You mean the guy whose tech is all based on an ore that came from the bodies of gigantic primordial elementals crafted by the Titans? Yep, no magic there.
Source on this? Also Naaru teach <> creating.
Still used, maintained, depended and innovated on, and understood by the Draenei. Still eons ahead of the Gnomes and their doofy gizmos or the Goblins and their hyped up fireworks.
The Iron Horde had two whole years between the arrival of Garrosh and the events of WoD - that technology is theirs.
Yeah, and Human mages were first trained by Elves. And all Monks come from Pandaren inspiration. All Paladins save for the Zandalari stem from Human inspiration. Druids, save the Trolls, Night Elven inspiration.
The whole point is, you don’t have to “invent” something to be proficient at it on a world class level. All the examples here have shown tremendous skill and aptitude with technology on par or greater than anything the Tinkerer would bring to the table, and at a scale that could be leveraged as an entire class as opposed to having one or two isolated examples.
That’s more basis and argument for their inclusion than you’ll get with many class combinations.
So with this logic Orcs are just intelligent and creative as Goblins because they can follow basic instructions (Maghar orc, blackfuse tech)
What are you literally talking about? Blackfuse is from Mop and the tech Garrosh brought was what allowed them to fight back the legion??
This 100%. I have yet to see an argument about why other races cannot be tinkers. There are simply too many other races that have and use technology, and all of the technology is WoW has some magical aspect to them.
Once more: Blackfuse’s technology is based on a magical ore.
And even if you were right and his tech was completely mundane (it isn’t), that still doesn’t prove your other point, which is that no other race’s bright engineers or artificers are capable of learning it. That is complete nonsense. (And tinkers wouldn’t be exclusively based on Blackrock engineering anyway.)
So no, tinkers should not be gnome/goblin only.
How did he get this in mop?
Make DHs playable by all races.
Make tinkerers playable by all races.
The same way the main timeline Blackrock Orcs did. Draenor doesn’t only exist in WoD. WoD’s version of Draenor simply has tons more of the stuff (due to, well, not being blown to pieces) - enough to fuel an army, which is what Garrosh/Grom/Rend did.
Dwarves should be able to be tinkers.
So blackfuse went to AU Draenor before siege of Orgimmar to create all his tech.
Wow that’s not what happened at all lmao
Just a PSA.
BlackRock orcs were known for their blacksmithing… not for engineering or being tinkers. Garrosh went to the past and brought technical know how with him.
You’re not listening. No AU Draenor in MoP is needed.
So we should delete priest and paladin? We already had light and void ability on argus.
We also have herbalist and we had a garden in Mop. Should we delete restro druid because we already have a nature profession?
At this point also delete warrior. Why would we need warrior when we already have blacksmith profession.
Why having mage when we already have inscription???
Which is exactly why other races are clearly capable of taking the tech invented by gnomes and goblins and putting it to use as a class. The same way Monks were open to many races as Pandas taught it to them.
He didn’t go to Outland either and Guldan himself killed the elements in outland
Garrosh CAME from Outland, smart guy. Blackfuse didn’t need to go anywhere.
Are you just making stuff up now lmao.
Maghar tech, iron Horde tech comes from Blackfuse. Who’s a goblin period.
He didn’t use magic. The iron juggernaut from siege of Orgimmar is strictly mechanical machine with no ore from AU draenor or outland.
the playable DHs are currently only the ones that were at the Black Temple and trained by Illidan himself during the BC expansion. illidan only trained elves back then, and no one has bothered training a new set of DHs since they were released during Legion.
also building turrets isn’t as difficult or intensive as consuming the soul of a demon and then constantly fighting it for dominance the rest of your life. pretty certain basically every race can pick up a wrench and screw some bolts, but not every race has the innate magic resistance and lifespan required to host the power of a DH.
Zandalari Daemonics are a variant of demon hunters just like Zandalari prelates are a variant of Paladins