PSA: Earthen Heritage Armor

I just level because I want challenge and rewards that are worth something.

Yes, I boosted this character and was able to do the quest (is a VERY short quest by the way), even though when you buy the boost it says that you won’t be able to do the heritage quests (Blizz really needs to update that).

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crazy that at one time, you couldn’t if you did. Like it was some badge of honor for lvling the old fashioned way.

For the third time…none of us were asking what forum posts or web pages say. We wanted actual proof of what people achieve in game… because blizzard frequently lies on their forum posts or marketing materials. The proof we wanted is actual other players doing this in game and having it count, and having it appear in their collections. Which I have now gotten… but it never came from any web page or forum post or marketing material.