PSA: Make Tinker Goblin and Gnome exclusive

How many ships have the spacegoats had? How many have they crashed?


How many goblin and gnomish creations have exploded or not worked properly?

Did the Goblins in Area 52 ever get their space ship working?

Goblin tinker and Goblin Alchemist are the two hero units not represented in WoW classes yet.

The tinker class could add both of these into its kit.

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You forgot Mechagnomes. They would be at the top of the list no matter what. Plus, the Alliance deserves an extra for getting stuck with those things, need to be useful for something.


I am using 20 year old memories here, but wasn’t Mountain King, Blood Mage, and Lich hero classes in WC3?

For once I agree with the gnome

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Isn’t that what tinkers do? Fiddle with tech created by others?

Naaru tech.

Blackfuse tech is from a goblin

All their tech came from gnome inspiration

Ironic you’re posting this from a Draenei who are known for their engineering/artifice. I would definitely want it open to them too. And Dwarves have to be allowed, come on.

Necromancer literally has nothing to offer than steal things from Death Knights and Warlocks.

How do you do other necromancer specs without stealing from the classes mentioned?

Draenei tech is mostly magical and even directly from the Naaaru.

The Nightborne using a spell to shrink people isn’t the same as a gnome creating a shrink ray from scrap metal and a chemical compound.


user error.

Not sure. Those penny pinchers still owe for the half the parts.

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They aren’t fiddling… they literally find a shrink ray then tell you to test it out??

So? All WoW engineering is magitech, sourced from a combination of crystals/gems, magical ores and elementals. Eredar were doing it before the Naaru showed up.

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Even if the Narru taught them, they are still now able to construct their own light forged war machines.

Blackfuse yes, but Black Rock no.

Which doesn’t mater as there is a dwarf tinker NPC. Just because people made cars now does that mean they are not car designers since they didn’t invent it first?

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This is false.

Blackfuse tech is nothing but automation.

Yeah and all maghar tech is them following blackfuse…??

Those were also created by the Naaru.

Should be treated like Monks if it becomes a thing.


Draenei already have better tech, it’d be tremendously stupid to restrict tinkers to gnome and goblin.

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You’re beating a dead horse, draenei tech was created from the Naaru… this is like calling felmurlocs intelligent because the legion giving them tech.

Even orcs can follow basic instructions key maghar following Blackfuse(goblin) instructions.

Lol you didn’t play the last expacs it seems. We see them creating their tech in WoD, no naaru involved and they made the vindicaar, not a naaru vessel like the exodar. Same as the warframes and more.

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