, particularly on Dark Animus it still is.