PSA: MoP RemiX - The Numbers (Where to get stuff)

No arguments on the scaling. Nor your point on the purpose of forums, or free speech. But there are TONS of other forums for discussing just that. There needs to be at least 1 positive post in this cesspool, and my momma would kill me if I didn’t at least try to do that here. Again, please keep this thread as positive and informative for EVERYONE as possible. <3 Everybody love Everybody. <3

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I mean, this game isn’t called “World of WARcraft” for nothing… :stuck_out_tongue:

But this game mode is the HP LOVEcraft version of WoW. :smiley:

People need to get over and stop whining about animus. It isn’t a “scaling” issue it is a “mechanics” issue. Animus, unlike all the other bosses on normal, isn’t a 100% total zerg fest…it’s a 99% zergest.

Animus tank picks up the nearest 2 small adds and plops them RIGHT on top of animus. Everyone else slaps their own individual single add 1-2 times to hold off healer aggro and then pummels the animus tank adds/animus. It’s literally that simple. Stop freaking out and running around scared of the tickle add and getting them linked up and hella boosting their damage and stuff.

Mobs hitting for over 1mil is a scaling issue.

I’m not saying it’s not possible. But at the rates of damage that are going out, there is no margin for error. The mobs should maybe not oneshot people if they make a mistake on normal. On heroic, sure, make that the mode where you lose instantly if you do one thing wrong.

Hitting for 1 mil is fine when the failure mechanic is meant to hella boost their damage. We can maybe agree it’s too hard for the unwashed masses who are used to literally ignoring mechanics on every other boss to suddenly care about a singular niche ability on 1 boss that isn’t even an end boss in a raid, but it’s still not a tuning issue because those same mobs don’t hit for squat when they don’t have their buddies nearby to give them all the crazy damage boost.

I’m not gonna lose sleep if Blizzard guts the fight/mechanic but I’m tired of seeing people here and ingame keep this defeatest attitude that the fight is down to pure luck or “froggers carrying” and refuse to solve their own problem just as I’m beyond hella tired of my own alts getting declined for the freest of free content because group leaders are under this dumb delusion that if they don’t magically get a frogger, heart of fear 10N (and all the other normal raids) is now unkillable forcing me to make my own groups and compete with the others for the warm bodies which is all it takes and perpetuating this misbelief keeps people deluded. Animus is fine. Do what I said and I’ll 99.9% guarantee he’ll fall over dead.

The arguably most damning part is that, assuming they did a flat rollback and didn’t track how many threads the player collected ,odds are you are screwed anyway. You might not have farmed frogs and still have your cloak rolled back, and I fear they didn’t save the threads so if you didn’t frog farm (for example , I didn’t) , odds are they won’t be able to restore your Cloak so you are screwed either way.

What a horrendous event, man. It’s saying something when some people are even reevaluating their opinions about plunderstorm. At least plunderstorm didn’t punish you for something you did not do.

Yeah, but I’m done trying to argue this at this point. I’ve spoken my peace about it several times, and every time I present the facts stated above, I’m still called a frogger scum and the like. Is what it is. I don’t care about getting my cloak restored at this point. My cloak is already HIGHER than it was post-nerf than it was pre-nerf using the exact guide I detail above. But you know, everyone will have to excuse my froggerness. Again, happy RemiX!

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Same boat. So damn depressing they’d let this happen. Meanwhile, the other night I found a tank with 11M hp in heroic HOF who allegedly did frogs but wasn’t rolled back. What an atrocious mess of a event.

…No, not on Animus. Getting hit for over a million by the small animus adds means you’re failing the ‘don’t let the adds link with each other’ mechanic to an extreme degree.

They hit like wet noodles by themselves. Each link increases attack speed by 250% and damage by 150%, with the damage stacking multiplicatively.

Let’s say the adds hit for 10,000 normally. The first link increases that damage to 25,000. The second link increases that damage to 62,500. The third link increases that damage to 156,250. The fourth link increases that damage to 390,625. The fifth link increases that damage to 976,562.5.

Follow this guide and you too can be powerful like OP, it only takes 16 hours a day for 9 days straight.

The first link causes them to hit for 1mil in my experience. Just one add being out of place meant that they were hitting for 1mil, 3 times in quick succession.

If it worked as you’re suggesting, that would be fine. I get the failure condition of the mechanic and I’m cool with it, but that wasn’t my experience.

No instead you’re just screeching into the void.

Did you track rates of income when you tested these?

Orbing while killing rares seems to be a better way to farm bronze. It’s about the same income per minute as raiding but it’s repeatable. (At least when I tested them.)

I was already tracking too much, and I also felt like putting any kind of Bronze rate attached to this would leave it open to more flaming. It’s so subjective, too. So I tested mine, personally, yes - but nothing that I will share due to the nature of factors present in this game outside of our control.

Well I wouldn’t go so far as to call it subjective but it doesn’t really matter that much, I can test stuff myself at some point, but it would just be easier for me if you gave me roughs since that data exists already.

I’ve been collecting rough information bronze/minute rates for various activities here,

I’m trying to rank activities by bronze/min and relate it back to gear buys. (I want to try speed farming bronze basically.)

For orb-ing, I only tested what I thought was the best area, Jade Forest, and it would be useful to know if there are other areas that where similar or better. If you have other information too, like thread collection rates data, which I did not collect, that would be more useful. (Even like average threads per rare, so less specific, would be good.) (This is in there well enough I think.)

GJ by the way there’s a lot of useful information here already.

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Happy to help! Thanks for sharing your info, too! That’s what this whole thread was started for, and it seems like yours, too! We need more of you.