PSA: FFXIV has BIG sale until August 22

Tyvm for this. I just got it. Much appreciated.

Nice, enjoy!


Thanks for informing friend, I shall purchase it today

Also perfect time for sale with uhm…(you know what I mean :rofl:)

You literally cut the sentence in half, and replied to the second half of it. That’s next-level cherry picking, that is.

FFXIV does a lot of things better than WoW, especially retail WoW. If you enjoyed the old WoW gearing system (justice and valor badges), if you enjoy well written stories, well designed classes that are balanced in PvE and just overall a more friendly environment then FFXIV is the better game.

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This thread reads like an infomercial where someone can’t cut a tomato correctly so they need to bring in an expensive machine that costs only $19.95 (plus the extra 500 or so to get it actually working)

I should have got the whale mount when they had it.

Very pretty kitty! <3

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Thanks for the tip, see you in ff14

yea buy a game thats going to put you to sleep

final snooze 14

I still think FF is the better mmo, but I always lose interest in playing it after a few months. Could just be that I’m sick of mmo’s but continue to play wow due to simply growing up with it.

The first final fantasy online was awful, but ARR is a strong contender to hold the main mmo torch due to it only getting better. I know the weeb visuals throw lots of people off, but for me I actually get worn out from the absurd level of content the game has. Sounds like a weird complaint, but my god is that game packed full of things to the point you don’t even know where to begin. The MSQ alone is a huge time investment and it only increases if you do little side bits and level up tons of jobs along with it.

Also this dudes quest is just funny.

To add a tidbit about how good the community is on FFARR.

While I do believe the community as a whole is obviously better than wows. The main reason for this is that their devs and game masters are extremely hands on and the punishments for being a complete tool are much harsher to the point that people who would normally be a toxic donkey feel compelled to keep their mouth shut for fear of losing their account.

Thankfully they haven’t adopted Blizzards weird take on harsh punishments like perma bans not being effective. I’d imagine losing everything you’ve worked on for years would be extremely effective, but that’s just me.


yay! hildibrand quests!

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The embodiment of Chad.

I installed it and it certainly looks fun. But everytime I press ‘W’ to run, it just types “wwwwwwwwwww” into my chat and I have NO idea how to fix it.

I get really frustrated with Games if they don’t do what’s right first up!

But my character is very pretty. :smiley:


You might have selected to play with controller when you first got into the game, it makes it so the keyboard is primarily for chatting.

To fix your issue, In game, press Escape >> Character Configuration >> On the top left of the window there is a switch that a mouse and a controller icon on it. Click that. That should fix it.

Aw yeah baby troubleshooting FF14 stuff on the wow forums!! xD


Thank you so much! I do admit I had no idea what I was doing.

I saved your reply in case they delete it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Which is a good thing if you think about it, when was the last time Blizzard had their servers full except like 2 or 3?

Thank you Kindly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

How much is Square Enix paying you to post here?


Nothing I think that’s crazy. Kinda puts a light on the situation when people who have at some point paid or bought a token off to post on the forums about another game.