PSA: Earthen Heritage Armor

Just a head up, you don’t need to level an alt up to 50 to get the Earthen heritage armor. I race changed my main and was offered the quest when I logged in.


Same for me.

I wasn’t til I relogged after making my paladin alt.

Would love to go get but yeah… that’s not going great .

I’m sure I’m in the minority but I think that’s kind of a lame change.

The armor was supposed to be a reward for putting in the effort to level a character the “legit” way.


Can someone confirm if you can get it if you use a lv70 boost?

Let’s be real though… it is totally legitimate to ask for confirmation because blizzard has frequently been dishonest in what they say on forum posts or marketing material posts… compared to what actually ends up in live. So it is better to ask for confirmation that something actually happened in game… rather than asking if there was a blue post promising that something would happen.

I do agree. But on the other hand, meh. Doesn’t actually bother me at all. People can level to 50 so fast anyway. Within a few hours of earthen being released you wouldn’t know if a person leveled to get their set or paid for it.

They also updated their support page though which spells it out clearly. The only restriction is the old recruit a friend free levels.

“Using a Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change no longer disqualifies the character from doing Heritage Armor quests.”


Does this apply to all allied races or just Earthen??


I did mine the ol fashioned way. i wish i wouldve know i probably wouldve used the 60 boost i had from shadowlands

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And they also used to have the exalted requirement. I, for one, am glad they changed that.

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They gave it to us for free because it is super ugly.

Look who’s talking. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Hey I didn’t design naked dragon extravaganza, I just live the life.

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can you really be naked if you don’t have jubblies to begin with?

My inner self has yet to contemplate this hard enough, I’ll get back to you on that.

I noticed this has been the case since the start of the expansion for all allied races. The boost no longer takes away the ability to get it. It warns you when you boost but it still offers it to you once you get in game. That goes for all the vanilla race heritage armor to. I completed 4 allied race heritage armors with boosts